There’s no doubt that the audio visual industry has proven its ability to survive and thrive in trying times. Global events have facilitated the rapid evolution of audio visual technologies, and these only continue to advance. Here are some audio visual trends for 2022 collected from many sources (click the link colored to text to get to the information source):
Growing consumer demand for audio content: People are listening to all forms of audio content: news, music, podcasts and books. Nielsen reports 75 per cent of people working from home are streaming music every week, with 40 per cent tuning in daily.
Rapid smart speaker adoption: Smart speakers and voice assistants are becoming common home appliances. One-third of U.S. households are equipped with smart speakers and 44 per cent of U.S. adults use voice assistants. Smart speakers let listeners to respond to ads using voice commands. Consumers are rapidly embracing voice to access information, entertain themselves and shop. The ability to instantly answer consumers’ questions and help them solve problems is becoming a key advantage for marketers who lean into audio.
Digital Audio is becoming multi-devices: Historically, digital audio has been widely consumed via mobile devices; it can now also be launched from a variety of new technologies including tablets, connected speakers, TVs and even smart watches.
Prosumer audio: Prosumer audio gear has remained on a steady upward curve over the last few years. With podcasting, live streaming, and at-home work solutions more popular than ever, it’s been a fantastic few years for prosumer audio sales. Their need for reliable, slightly elevated gear to take their content to the next level is proving highly profitable for certain companies.
Content Still Rules: Audiophiles are fiercely loyal to their favorite DJs, hosts, podcasters, artists and stations. As a result, they’re spending more time than ever listening to audio daily. Listeners consume programming on their own terms.
TikTok has caused a seismic shift in the world of content creation, skewing it ever further into a mobile-first industry. To capitalise on the market, more and more mobile-friendly gear is being created, forgoing the need for hundreds of adaptors and plugging straight into AUX, USB-C, or iPhone ports (or working wirelessly).
Many amplifier technologies in use: While classic class AB amplifiers are more and more often replaced with class D amplifier technology, there is still special audiophile markets for class A amplifiers and tube based amplifiers. New technology just coming to the class D amplifiers are GaN-based audio amplifier powered with switch mode power supply. They promise premium audio systems with good sound quality in a small and light format.
Vinyl records: Vinyl is here to stay, it seems, despite all technological advances that would have seemed to threaten it. Vinyl records (and coincidentally, cassette tapes) are selling like hot cakes again. Vinyl sales have been steadily rising for some time, but in 2020 for the first time in 34 years, vinyl has surpassed CD sales.
Streaming has killed CD: CDs sales are continuously and quickly declining thanks to streaming and music flash drives.
The race to wireless zero latency: Companies around the world are racing to find a solution that all but eliminates latency from wireless audio, removing the need for cables in an increasingly space, waste, and aesthetically-conscious world.
Green screens: As events become more hybrid, green screens will play a significant role, enabling speakers to be placed directly in the content becoming part of the message. Green screens are a great cost-effective way to insert branding and infographics, which works perfectly for online events and we will see them become adopted further for conferences. There are also cameras with depth sense features and software that can use pretty many background for green screen type effects without building a real green screen.
Hybrid events: Events have had to embrace the constant mix of who can attend, who can possibly attend and who is not afraid to attend and as such have flipped to hybrid. Although not necessarily an AV trend, hybrid events are unsurprisingly on the increase as people work from home and corporate travel is halted. In those events content needs to be clear and targeted to get the information across efficiently. There is demand for standalone apps that can enhance hybrid events such as Slack, Slido and Survey Monkey.
Touchless Environments: COVID-19 has accelerated the desire for automation and touchless environments from a nice-to-have to a must-have. They minimize the amount that people come into contact with shared surfaces. Following the throes of COVID-19, it appears that touchless building controls are here to stay.
Remote Control And Remote Management: We’re seeing an increase in demand for remote management software that allows one person, or a small group of people, to log into a remote system and review the status of a set of classrooms or meeting spaces. Increasingly in 2022, companies can implement remote monitoring and maintenance for audio visual systems to support the advancement of technology. Whether your organization is expansive or small, remote audio visual support teams can significantly reduce operating costs for your business.
Live Streaming: As more people look to tune into events from home, we’re seeing an increased need for equipment that supports live streaming.
Video Walls: In many commercial spaces, there’s often a need for a large video display. In past years, many spaces have opted for projection screens as opposed to large LCD displays or video walls, solely because the cost was much lower. The price of video walls getting close to similar to a projection screen, and the benefits almost always outweigh the slightly higher cost.
