Tech trends 2022

The year 2021 was strange, you can read more of it from A 2021 technology retrospective: Strange days indeed. But how strange will 2022 be? Here are some predictions for year 2022:

2022 preview: Will the global computer chip shortage ever end?
The growing demand for computer chips, used in everything from cars to fridges, has collided with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic, leading to a global shortage that is likely to continue through 2022
Read more:

Industry Transforming In Ways Previously Unimaginable

As we look back over 2021, there have certainly been some surprises, but the industry continues to take everything in its stride.

2022 tech themes: A look ahead

The continued COVID-19 question mark: The world quickly and dramatically changed. It hasn’t yet reverted to pre-pandemic characteristics, and it very likely never will. Sad but true, the pandemic isn’t even close to being over yet.
Deep learning’s Cambrian moment: Look at today’s participant-rich deep learning silicon and software market, spanning both training and inference.
The ongoing importance of architecture: As the number of transistors that it’s possible to cost-effectively squeeze onto a sliver of silicon continues to slow, what you build out of those transistors becomes increasingly critical.
Open source processors’ time in the sun: There is a burgeoning RISC-V movement. It’s likely a little-known fact to some of you, that a public domain instruction set for v2 and earlier versions of the Arm ISA exists. And both Sun (with OpenSPARC) and IBM (OpenPOWER) have also joined the open-source silicon movement.
The normalization of remote work (and the “Great Resignation’s” aftershocks): I suspect that, to at least a notable degree, we won’t ever completely return to the “way it was before.” In fact, I’d wager that having a taste of a work-from-home or “hybrid” employment lifestyle is one of the key factors behind the so-called “Great Resignation” that tech and broader media alike inform me is well underway.
The metaverse starts to stir: Perhaps we’ll look back at 2022 as the year when the crossing of the chasm started in earnest.
Autonomy slowly accelerates: 2021 was another year filled with fully autonomous car tests and premature “coming soon” pronouncements; 2022 will likely be the same.
Batteries get ever denser, ever more plentiful, and ever cheaper
Space travel becomes commonplace

Global semiconductor industry forecasts for 2022

“2021 is the year that everyone remembered that chip mattered,” said Wired Magazine. So far 2022 seems likely to be another fruitful year for the semiconductor industry.

World Semiconductor Trade Statistics (WSTS) also has predicted that the global semiconductor market is projected to grow by 8.8 percent in 2022, to US$ 601 billion, driven by double-digit growth of the sensors and logic category. All regions and all product categories are expected to continue positive growth. Wafer foundry manufacturers sales likely to remain strong due to tight supply. 5G smartphone silicon content increase to drive demand for foundry service higher. Demand for digital transformation is here to stay, no sign of weakening for foundry service sales.

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated digital transformation over the past two years. Work from home, virtual conference, and remote learning have driven up the demand for cloud computing, laptops, and servers, and hence the sales growth of related semiconductor products. Demands for CPU, GPU, AI accelerator (including FPGA) foundry services will remain strong in 2022 because trends such as virtual conferences, live streaming, and large capex of data centers are likely to stay. Long-term demands for customized chips in IoT, 5G infrastructure, HPC, and EV applications, like ADAS, autonomous driving, V2X, in-Vehicle Infotainment, will provide robust growth momentum for chip foundry services.

Chip crunch is not ending in 2022, as the lead time of some electronic components is stretching into 2023. Meanwhile, the increasing adoption of RISC-V open standard instruction set architecture is an important trend that can not be ignored. RISC-V market will double its size in 2022, compared to 2021, as it is attracting small and medium-size chip designers and manufacturers, especially those in China. RISC-V designs are now being used by Qualcomm, Samsung, Google, Microchip, Nvidia, and more.

Taiwan’s chip industry emerges as a battlefront in US-China showdown

The country dominates production of chips used in almost all civilian and military technologies. That leaves the US and Chinese economies reliant on plants that would be in the line of fire in an attack on Taiwan. The vulnerability is stoking alarm in Washington

40 prosenttia pienempiä latureita

The size of a standard mobile phone charger can be reduced by up to 40 percent when using GaN components or it can be designed to produce more power in the same size. GaN chargers are becoming the most popular charger technology for billions of devices, so it’s no wonder that European semiconductor giant STMicroelectronics is also excited about them.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tämä hollantilainen lähde väittää, että Hollanti ei suostuisi DUV-banniin Kiinaa vastaan, koska pelkää Kiinan vastaiskua vielä enemmän kuin Yhdysvaltojen.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Vielä viivanleveydestä eli kuinka ne ovat enemmän markkinointitermejä ja esim. Intelin 10 nm prosessin transistoritiheys on hienoisesti parempi kuin TSMC:n 7 nm.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The Chip Shortage Leads To The Strangest Things

    The global chip shortage has not made the life of the electronic design engineer an easy one, as products have been designed around whatever parts are available rather than the first choices. This has manifested itself in some unexpected ways, including as [CNX software] investigates, products whose multiple-choice bill of materials has led to mistakes being made in manufacture.

