There’s no doubt that the audio visual industry has proven its ability to survive and thrive in trying times. Global events have facilitated the rapid evolution of audio visual technologies, and these only continue to advance. Here are some audio visual trends for 2022 collected from many sources (click the link colored to text to get to the information source):
Growing consumer demand for audio content: People are listening to all forms of audio content: news, music, podcasts and books. Nielsen reports 75 per cent of people working from home are streaming music every week, with 40 per cent tuning in daily.
Rapid smart speaker adoption: Smart speakers and voice assistants are becoming common home appliances. One-third of U.S. households are equipped with smart speakers and 44 per cent of U.S. adults use voice assistants. Smart speakers let listeners to respond to ads using voice commands. Consumers are rapidly embracing voice to access information, entertain themselves and shop. The ability to instantly answer consumers’ questions and help them solve problems is becoming a key advantage for marketers who lean into audio.
Digital Audio is becoming multi-devices: Historically, digital audio has been widely consumed via mobile devices; it can now also be launched from a variety of new technologies including tablets, connected speakers, TVs and even smart watches.
Prosumer audio: Prosumer audio gear has remained on a steady upward curve over the last few years. With podcasting, live streaming, and at-home work solutions more popular than ever, it’s been a fantastic few years for prosumer audio sales. Their need for reliable, slightly elevated gear to take their content to the next level is proving highly profitable for certain companies.
Content Still Rules: Audiophiles are fiercely loyal to their favorite DJs, hosts, podcasters, artists and stations. As a result, they’re spending more time than ever listening to audio daily. Listeners consume programming on their own terms.
TikTok has caused a seismic shift in the world of content creation, skewing it ever further into a mobile-first industry. To capitalise on the market, more and more mobile-friendly gear is being created, forgoing the need for hundreds of adaptors and plugging straight into AUX, USB-C, or iPhone ports (or working wirelessly).
Many amplifier technologies in use: While classic class AB amplifiers are more and more often replaced with class D amplifier technology, there is still special audiophile markets for class A amplifiers and tube based amplifiers. New technology just coming to the class D amplifiers are GaN-based audio amplifier powered with switch mode power supply. They promise premium audio systems with good sound quality in a small and light format.
Vinyl records: Vinyl is here to stay, it seems, despite all technological advances that would have seemed to threaten it. Vinyl records (and coincidentally, cassette tapes) are selling like hot cakes again. Vinyl sales have been steadily rising for some time, but in 2020 for the first time in 34 years, vinyl has surpassed CD sales.
Streaming has killed CD: CDs sales are continuously and quickly declining thanks to streaming and music flash drives.
The race to wireless zero latency: Companies around the world are racing to find a solution that all but eliminates latency from wireless audio, removing the need for cables in an increasingly space, waste, and aesthetically-conscious world.
Green screens: As events become more hybrid, green screens will play a significant role, enabling speakers to be placed directly in the content becoming part of the message. Green screens are a great cost-effective way to insert branding and infographics, which works perfectly for online events and we will see them become adopted further for conferences. There are also cameras with depth sense features and software that can use pretty many background for green screen type effects without building a real green screen.
Hybrid events: Events have had to embrace the constant mix of who can attend, who can possibly attend and who is not afraid to attend and as such have flipped to hybrid. Although not necessarily an AV trend, hybrid events are unsurprisingly on the increase as people work from home and corporate travel is halted. In those events content needs to be clear and targeted to get the information across efficiently. There is demand for standalone apps that can enhance hybrid events such as Slack, Slido and Survey Monkey.
Touchless Environments: COVID-19 has accelerated the desire for automation and touchless environments from a nice-to-have to a must-have. They minimize the amount that people come into contact with shared surfaces. Following the throes of COVID-19, it appears that touchless building controls are here to stay.
Remote Control And Remote Management: We’re seeing an increase in demand for remote management software that allows one person, or a small group of people, to log into a remote system and review the status of a set of classrooms or meeting spaces. Increasingly in 2022, companies can implement remote monitoring and maintenance for audio visual systems to support the advancement of technology. Whether your organization is expansive or small, remote audio visual support teams can significantly reduce operating costs for your business.
Live Streaming: As more people look to tune into events from home, we’re seeing an increased need for equipment that supports live streaming.
Video Walls: In many commercial spaces, there’s often a need for a large video display. In past years, many spaces have opted for projection screens as opposed to large LCD displays or video walls, solely because the cost was much lower. The price of video walls getting close to similar to a projection screen, and the benefits almost always outweigh the slightly higher cost.