Service And Maintenance: As more commercial spaces look for ways to save, there’s been an increasing demand for AV integrators to handle service and maintenance in order to maximize the lifespan of AV products. Businesses are focussing on reducing the overhead costs associated with maintaining and installing the equipment. Companies having expertise in sectors other than AV cannot have a dedicated team to manage and monitor their AV equipment.
Snake oil: Many audiophiles are infected by the snake oil curse, which causes them to chase endlessly after what is supposedly better sound reproduction. Audio interconnect and speaker cables have become a profitable business built on imaginative marketing and misinformation. This market now extends into power cords, HDMI, and optical cables. Untold sums of money have been wasted on the fanciful claims of cable vendors. There is lots of ridiculous pieces of pseudo-audiophile nonsense out there. Try to avoid this bullshit in 2022. Try to to restore peace of mind, and the enjoyment of music.
Hybrid environment: Although some employees are returning to the office, it is doubtful that society will return to an entirely on-site work environment. Remote workspaces from 2020-21 on will now be ‘Hybrid’ (home and office). AV technologies are playing a crucial role in creating a modern working environment. Hybrid technologies are changing their form, we had just a Skype call before the pandemic and now we have Zoom, Microsoft Team Rooms, Google Meet, etc with more advanced features allowing space for seamless collaboration and communication. Hybrid environments are expected to go beyond that with continuous innovation and development. Remote employees, distant customers, healthcare providers, and educational institutions can utilize unified communication solutions. It is now increasingly important to adopt technologies that make collaboration easier. At one time, frequent video communications, online learning, and compact hardware design were ambitious audio visual innovations that were hard for people to imagine. Today, they’re top priorities for business, educational, and religious spaces of all types, and are critical to how people interact in those spaces.
Silent Video Gains Momentum: It’s estimated that 85% of short videos viewed on Facebook are watched without sound. Yet as much as 41% of video would be incomprehensible to viewers without sound. Video marketers are using captions, context and other “no-audio” tactics to convey information.
Social Media Goes Video-First: video content is one of the internet’s main attractions. Users are being drawn to video-first platforms. One of the most common reasons people use social media is to view video. But with video streaming set to be as much as 82% of total web traffic by 2022, the importance of video content to marketing strategy is massive and still growing.
Digital audio: Digital audio consumption accelerated in 2021 and commercial engagement followed the audiences. In 2022 we foresee three key commercial trends in the digital audio space: Data-led targeting capabilities provide a powerful way to get advertising cut through, Creativity is a constant rather than a ‘trend’ in advertising and Audience Growth is attracting new advertisers. Programmatic audio is divided into three main supply sources – music streaming (through suppliers like Spotify), podcasts (the biggest opportunity for brands), and online broadcast radio (now more attractive with the addition of data overlay opportunities). Amongst these audio heavyweights we can see emerging innovation in the form of conversational and actionable audio ads.
Virtual and Augmented Reality: Although virtual and augmented reality first entered the public consciousness via video games or social media filters, they are now infiltrating every aspect of our lives. Given the rapid evolution of technology, it is inevitable that these advancements will impact the audio visual industry. Companies specializing in the development of VR and AR technologies are noticing an increase in interest from educational institutions wishing to create an enhanced learning experience. Within the healthcare sector, VR solutions are assisting healthcare professionals with socializing medically isolated patients. Virtual reality has been in development within the audio visual industry for many years. In 2022, virtual reality is becoming mainstream. Or at least tries.
Shift from linear TV to streaming: Video streaming goes beyond traditional TV viewing for people under 45. The lion’s share of viewing by those over 45 is still grabbed by linear television.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The CRAZY PHYSICS of LED Displays!
Tomi Engdahl says:
Why SCART was so Smart
Tomi Engdahl says:
Yleltä raju päätös: Jopa 150 000 kotitaloutta joutuu hankkimaan uuden television
Yle siirtyy vain teräväpiirtolähetyksiin keväällä 2025.
Ylen tv-lähetykset lähetetään keväästä 2025 eteenpäin vain teräväpiirtolaadulla ja ei-teräväpiirtolähetykset päättyvät kokonaan.
Muutos koskee sekä antenni- että kaapelitelevisioita.
Mikäli televisiolla ei pysty katsomaan HD-lähetyksiä, on ostettava uusi televisio mikäli mielii katsoa Ylen ohjelmia.
Ylen tiedotteen mukaan 100 000–150 000 antenniverkon kotitaloutta joutuu hankkimaan uuden vastaanottimen. Ylen kaikki tv-kanavat ovat olleet saatavilla teräväpiirtomuodossa koko Suomessa jo vuoden 2020 kesästä lähtien.