    On the face of it, designing a PCB with two sets of footprints to accommodate more than one part choice is a clever move. But as Radxa found out with their Rock 3A single board computer, this could lead to a production mishap as some boards left the production line with a mix-and-match BoM in their USB PD circuitry which left them unable to operate from voltages above 5 V. The board has footprints for both an Injoinic and a WCH part, and the faulty boards appear to have the support components fitted for the other chip to the one on the board.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Another consequence of supply shortage: mass production mishaps

    Chips may suddenly disappear from the supply chain or get really expensive due to the recurring supply shortage, companies are now designing their PCBs to support multiple chips either selecting drop-in replacements or creating multiple footprints to cater to at least one alternative part. That means one PCB and multiple bill-of-materials are needed to be more resilient to any supply disruption.

    Radxa did that on the ROCK 3A board for the USB PD circuitry with the ability to use either Injoinic IP2315 or WCH CH224D IC. Those are not pin-to-pin compatible chips, and two circuitry were made for the board requiring two BoMs as it’s not just possible to only replace IP2315 by CH224D.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    GlobalFoundries, Google Push for More Open-Source Silicon
    Aug. 11, 2022
    Google hopes its work with GlobalFoundries will give a boost to the open-source foundry model.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kathrin Hille / Financial Times:
    China’s SMIC producing 7nm chips is a breakthrough but experts suggest yields are low due to lacking EUV; SMIC must now decide if it wants to mass produce 7nm

    China’s chip breakthrough poses strategic dilemma
    How much time and money will SMIC sink into producing its new semiconductor at scale?

    A breakthrough by China’s largest chipmaker revealed last month triggered a gasp of surprise among observers outside the industry. But the move by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation to start shipping advanced “7 nanometre” semiconductors had only been a matter of time.

    The more interesting question now is how much time and money the company is willing to sink into producing them at scale using a method their international rivals have abandoned for a more efficient one.

    That development, expected to unfold over the coming year, will show whether Chinese chipmakers are really ready to prioritise the political cause of making their country self-sufficient over the business case of making money.

    For starters, 7nm — the marketing name for a technology process for making chips — is one generation behind the most advanced in mass production. It trails the 5nm generation of chips offered by industry leaders Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company and South Korea’s Samsung. And 7nm is just the minimum required for the high-performance computing chips that rapidly process large amounts of data in everything from servers to smartphones.

    Since hiring former TSMC veteran Liang Mong-song as its co-chief executive in 2017, SMIC has made advances in mastering manufacturing technology generations such as 16nm and 10nm.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China’s chip breakthrough poses strategic dilemma
    How much time and money will SMIC sink into producing its new semiconductor at scale?

    A breakthrough by China’s largest chipmaker revealed last month triggered a gasp of surprise among observers outside the industry. But the move by Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation to start shipping advanced “7 nanometre” semiconductors had only been a matter of time.

    The more interesting question now is how much time and money the company is willing to sink into producing them at scale using a method their international rivals have abandoned for a more efficient one.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jon Porter / The Verge:
    Android 13 begins rolling out today to Google’s Pixel phones, earlier in the year than the previous two Android annual updates — Google’s major OS update is a little early this year — This year’s major Android update, Android 13, is officially releasing today for Google’s Pixel phones, the search giant has announced.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ian King / Bloomberg:
    Experts say the chip market is facing an “inventory correction”, which could be the worst downturn in a decade, as the global economy weakens and demand fades

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nyt kannattaa olla tehtaaton

    52, 53, 26, 71 ja 32. Siinä viiden suurimman tehtaattoman puolijohdeyrityksen kasvuprosentit vuoden alusta. Fabless-malli näyttää toimivan monilla sektoreilla loistavasti, kertoo TrendForcen raportti.