Service And Maintenance: As more commercial spaces look for ways to save, there’s been an increasing demand for AV integrators to handle service and maintenance in order to maximize the lifespan of AV products. Businesses are focussing on reducing the overhead costs associated with maintaining and installing the equipment. Companies having expertise in sectors other than AV cannot have a dedicated team to manage and monitor their AV equipment.
Snake oil: Many audiophiles are infected by the snake oil curse, which causes them to chase endlessly after what is supposedly better sound reproduction. Audio interconnect and speaker cables have become a profitable business built on imaginative marketing and misinformation. This market now extends into power cords, HDMI, and optical cables. Untold sums of money have been wasted on the fanciful claims of cable vendors. There is lots of ridiculous pieces of pseudo-audiophile nonsense out there. Try to avoid this bullshit in 2022. Try to to restore peace of mind, and the enjoyment of music.
Hybrid environment: Although some employees are returning to the office, it is doubtful that society will return to an entirely on-site work environment. Remote workspaces from 2020-21 on will now be ‘Hybrid’ (home and office). AV technologies are playing a crucial role in creating a modern working environment. Hybrid technologies are changing their form, we had just a Skype call before the pandemic and now we have Zoom, Microsoft Team Rooms, Google Meet, etc with more advanced features allowing space for seamless collaboration and communication. Hybrid environments are expected to go beyond that with continuous innovation and development. Remote employees, distant customers, healthcare providers, and educational institutions can utilize unified communication solutions. It is now increasingly important to adopt technologies that make collaboration easier. At one time, frequent video communications, online learning, and compact hardware design were ambitious audio visual innovations that were hard for people to imagine. Today, they’re top priorities for business, educational, and religious spaces of all types, and are critical to how people interact in those spaces.
Silent Video Gains Momentum: It’s estimated that 85% of short videos viewed on Facebook are watched without sound. Yet as much as 41% of video would be incomprehensible to viewers without sound. Video marketers are using captions, context and other “no-audio” tactics to convey information.
Social Media Goes Video-First: video content is one of the internet’s main attractions. Users are being drawn to video-first platforms. One of the most common reasons people use social media is to view video. But with video streaming set to be as much as 82% of total web traffic by 2022, the importance of video content to marketing strategy is massive and still growing.
Digital audio: Digital audio consumption accelerated in 2021 and commercial engagement followed the audiences. In 2022 we foresee three key commercial trends in the digital audio space: Data-led targeting capabilities provide a powerful way to get advertising cut through, Creativity is a constant rather than a ‘trend’ in advertising and Audience Growth is attracting new advertisers. Programmatic audio is divided into three main supply sources – music streaming (through suppliers like Spotify), podcasts (the biggest opportunity for brands), and online broadcast radio (now more attractive with the addition of data overlay opportunities). Amongst these audio heavyweights we can see emerging innovation in the form of conversational and actionable audio ads.
Virtual and Augmented Reality: Although virtual and augmented reality first entered the public consciousness via video games or social media filters, they are now infiltrating every aspect of our lives. Given the rapid evolution of technology, it is inevitable that these advancements will impact the audio visual industry. Companies specializing in the development of VR and AR technologies are noticing an increase in interest from educational institutions wishing to create an enhanced learning experience. Within the healthcare sector, VR solutions are assisting healthcare professionals with socializing medically isolated patients. Virtual reality has been in development within the audio visual industry for many years. In 2022, virtual reality is becoming mainstream. Or at least tries.
Shift from linear TV to streaming: Video streaming goes beyond traditional TV viewing for people under 45. The lion’s share of viewing by those over 45 is still grabbed by linear television.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
EN // Decibel and Measurement 1 – Decibel (dB) Definitions—decibel-db-definitions?blogcategory=EN+%2F%2F+Sound+Sundays
Tomi Engdahl says:
Reeves Wiedeman / Vulture:
As documentaries boom, filmmakers, their subjects, and the bill-paying streamers wrestle with questions of ethics, money, and control, amid shrinking budgets
Reality Check The boom — or glut — in streaming documentaries has sparked a reckoning among filmmakers and their subjects.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Is AM Radio Dead?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Why Everyone is Abandoning GoPro
Many people have hopped the new GoPro hero 11 would fix the problems GoPro has faced for many years now. Unfortunately gopro continues, even today, with basic camera functionality. Here we go over the problems GoPro has been facing for many generations including freezing, lagging, and overheating.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Does This Connector Even Do Anything? – DisplayPort Explained
DisplayPort has been around since 2008 and is still used in computers today, but is there a reason why we haven’t fully switched over to only using HDMI?