Ylen hallintoneuvosto päätti aikataulusta tämänpäiväisessä kokouksessaan.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Why Full Frame Didn’t Suit Me and Why I Won’t Leave Micro Four Thirds
Tomi Engdahl says:
Johtava tallenteita myyvä elektroniikkaketju lopettaa dvd- ja blu-ray tallenteiden myynnin Yhdysvalloissa
DVD- ja Blu-ray- ja 4K Ultra HD -levyjen myynti loppuu Best Buyssa 2024.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Samuel Mello Medeiros’ I’m Back Film Is a 35mm Cartridge to Convert Classic Cameras to Digital
Built around a Sony IMX269 imaging sensor, the I’m Back Film aims to digitize any 35mm camera — reversibly.
Tomi Engdahl says:
James Brown’s Rapidly-Spinning 3D Display Is Driven by a “Somewhat Dizzy” Raspberry Pi
With 3D-printed collimators and a motor, 2D LED matrices are transformed into a glasses-free 3D display — just keep your fingers clear.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Valaisun kehitys in-camera VFX tuotannossa Mandalorianista tähän päivään
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Best USB Microphones for 2023
Don’t rely on the wimpy microphone built into your phone or laptop. Here’s how to find the top USB mic for gaming, podcasting, or recording music along with our top picks.
Tomi Engdahl says:
There are reports indicating that artists are increasingly favouring licensing agreements over conventional label contracts.
Major labels “overhauling contracts” to prevent artists from re-recording their music like Taylor Swift has
Artists are reportedly moving towards licensing deals rather than traditional label contracts.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Käärijälle suuri kansainvälinen musiikkipalkinto – Päihitti useat maailmantähdet
Käärijä on voittanut MTV Europe Music Awardsin parhaan pohjoismaisen artistin palkinnon.
Käärijän kanssa palkinnosta kilpailivat ruotsalainen pop-tähti Zara Larsson, ruotsalainen dj-kollektiivi Swedish House Mafia, kevään euroviisuvoittaja, ruotsalainen Loreen sekä Norjan tämän vuoden euroviisuedustaja Alessandra.
Palkinto jaettiin yleisöäänien perusteella.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Hyvästi 70-tuumaiset seinään pultatut näytöt? ”Olemme av-alan anarkisteja”
Rosa Lampela2.11.202317:31|päivitetty2.11.202322:11STARTUPKONEET JA LAITTEETAUDIO
Vuodesta 2016 toiminut Artome on levittäytynyt jo 30 maahan ja tuonut markkinoille älykalusteita, jotka haastavat perinteiset käsitykset audiovisuaalisista järjestelmistä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Researchers have suggested a way to solve two problems at once, by absorbing excess and potentially harmful sound energy in theaters and concert venues and turning them into useful electrical energy.
Piezoelectric Sensors in Theaters and Concert Halls Can Protect Hearing While Harvesting Energy
By lining a venue with piezoelectric sensors, excess noise can be diminished — and converted to useful electricity in the process.
Tomi Engdahl says:
This $9,000 camera proves your photo is real.
This Leica Camera Stops Deepfakes at the Shutter First camera with built-in content credentials verifies photos’ authenticity
Is that photo real?
There’s a new way to answer that question. Leica’s M11-P, announced in late October, is the world’s first camera with support for content credentials, an encryption technology that protects the authenticity of photos taken by the camera. The metadata system can track a photo from shutter snap to publication, logging every change made along the way.
“In the last few years it’s become easier to manipulate pictures digitally. Photographers can do it, and when the photos are out on the Web, other people can do it,” says award-winning photographer David Butow. “I think that puts in jeopardy the strength of photography, the sense that it’s a true representation of what someone saw.”
Solving photography’s authenticity problem
In 2019, Adobe, The New York Times, and Twitter partnered to solve that problem by founding the Content Authority Initiative (CAI) in November. (Twitter left CAI after Elon Musk purchased the company.) CAI, which now boasts over 200 partners, gave itself the difficult task of finding a “long-term, holistic solution” for verifying the authenticity of photos. In 2021 it joined with another initiative called Project Origin to form the Coalition for Content Provenance and Authenticity (C2PA).
Leica’s M11-P is the first hardware embodiment of its solution. The camera has a toggle to flip on content credentials, which is based on the C2PA’s open technical standard. The M11-P then embeds identifying metadata—such as the camera, lens, date, time, and location—in an encrypted C2PA “manifest.” The M11-P digitally signs the manifest with a secure chipset that has a stored private key.