    Tehtaattomien suurin ja kaunein on tietysti Qualcomm, jonka Snapdragon-piirit löytyvät useammasta kuin joka toisesta Android-älypuhelimesta. Tammi-maaliskuussa Qualcommin liikevaihto kasvoi jo yli 9,5 miljardin dollarin. Kasvuprosentti oli huikea 52.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    3D-konenäköä 3 millin tarkkuudella

    3D-konenäköä 3 millin tarkkuudella

    Julkaistu: 16.08.2022

    Devices Embedded

    Analog Devices on tuonut teollisuuteen signaalin lentoaikaa mittaavan iToF-moduulin, joka pystyy mittaamaan etäisyydet +/- 3 millimetrin tarkkuudella. ADTF3175-moduuli on tarkoitettu konenäkösovelluksiin teollisuusautomaatiosta logistiikkaan, terveydenhuoltoon ja lisättyyn todellisuuteen.

    ADTF3175 tarjoaa suunnittelijoille skaalautuvan, täysin suunnitellun ja kalibroidun syvyysmittausjärjestelmän, joka voidaan integroida 3D-anturi- ja -näköjärjestelmiin. Tällä eliminoidaan tarve lisätä järjestelmiin erikoisoptiikkaa.

    ADI:n ToF-osaston johtaja Tony Zarolan mukaan konenäössä on omaksuttava harppaus pienempien, hienovaraisempien kohteiden nopeampaa havaitsemiseen teollisuusympäristöissä.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China’s largest foundry is warning about slowing demand for chips as consumer electronics sales soften; TSMC had a similar comment last month.

    Warning from China’s largest foundry: consumer demand for smartphones is softening

    China’s largest foundry, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corp. (SMIC), is nowhere close to having the same capabilities to produce cutting-edge chips as TSMC and Samsung. Still, as China dreams about being self-sufficient when it comes to chips, SMIC’s most advanced chips are basic 7nm SoCs for cryptocurrency miners, and 14nm smartphone chips. That compares to the 3nm chips that TSMC and Samsung are shipping this year.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    US bans export of tech used in 3nm chip production on security grounds
    Not mentioned: China. Obvious target: China – even if the country hasn’t designed advanced chips

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A New Normal Is Dividing the Global Chip Industry

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    25 prosenttia enemmän irti aurinkokennosta

    Perovskiittikalvoista puhutaan paljon aurinkokennojen kehityksessä. Kyse on periaatteessa edullisesti valmistettavasta mineraalikalvosta, jonka lisääminen kennorakenteeseen parantaa kennon hyötysuhdetta. Ruotsalaisen Evolarin kalvolla tandem- eli kaksikerrosrakenne generoi auringonvalosta 25 prosenttia enemmän sähköä.

    Evolar kehittää omia perovskiittimateriaaleja, joita voidaan hyödyntää aurinkokennojen tandem- eli monikerrosrakenteissa. Perinteiset aurinkokennot ovat luotettavia ja halpoja, mutta ne ovat saavuttaneet maksimikykynsä muuntaa valoa sähköksi.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How CXL Fits into the Future of Memory
    Aug. 5, 2022
    Microchip’s new SMC 2000 series helps open the door to CXL-attached memory in the data center.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China criticizes the $52B CHIPS Act, saying the legislation violates fair market principles and targets Beijing’s efforts to boost its domestic chip industry — China lashed out at a $52 billion program to expand American chipmaking, saying the landmark blueprint contains elements …

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The United States has moved to restrict export of a critical chipmaking software, making the ban the latest battlefront in the US-China trade war.

    Inside the software that will become the next battle front in US-China chip war
    The US has moved to restrict export of EDA software. What is it, and how will the move affect China?

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Cloud and datacenters start to feel the slowdown amid spiking energy costs
    While enterprises are spending more on infrastructure than ever before, what goes up must come down

    The datacenter industry may be starting to feel the effects of the economic slowdown, leading to further impacts on IT vendors and other suppliers, according to reports, while operators in the UK in particular are feeling the pain from rising energy costs.