Viewer comments:
Huge advantages to displayport that got left out of the video:
1: Locking connection between the cable and port ( HDMI is just a light friction ).
2: Open source free license to use the port ( HDMI requires paying a license fee to use the port ).
I remember when you guys tested hdmi and displayport cables using your cable tester. To see companies lie about the hdmi version they were using for the cable is absolutely ridiculous while every displayport cable passed at the rated spec.
DisplayPort is royalty free, hence HDMI is unnecessary. Due to the licensing situaltion with HDMI (parts of the standard and optional features are proprietary), it’s not possible to supprt the full featureset in opensource drivers (i.e. on Linux, *BSD).
For one, HDMI is marketed to people that don’t know what they are buying, whereas display port is marketed towards people that typically know what they are doing (ie gamers, professionals, or other “power users”) who WILL identify if the cable is substandard, whereas grandma likely won’t
Something worth bearing in mind is that Display Ports don’t carry audio, HDMI does. Regardless USB type C would be the best way to do anything once you have a cable rated for it, Imagine a PC with a Type C for power and daisy chained monitors via type C cables. That way you could go Bluetooth for the peripherals or daisy chain those from the case or monitor. All the bandwidth and power you could need in one cable, now that’s the way forward!
I won’t say it’s unnecessary. HDMI cables can be a lot longer and there’s also the audio thing too.
One currently unutilized feature of DisplayPort is the auxiliary channel, which can carry a single 480mbps USB2.0 signal, which in theory would enable things like pen/touch input displays needing a single cable to the PC.
DP is by far the best one. Best compatibility with analog adapters and digital adapters, while HDMI seems like it was made to give the user headaches, worse compatibility, trash cables, slower updates to revisions, not open-source…
You did not talk about the fact that they nerfed the certification on HDMI cables.
A 2.1 HDMI cable from one manufacturer might not have the same functions as one from a different manufacturer.
Ad to that the problem with all the different versions of HDMI and the fact that makers of TV´s and other things that use the port, have no problem saving a buck by downgrading, make the Displayport the go to port in my book.
AFAIK HDMI’s extremely proprietary nature (even the spec are proprietary and aren’t supposed to be available to the public) result in it having a fairly spotty support in terms of available features on some devices due to difficulty/impossibility of implementing those features in software.
One thing to remember about DisplayPort resolutions getting crazy high, is that daisy-chaining means you are practically running every screen together from one port. That means that 16K 60Hz support also means you should be able to chain 4 x 8K 60Hz monitors off a single connector, or for a more likely setup in the future, 3 x 4K 120Hz.
At one of the last instances of WinHEC, in Los Angeles, there was a seminar on DisplayPort. The presenter was formerly an ATI (before the AMD acquisition) engineer who was now at Microsoft. As he explained it, DisplayPort got started when a bunch of video engineers at ATI were having a conversation and came to the general agreement that HDMI was a hamfisted mess that would never have come out of the PC industry. So they decided to start work on their own video transport and soon had many major companies across the industry interested.
Because the PC industry isn’t interested in restricting content, and the content industry is VERY interested in blocking people on a whim.
I will also recall your video where you tested every brand off HDMI and DP cable you could get your hands on
HDMI: Hit and Miss
DP: 100% Works 100% of the time.
Another important factor are industrial applications. Companies in this area absolutely hate friction connectors. They even have USB with screws.
Yeah, go USB Type-C Locking Connector!
luckily DP cables usually have clicky things out of the box. not mini ones though
Tomi Engdahl says:
Almost EVERYONE is Wasting Money on Dash Cams.
It’s been YEARS since dash cams hit the market, but it feels like we’ve been stuck at a standstill. Why is it that camera quality is so lacking? Are there really no good options when shopping for a dash cam to attach to the windshield of your car? (The second half of this video is pretty stunning!)
0:00 Intro
1:07 The Back-story
2:37 Thinkware F70
3:26 Biuone A20
3:55 Chortau B-T13
5:00 Iiwey T1 and Pruveeo D30H
6:16 Rexing V1-4K
6:57 Garmin Dash Cam Mini 2
7:34 Rove R2-4K
8:05 Viofo A119 V3
9:12 BlackVue DR750X and Thinkware U1000
15:04 tldr;
17:04 outro
Tomi Engdahl says:
Watch YouTube on TV with 5.1 surround sound
You can watch YouTube videos on your TV with 5.1 surround sound. Enjoy YouTube’s library of shows and movies as well as other YouTube content with your supported surround sound system.