The manifest is attached to the image and can be edited only by C2PA compatible software which, in turn, leaves its own signature in the manifest.
Once published, the image can display a small interactive icon that reveals details about the photo, including the device used to take the photo, the programs used to edit it, and whether the image is wholly or partially AI generated.
It’s still early days for content credentials, however, so support is slim. Adobe’s software is the only popular image-editing suite to support the standard so far. The presentation of the data is also an issue: The interactive icon isn’t visible unless an app or program is programmed to present it.
“The way this technology is integrated in Photoshop and Lightroom, which is what I use, is still a bit beta-ish,”
The Leica M11-P’s support for content credentials wasn’t the only reason it made headlines. It arrived with an intimidating price tag of US $9,195. That’s a high price for authenticity, but Leica says the camera’s cost has more to do with Leica’s heritage. “If you look at the price points for our M cameras, there’s absolutely no added cost to have the content credentials feature in the M11-P,” says Kiran Karnani, Leica’s vice president of marketing.
And the M11-P is just the tip of the iceberg. Canon and Nikon already have prototype cameras with content credentialing support. Smartphones will also get in on the action. Truepic, a startup that builds “authenticity infrastructure,” has partnered with Qualcomm to make Qualcomm’s Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 chips support content credentials; those chips will power flagship Android smartphones next year.
Faster verification means more accurate reporting
No news organization currently requires photographers use content credentials, but the C2PA standard’s influence is beginning to be felt.
The explosion outside a hospital in Gaza on 17 October 2023 underscored how content credentials could make a difference. Early reports pinned the blame on an Israel airstrike. Israel disputed these reports on social media and shared a video that claimed to show the blast was caused by a failed Palestinian rocket, but a New York Times reporter noticed it carried an incorrect time stamp, which cast doubt on its authenticity and bolstered suspicions about Israeli involvement.
“Having the ability to look back at the source and what the original image looks like is really important.” — David Butow, photographer
“When these organizations are working with [photographers] they may not know that well, having the ability to look back at the source and what the original image looks like is really important,” says Butow. Content credentialing, he says, is “a powerful tool that’s going to allow them to do that.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
4 Types of IEM Connectors and How They Differ
Are you getting ready to dive into the world of hi-res audio? Then you should know the different IEM connectors and how they impact your experience.
Tomi Engdahl says:
“We don’t have enough geniuses making records anymore”: Tony Visconti explains how the role of the record producer has changed in the modern age
“People are still making organic music, and I’m involved in a couple of groups that are doing that, but labels are frightened of that.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Papa Roachiin vuonna 2000 ilmestyneeltä Infest-levyltä julkaistiin tuolloin singlenä vallan mainio nu metal-anthem Last Resort.
Nyt biisi on rikkonut Spotfyssa miljardin kuuntelukerran rajan. Ei huono suoritus, sillä Spotifyssa saman rajapyykin ovat rikkoneet raskaamman musiikin puolelta vain Metallica (Enter Sandman, Nothing Else Matters), Linkin Park (In The End, Numb) sekä System of a Down (Chop Suey!).
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kuinka paljon biisintekijä tienaa? Entä levy-yhtiö?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Endless Quest for the Perfect Computer Display Better refresh rates mean better motion, but gamers will always want more
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Best XLR Microphones
Tomi Engdahl says:
Why Is Everyone Watching TV With the Subtitles On?
It’s not just you.
Now, I don’t like to think of myself as a snob—snobs never do—but in that moment, I felt something gurgling up my windpipe that can only be described as snobbery, a need to express my aesthetic horror at the needless gashing of all those scenes. All that came out, though, was: Why? They don’t like missing any of the dialogue, he said, and sometimes it’s hard to hear, or someone is trying to sleep, or they’re only half paying attention, and the subtitles are right there waiting to be flipped on, so … why not?
Because now I’m reading TV, not watching it. Because now, instead of focusing my attention on the performances, the costumes, the cinematography, the painstakingly mixed sound, and how it all works together to tell a story and transport me into an alternate world, my eyes keep getting yanked downward to read words I can already hear.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Charting the decline of factory speakers
A Crutchfield mad science project
Tomi Engdahl says:
The goal of GAIA: Bitmovin working to improve video streaming sustainability
Ahead of its presence at IBC, Bitmovin provides an update on its major research project to develop a climate-friendly adaptive video streaming platform that provides complete energy awareness and accountability
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ultraäänet tuovat oikean basson nappikuulokkeisiin
Kaikki käyttävät nykyään nappikuulokkeita, joissa matalien taajuuksien eli basson toisto on aina ollut korkeintaan välttävää. Englantilainen XMems Labs lupaa nyt korjata puutteen uusilla Cypress-piireillään. Ne käyttävät ultraääntä basson tuottamiseen napeissa.