    Cloud and hyperscale companies may have seemed less vulnerable to swings in the wider economy, thanks to the growing adoption of cloud services over the past decade. This was especially so during the pandemic, when many businesses were forced to upscale their use of cloud services to ensure staff could continue to work remotely.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sähkön hinta iskee datakeskusbuumiin sähkölaskut kasvavat jättimäisiksi
    Energian hinnan nousu alkaa vaikuttaa jo datakeskusten kuluihin ja pilvipalveluja pyörittävien jättiyhtiöiden tuloksiin. Pilvipalvelujen kolme suurinta eli Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure ja Amazon Web Services raportoivat hidastuneesta kasvusta viimeisimmissä tulosraporteissaan. Aiempaa kalliimmat sähkölaskut ovat yksi merkittävä syy liiketoiminnan heikkenemiseen. Sähkötuotantolaitteita valmistavan Aggrekon teettämän kyselyn mukaan Iso-Britanniassa ja Irlannissa toimivien datakeskusten energiakustannukset ovat nousseet peräti 50 prosentilla. Iso-Britanniassa yli puolella datakeskuksista sähkölaskujen osuus on jo 10 – 30 prosenttia kokonaistoimintakustannuksista. Joissakin keskuksissa osuuden pelätään nousevan pian jo 40 prosenttiin. Erityisen haavoittuvia ovat pienet datakeskustoimijat.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Russian-Made Baikal M1-Based Laptop Shows Up in Pre-Production

    BitBlaze says the final version of Arm.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Intel Drops DirectX 9 Support On Xe, Arc GPUs, Switches to DirectX 12 Emulation
    By Aaron Klotz published 5 days ago

    A good time to move, with no DX9 discrete GPU experience to boot

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The trade ban that wasn’t: US allows 94% of restricted tech exports to China anyway

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Why edge computing matters for modern software development

    The next stage of cloud computing brings computing power closer to users, paving the way to better user experiences and more intelligent applications.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Oh Deere: Farm hardware jailbroken to run Doom
    Corn-y demo heralded as right-to-repair win

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ben Cohen / Wall Street Journal:
    Loup Ventures: 75% of US iPhones now have Apple Pay activated, up from 50% in 2020 and 10% in 2016; Apple says 90% of US retailers now take Apple Pay

    Wait, When Did Everyone Start Using Apple Pay?

    It took longer than expected for the iPhone to become a wallet. But the patience of Apple is slowly paying off.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Optane aiheutti Intelille miljarditappiot – taas kerran

    Kesällä 2015 Intel esitteli kokonaan uuden muistitekniikan. Yhdessä Micronin kanssa kehitetty Xpoint päätyi ensin markkinoille Optane-nimellä ja nyt Intelin omalle tuotelinjojen hautausmaalle, jossa alkaa olla ahdasta.

    Micron ilmoitti keväällä 2021, että se lopettaa Xpoint-muistien valmistamisen kuluttajamarkkinoille. Yhtiö syytti kehitystyön ja valmistuksen kalleutta. Sitten Intel myi NAND-liiketoimintansa korealaiselle Hynixille. Optane-linja jäi lähinnä datakeskuskäyttöön.

    Pääjohtaja Pat Gelsingerin myötä Optane on nyt päätetty lakkauttaa. Intel ei ole julkistanut tuotelinjan aiheuttamia tappiota, mutta analyytikot puhuvat miljardeista dollareista.

    Xpointin piti olla markkina mullistava universaali muisti. Sen piti olla 1000 kertaa NAND-muisteja nopeampi ja jopa 10 kertaa DRAM-muisteja tiheämpi. Tekniikan kohtalo kuitenkin osoittaa, että mikäli piirejä ei voida valmistaa kustannustehokkaasti, mikään ominaisuus ei riitä.

    Lisäksi uusilla muistitekniikoilla on aina ollut erittäin kivinen tie päästä merkittäviin markkinaosuuksiin. Tutkimuslaitos Yole Developpementin keväisen raportin mukaan NAND ja DRAM pitivät hallussaan 96,7 prosenttia muistien markkinoista. Uusille tekniikoille kuten Xpoint, PCM, MRaM ja ReRAM lohkesi vain 0,4 prosenttia kokonaismarkkinoista. Suurten volyymien muistibisneksessä tämä tarkoittaa aina isoja tappioita.

    Intelille tämä ei ole mitään uutta. Yhtiön hautausmaalta löytyy niin mobiiliprosessoreja (StrongARM) kuin uusimpien tietojen mukaan myös erillisgrafiikkaprosessori

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple could be the first to use TSMC’s 3nm chip process for M2 Pro

    Apple’s 2022 MacBook Pros may pack new M2 Pro and M2 Max chipsets made with TSMC’s latest 3nm manufacturing process, according to a new report.

    TSMC, the world’s largest semiconductor contract manufacturer, has been steadily building out its 3nm production processes. According to the Commercial Times, Apple could be the first customer to get its hands on those chips.