Turn 5.1 surround sound on:
Once you select a video to play, a player control bar will show. Go to 5.1 surround sound to turn it on or off.
Note: The setting will only appear for videos and devices that support 5.1 surround sound. 5.1 in YouTube is supported on all 2021 and later TVs, Chromecast, Apple TV, Roku and most Fire TV devices. In addition, many 2020 and earlier TVs may also support surround sound – check your device manufacturer to see if your device supports 5.1 for YouTube.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Surround 5.1 low frequency speaker test
Tomi Engdahl says:
Stereo Left Right 5+1 Speaker Sound Test
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nappikuulokkeisiin parempaa ääntä pienemmällä virrankulutuksella
MEMS-tekniikka on nopeasti valtaamassa kaikkia pieniä mikrofonien paikkoja. Tekniikan etuna on pieni koko, hyvät ominaisuudet ja pieni virrankulutus. Infineonin uusin piiri tekee tekniikasta yhä houkuttelevampaa niin nappikuulokkeissa kuin kuulokojeissa.
Infineonin MEMS-mikrofonien kehitysstrategia sisältää tärkeimmät rakennuspalikat MEMS, ASIC ja paketti tälle anturiperheelle. Tästä syystä Infineonilla on täysi omistusoikeus tuotteidensa suorituskyvystä, laadusta ja teknologisista innovaatioista. Taitotietonsa pohjalta
Uusin XENSIV–sarjan mikrofoni on mallimerkinnältään IM69D128S. Mikrofoni on suunniteltu sovelluksiin, joissa vaaditaan korkea signaali-kohinasuhde (SNR) / pieni mikrofonin omakohina, pitkä akun käyttöikä ja korkea luotettavuus. 69 desibelin SNR-arvo mahdollistaa kristallinkirkkaan äänikokemuksen akun kestosta tinkimättä.
Digitaaliseen ASIC-mikrofoniin perustuva IM69D128S virrantarve on vain 520 mikroampeeria. Tämä on noin puolet markkinoilla olevien, samankaltaisten mallien kulutuksesta. Lisäksi IM69D128S hallitsee vaikean tehtävän vaihtaa eri teho- ja suorituskykyprofiilien välillä ilman äänivirheitä, joita käyttäjä voi kuulla.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
This 35-year-old mom built a side hustle that brings in $240,000 a month: ‘I only work 4 hours a day now’
Bridging the photography knowledge gap
The success of my first course showed me that it was more valuable to make photography education accessible, rather than just shooting weddings and continuously increasing prices.
We’ve created over a dozen courses, e-books and templates for various photography skills. Our resources are inspired by questions asked by our online community of over 70,000 people, and cover topics like posing couples and natural light photography.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Shutter Speed Tester for Film Cameras
Build a simple shutter speed tester for film cameras.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Regular concert goers will be familiar with the problem of trying to record a favourite song on your phone, only to find that the recorded sound quality is terrible, and certainly nothing like how you remember it!
As well as concerts, you can also add weddings, parties and sports events to the list. In fact, video recordings on your mobile phone are easily ruined by heavy distortion on the audio track whenever the ambient noise gets too loud.
Nokia’s engineers found a solution to this with a number of innovations, collectively called High Amplitude Audio Capture (HAAC), which enable you to record audio that sounds as good as when you first heard it.
Most microphones have a certain dynamic range – one can be sensitive to the quietest sounds while another can tolerate extremely loud noises.
What is difficult to achieve, particularly in a mobile device where the component may only be 3-4 millimetres wide, is having a microphone that can be effective for both the quiet and loud parts of the sound.
The key innovation behind HAAC is a microphone that has two different sensitivity levels – two paths or channels for recording. The dual channel audio recording is then combined to give you a tremendously broad dynamic range. In other words, it is sensitive enough to pick up the quietest sounds, but still sounds great even during the really loud bits.
A rock concert can easily reach 120 decibels, which poses no trouble at all for Nokia’s HAAC microphone. It can record up to 140 decibels with no audible distortion. By contrast, most other mobile phone microphones struggle to handle anything above 110 decibels.
Following the development of the dual channel HAAC microphones, the team looked at how to implement it in devices. First models used a single membrane, the part of the microphone that vibrates when sound passes through it – similar to the role the eardrum plays in the human ear.
Another way to implement HAAC is to have two membranes, one more sensitive than the other. Both ways of implementing HAAC microphones enable distortion-free audio capture across the same, broad dynamic range, they just offer different approaches to address the same challenge.