XMems Labsin mukaan Cypress on ”täyden toistoalueen” kaiutinelementti. Se yltää yli 140 desibelin äänenpaineeseen matalilla taajuuksilla. Tällä paineella musiikkia ei tietenkänä toisteta, mutta suorituskyky auttaa tuottamaan aidot bassot myös aktiivisen kohinan vaimennuksen sisältävissä napeissa.
Korvakuulokkeessa olisi kolme osaa: perinteinen langaton nappikuulokkeen vastaanottimen IC-piiri, mukautettu modulaattoripiiri (Alta XMems Labsin portfoiossa) ja MEMS-pohjainen Cypress-demodulaattoripiiri. Modulaattoripiiri sekoittaa ultraäänikantoaallon ja äänisignaalin tuottaakseen kaksi signaalia muuntimelle.
XMems Labsin mukaan ultraäänipulssien äänikäyrä on tarkka akustinen kopio lähdesignaalista. Se on 40 kertaa kovempi matalilla taajuuksilla verrattuna XMemsin aikaisemman sukupolven kaiutinpiireihin.
Itse MEMS-komponentti on kooltaan 6,3 x 6,5 x 1,65 millimetriä. XMems Labs esittelee jo näytteitä tärkeimmille asiakkailleen. Valmista järjestelmää aiotaan demota Las Vegasin CES-messuilla tammikuussa. Massatuotantoon piiri menee vuoden 2024 lopulla.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The main difference between a 1920×1200 and a 1920×1080 resolution is the aspect ratio. The 1920×1200 has a 16:10 aspect ratio, while the 1920×1080 has a 16:9 aspect ratio. The 1920×1200 resolution provides more vertical screen space compared to the 1920×1080 resolution, which provides more horizontal screen space. As for which is better, it really depends on your personal preference and intended use. If you need more vertical screen space for tasks such as photo editing or programming, then the 1920×1200 resolution may be better for you. However, if you need more horizontal screen space for tasks such as gaming or watching movies, then the 1920×1080 resolution may be a better fit.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Real talk – how we created a video podcast about the people behind digital products
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Pro tip or shitpost? You decide:
The KB3 is a new mechanical keyboard from audio brand FiiO with a built-in headphone jack that claims to sound good. It comes from a company which knows a thing or two about audio (even if its keyboard-making abilities are less proven).
Tomi Engdahl says:
2000-luvun alusta tuttu trendi tekee paluuta – pöytälaatikoissa pölyttyvä kamera onkin aarre: “Kuvan laatu on sivuseikka”
Nuoret haluavat nyt ottaa kuvia digikameroilla. Verkkokauppa.comin edustajan mukaan nuori valitsee todennäköisesti kameran, jos jossa on erilaisia kuvafilttereitä ja rosoinen, nostalginen kuvanlaatu.
2000-luvun alussa oli tavallista herätä bileillan jälkeen kamera täynnä kuvia. Toimintamalli oli selvä: Canon piuhalla kiinni tietokoneeseen ja otokset nettiin kaikkien ihailtaviksi.
Nyt vanha tapa jakaa otoksia on herännyt uuteen kukoistukseen.
Monet 2000-luvun alun ilmiöt matalavyötäröisistä farkuista aina simpukkapuhelimiin ovat kovassa nosteessa, eivätkä älypuhelinten syrjäyttämät digikamerat ole poikkeus. Nuoret haluavat nyt ottaa kuvia digikameroilla.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Bass speakers reimagined: Conventional speakers work by moving air around to create sound, but tiny speakers that use ultrasonic frequencies to create pressure and generate sound opens some new doors, especially in terms of maximum achievable volume.
A new design boasts being the first 140 dB, full-range MEMS speaker. The new device is the Cypress, from MEMS speaker manufacturer xMEMS and samples are aiming to ship in June 2024.
Tomi Engdahl says:
’10 out of 10? I’m in shambles!’ Taylor Swift becomes the first artist in music history to claim ENTIRE Top 10 on the Billboard Hot 100
read more:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Taylor Swift Makes History as First Artist With Entire Top 10 on Billboard Hot 100, Led by ‘Anti-Hero’ at No. 1
Gary Trust