    The report notes that Apple will use 3nm wafers for the first time in the second half of 2022, likely for its M2 Pro chipsets. Future releases built on the 3nm process could include the iPhone-specific A17 chipset, as well as a future third-generation of the M series.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Chip makers are bracing themselves for the worse downturn in a decade

    Fading tech demand and rising interest rates are hampering the outlook for major chip makers across Asia.
    Major chip manufacturers Micron Technology Inc, Nvidia Corp, Intel Corp and Advanced Micro Devices Inc. have warned of weaker export orders.
    Even Gartner Inc. predicts an abrupt end to one of the industry’s biggest boom cycles.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Seven years later, Apple was right to kill off the 3.5mm headphone jack

    Seven years later, it’s more clear than ever that the days of the headphone jack on mobile devices are numbered. Here’s how Apple was the vanguard for the death of the port — and what might be next for the connector.

    Since the iPhone 7, Apple has been slowly removing the headphone jack from its main consumer products. Although initially criticized, a number of other companies have since followed suit.

    There are still a few products in the lineup that retain a headphone jack, but recent rumors suggest that the number of Apple-designed devices with a 3.5mm port will soon dwindle again.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Zeyi Yang / MIT Technology Review:
    An overview of electronic design automation software used for designing chips, as the US Commerce Department announces export controls on certain EDA tools — The US has moved to restrict export of EDA software. What is it, and how will the move affect China?

    Inside the software that will become the next battle front in US-China chip war

    The US has moved to restrict export of EDA software. What is it, and how will the move affect China?

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Grafiikkaprosessorit ovat pahamaineisen tehosyöppöjä suorittimia, koska niissä on paljon transistoreja jotka kytkeytyvät päälle ja pois valtavalla nopeudella. Siirtyminen uusiin viivanleveyksiin auttaa, mutta ongelmaksi muodostuu dataväylän energiankulutus.

    Ainakin Nvidia aikoo tuoda helpotusta tähän seuraavan polven Grace- ja Grace Hopper -piireillään. Yhtiö kertoi Hot Chips -tapahtumassa Piilaaksossa lisätietoja näistä ensi vuonna markkinoille tulevista suorittimista. Ne valmistetaan TSMC:n neljän nanometrin prosessissa ja ne hyödyntävät uutta NVLink-dataväylää.

    Nvidian mukaan viralliselta nimeltään NVLInk-C2C kuluttaa energiaa 1,3 pikojoulea bittiä kohti. Tämä on vain viidesosa siitä energiasta, mikä bitin liikuttamiseen kuluu PCIe 5.0 -liitännän läpi. Samaan aikaan NVLinkin kaistanleveys on neljällä linjalla jopa 900 gigatavua sekunnissa eli 7-kertainen 16x PCI 5.0 -väylään verrattuna.

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kuluttajat lakkasivat ostamasta läppäreitä

    Vuoden toinen neljännes oli ankeaa aikaa kannettavien tietokoneiden valmistajille. Strategy Analyticsin mukaan huhti-kesäkuussa myytiin globaalisti 55,5 miljoonaa kannettavaa. Määrä on 15 prosenttia pienempi kuin vuotta aikaisemmin.

    Tutkimuslaitoksen analyysin mukaan kuluttajilla ovat nyt muita painopisteitä, kuten loma, uudet vaatteet ja kodin kunnostaminen. Monet varovat uusien laitteiden ostoa hintojen kallistuessa ja taantuman uhatessa. Sen sijaan yrityksissä uuteen tietotekniikkaan panostetaan ja kun myynti keskittyy yhä enemmän premium-läppäreihin, tilanne on valmistajien kannalta valoisampi.

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Moni kärsii latausahdistuksesta

    Sähköautojen omistajat evät pysty rentoutumaan ajaessaan, kun katse suuntautuu koko ajan akun varaustilanteeseen. Mistä löytyy seuraavalatausasema? Onko se vapaana? Kuinka tehokas se on? Sama ilmiö on tuttu älypuhelimen käyttäjille. Nyt ilmiötä on tutkittu OnePlussan teettämässä tutkimuksessa.

    Tutkimuksen mukaan akun matala varaustaso aiheuttaa monelle stressiä. Useimmat eivät poistuisi kotoa, jos puhelimen akkua on jäljellä alle 20 prosenttia. Itse asiassa lähes kolme neljästä ihmisestä (73 prosenttia) sanoo, että he eivät haluaisi lähteä kotoa, jos heillä on puhelimessa akkua jäljellä alle 20 prosenttia.


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