HAAC technology (with single or dual-membrane microphones) can be found in most Nokia Lumia smartphones running on Windows Phone 8.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Android-puhelimien kamerat saamassa uuden käyttötarkoituksen
Erillisen web-kameran tai edes kamerasovelluksen hankintaan ei välttämättä ole jatkossa tarvetta.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Auto-Tune creator Dr Andy Hildebrand has won a Grammy Award for his groundbreaking achievements in the recording field
Love it or hate it, the software has had a huge impact on popular music
We’re guessing that he doesn’t have jumpsuits like Harry Styles or moves like Beyonce, but Antares founder Dr Andy Hildebrand does have one thing in common with these two pop titans: he won a Grammy Award at the weekend. Not for an album or song, though – Hildebrand’s prize was given in honour of his achievement in creating the pitch correction powerhouse that is Auto-Tune.
Tomi Engdahl says:
What is Bluetooth LE Audio? The next-gen wireless connection explained
By Becca Caddy published 8 days ago
Bluetooth LE Audio could change the way you listen to music
Tomi Engdahl says:
HybridFlow Turns Aerial Imagery Into 3D “Digital Twins” in Half an Hour — with Zero Machine Learning
By sectioning images and finding similarities at a pixel level, HybridFlow is able to turn 2D photos into 3D point clouds fast.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Open-Source Software Encode/Decode For H.266/VVC Progressing
The H.266 / Versatile Video Coding (VVC) standard was finalized back in 2020 and while the hardware acceleration is currently limited to a few SoCs with video decode, in the years ahead there will likely be plenty of content encoded in H.266/VVC. The Fraunhofer HHI group in Germany has been working to ensure capable open-source support around this video compression standard with their VVenC encoder and VVdeC decoder.
Adam Wieckowski who leads the Video Coding Systems group at Fraunhofer HHI presented last weekend at FOSDEM 2023 on the VVC open-source software efforts. The organization hopes VVenC will be to H.266 as x265 and x264 were to H.264 and H.265, respectively. VVenC and the VVdeC decoder have been in development for several years — VVenC formally getting underway once the H.266 spec was finalized. Their software makes use of a clear BSD-3 license and is written in C++ with a pure-C interface. VVenC relies on intrinsics for taking advantage of AVX2, SSE42, and other vector extensions. The project relies on SIMD Everywhere (SIMDe) for broad support, including on ARM.
The developers believe their VVenC encoder is the best open-source VVC encoder out there that works for both offline and video-on-deemand use-cases. VVenC is multi-threaded but currently not scaling to above 32 threads efficiently.
The VVenC/VVdeC code is developed in the open on GitHub. Another open-source H.266 encoder worthy of a shout-out for those unfamiliar with it is uvg266.
Tomi Engdahl says:
MicroLED Poised to Disrupt the Displays Market
Feb. 7, 2023
Advanced microLED technologies may open the door to new ways to use displays.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R
Tomi Engdahl says:
HD Camera Powers Robotic Lawn Mower Vision
Jan. 27, 2023
Worx’s newest Landroid is equipped with a camera that can avoid objects while it works.
William G. Wong|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R
Tomi Engdahl says:
Record videos with studio-level audio quality and best-in-class SNR with smartphones featuring XENSIV™ MEMS microphones. Discover more. #MakeSense #IntuitiveSensing #SensorTechnology
High performance analog and digital XENSIV™ MEMS microphones for consumer electronics
Infineon’s XENSIV™ MEMS microphones are designed for capturing audio signals with unprecedented precision and quality. The microphones are comprised of Infineon’s MEMS microphone chips and ASICs which are not without reason the world’s best-selling microphone components.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Suomessa valmistetaan jälleen analogisia vinyyliäänilevyjä
Ensimmäinen kotimaassa valmistettu vinyylilevy sitten 1990-luvun on Jesse-yhtyeen tuplalevy Descend. Yhtyeen jäsenet hakivat uunituoreet levyt ystävänpäivänä Helsingin Levypuristamon tehtaalta, jossa valmistuu jo tuhansia analogisia vinyylilevyjä viikossa.
Alkuvuodesta Helsingin Kyläsaareen valmistunut levypuristamon toimitusketju on pitkälti kotimainen. Levyn valmistus alkaa kaivertamalla musiikki niin sanotulle lakkalevylle. Jesse-yhtyeen albumin on kaivertanut helsinkiläinen Timmion Cutting. Puristamon asiakkaille kaiverrusta tekee myös Kuhmoisissa toimiva Virtalähde Mastering.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Weird Lens That Can Invisibly Photograph Mirrors (Tilt Shift)
0:00 – Intro
1:11 – Lens Shifting
2:45 – Mirror Demonstration
3:23 – Lens Tilting
4:53 – How Tilt Focusing Works
6:04 – Modern vs Old Cameras
7:30 – Shifting vs Wide Angle Lenses
8:23 – Acquiring a Tilt-Shift Lens
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Audio-Technica BP3600 Immersive Audio Microphone Released
Tomi Engdahl says:
Consistent Camera Clarity with Ultrasonic Lens-Cleaning Tech
Feb. 27, 2023
Sponsored by Texas Instruments: A configurable digital signal processor, driver, and piezoelectric transducer generate precisely controlled vibrations to remove debris from a camera lens or lens cover.|7211D2691390C9R&oly_enc_id=7211D2691390C9R
Cameras are proliferating in automotive, industrial, agricultural, and other applications. In cars alone, they handle tasks ranging from lane-departure warning to parking assistance. But more cameras mean more lenses and more possibilities that lens contaminants will obstruct the cameras’ views. A new technology called ultrasonic lens cleaning (ULC) can remove those contaminants—it uses precisely controlled ultrasonic vibrations to propel ice, rain, and dirt away from a lens or transparent lens cover.
Ultrasonic lens cleaning for self-cleaning cameras
Ultrasonic lens cleaning: A solid-state technology you didn’t know you needed
The solid-state solution in this case is ultrasonic lens cleaning (ULC), enabling cost-effective self-cleaning of cameras and sensors.
What is ultrasonic lens cleaning technology?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Verge:
A Reddit user shows how Samsung’s Space Zoom feature produces fake, generated images of the moon, highlighting how computational photography is changing photos
Samsung caught faking zoom photos of the Moon
A viral Reddit post has revealed just how much processing the company’s cameras apply to photos of the Moon, further blurring the line between real and fake imagery in the age of AI.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Janko Roettgers / The Verge:
A look at the shift to the ATSC 3.0 TV broadcast standard, still not available in many major markets since its 2017 launch, as free streaming TV channels surge
The future of TV is up in the air
/ Broadcasters are betting that antennas and modern DVRs will help them stay relevant. But a stalled transition to ATSC 3.0 and massive growth of linear streaming services could throw a wrench into those plans.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Did We Just Change Animation Forever?
ANYONE can make a cartoon with this groundbreaking technique. Want to learn how? We made a ONE-HOUR, CLICK-BY-CLICK TUTORIAL on
Watch the full ROCK PAPER SCISSORS anime on Corridor ►
This project has been a huge labor of love, and it is due to the amazing open-source community that we have this technology available to us. We hope that by sharing our discoveries and techniques that we can help push this technology forward for everyone. If you want to dip your toes into this tech, there are many amazing online communities ready to help teach you, including ours!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tältä näyttää, kun vinyylilevy valmistuu – ala uinui Suomessa 30 vuotta
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
This wearable fabric microphone can listen to the world—and your body
This fabric microphone could blend into your outfit—while keeping you fashionable—to track your health data.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Metallica myi niin paljon vinyylejä, että päätti ostaa oman levypuristamon
Metallica julkaisee huhtikuussa uuden albumin. Viime vuonna eniten myytiin alun perin vuonna 1986 julkaistua Master of Puppets -albumia.
ROCKYHTYE Metallica myi viime vuonna yli 900 000 vinyyliä, joista noin puolet Yhdysvalloissa. Valtavasta kysynnästä johtuen yhtye päätti ostaa levypuristamo Furnace Record Pressin huolehtimaan sekä vanhojen levyjen saatavuudesta että kovan luokan faneille suunnattujen vinyyliboksien julkaisusta, kertoo Billboard.
Furnace on tuottanut Metallican vinyylilevyjä jo vuosikymmenen ajan, ja se on huolehtinut niiden saatavuudesta myös viime vuosien tuotantoketjuongelmien ja valmistusviiveiden keskellä.
”Olemme erittäin onnellisia voidessamme viedä yhteistyömme Furnacen ja sen omistajien kanssa seuraavalle tasolle”,
Metallica Sells So Much Vinyl It Just Bought Its Own Pressing Plant
The group — which pressed 900,000-plus pieces of vinyl in 2022 alone — is acquiring most of Furnace Record Pressing in Virginia.
Tomi Engdahl says: