Coding tools news 2022

Here is a post where I post information on new and interesting coding tools on the comments.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    After 40 Years, Adobe Releases PostScript Source V0.10 For Posterity

    Celebrating their 40th anniversary, Adobe released the source code of PostScript v0.10 to the Computer History Museum. But before you ask, we tried and it won’t compile with GCC out of the box – it’s missing at least except.h, but we’d bet you can hack around it with a little dedication.

    PostScript is the precursor to PDF, and at the time it was revolutionary. Coming out of Xerox’s PARC, the idea was to create device- and resolution-independent documents where all the characters, symbols, and graphics are described by their shapes instead of bitmaps. PostScript’s secret sauce was in how it went back to a pixel-based representation for end use on monitors or printers. It’s no exaggeration to say that this ended up revolutionizing the print industry, and it makes sense in the CHM’s collection.

    Still, on the trade-secret front, you shouldn’t get too excited. Apparently the code released here only includes a first-draft version of Adobe’s font hinting algos

    PostScript: A Digital Printing Press

    The story of PostScript has many different facets. It is a story about profound changes in human literacy as well as a story of trade secrets within source code. It is a story about the importance of teams, and of geometry. And it is a story of the motivations and educations of engineer-entrepreneurs.

    The Computer History Museum is excited to publicly release, for the first time, the source code for the breakthrough printing technology, PostScript.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Spotify’s grand plan to monetize developers via its open source Backstage project
    Backstage is used by developers at Netflix, American Airlines and hundreds of other companies

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Python is popular for web development, often used on the backend with frameworks like Django & Flask.

    But there’s a new framework called PyScript that lets you use Python on the web with regular HTML.

    In this tutorial Ifihan shows you how it works.

    How to Use PyScript – A Python Frontend Framework

    In the web development field, Python is used mainly on the backend with frameworks such as Django and Flask.

    Before now, Python didn’t have much support on the front-end side like other languages such as JavaScript. But thankfully, Python developers have built some libraries (such as Brython) to support their favourite language on the web.

    And this year, during the PyCon 2022 conference, Anaconda announced a framework named PyScript that allows you to use Python on the web using standard HTML.

    Google Chrome is the recommended browser for PyScript

    PyScript is a Python front-end framework that enables users to construct Python programs using an HTML interface in the browser.

    It was developed using the power of Emscripten, Pyodide, WASM, and other modern web technologies

    PyScript isn’t meant to take the role of JavaScript in the browser, though – rather, it’s meant to give Python developers, particularly data scientists, more flexibility and power.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Python vs. Bash? Why not both with Python’s subprocess module
    Python’s subprocess module easily integrates Bash into your Python scripts.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What are the differences between absolute and relative paths?
    Learn how absolute and relative paths compare and when to use each one.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Charles Lohr’s Linux-Capable Really Tiny RISC-V Emulator Exists in a Single 400-Line C Header File
    Existing in a single 400-line header file, this RISC-V emulator can boot a usable Linux operating system and run executables.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Paul Sawers / TechCrunch:
    A look at Backstage, Spotify’s open-source developer platform used at Netflix, LinkedIn, Epic, Roku, Box, and 200+ others, which the company seeks to monetize

    Spotify’s grand plan to monetize developers via its open source Backstage project
    Backstage is used by developers at Netflix, American Airlines and hundreds of other companies

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to Generate WordPress Posts Automatically with Python

    In this article, I’ll show you how to create content automatically and push it to your WordPress website with Python.

    This is how it works:

    We’ll get content from our source (for example, another website we run)
    We’ll translate it into our language
    We’ll choose a featured image already available on our website and finally publish it to our WordPress instance as a post.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Adaptive screen brightness using LDR and Python script

    Ever wondered how useful is the automatic brightness feature on phones? It can quickly alter screen’s brightness according to the surrounding light intensity.

    In this project I have tried to create something similar for any PC or Laptop running on Linux (preferably Ubuntu 14.04).

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    C++ zooms past Java in programming popularity contest
    TIOBE or not TIOBE, that is the question

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Notate Lets Programmers Define Quantum Circuits by Simply Drawing a Diagram
    Designed to augment, rather than supplant, traditional textual programming, Notate can boost development speed.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Top 10 Highest-Paying Programming Languages According to Developer Survey

    In this article, we will talk about top 10 highest-paying programming languages for earnings and opportunities.

    Golang (Go)

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Coding is not ‘fun’, it’s technically and ethically complex
    It doesn’t help that Hollywood has cast the ‘coder’ as a socially challenged, type-first-think-later hacker, inevitably white and male.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    ICT-osaajalta kirja vihreästä koodista

    Käsiteltävän datan määrä kasvaa räjähdysmäisesti muun muassa tekoälyn, IoT:n ja analytiikan vuoksi, joten ICT-alan energiankulutus ja päästöt ovat voimakkaassa kasvussa. Siihen tuo apua ohjelmistoyritys Exoven kasvujohtaja Janne Kalliola Vihreää koodia-kirjallaan.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Voisiko koodin sekaan piirtää kaavioita? Kyllä voi

    Newyorkilaisessa Cornellin yliopistossa on kehitetty työkalu, joka mahdollistaa piirikaavioiden ja luonnostelmien piirtämisen ohjelmakoodin sekaan. Työkalu sitten kääntää piirrokset koodiin sopiviksi merkinnöiksi.

    Työkalu on nimeltään Notate. Sen ensimmäinen toteutus on laajennus Jupyter-muistikirjaan. Työkalu kuvattiin julkaisussa “Notational Programming for Notebook Environments: Case Study with Quantum Circuits”, joka esiteltiin ACM Symposiumissa loka-marraskuun vaihteessa.

    Kehitetyn käyttöliittymän avulla koodaaja voi kirjoittaa käsin ja luonnostella tietokonekoodin sisällä. Tämä on ollut haaste perinteiselle koodaukselle, joka perustuu tyypillisesti merkkipohjaiseen kirjoittamiseen.

    Syväoppimismallilla toimiva käyttöliittymä yhdistää käsin kirjoitetun ja tekstillisen ohjelmointikontekstin. Käsin kirjoitetun kaavion merkinnät voivat viitata tekstikoodiin ja päinvastoin. Esimerkiksi Notate tunnistaa käsin kirjoitetut ohjelmointisymbolit, kuten “n”, ja yhdistää ne sitten koneella kirjoitettuihin vastaaviin. Eräässä tapaustutkimuksessa käyttäjät piirsivät kvanttipiirikaavioita Jupyterin muistikirjan koodisolujen sisään.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Top 10 CloudOps Programming Languages for Developers to Learn in 2023

    Here are the top 10 CloudOps Programming Languages that every developer should learn in 2023

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Turn A Webpage Into A Desktop App With Gluon

    Electron is software for running web-written apps in the same way as native ones, and has gotten plenty of bad press for its RAM appetite around these parts. But while the execution might leave something to be desired, the concept itself is quite solid — if you’ve already got code written for the web, a quick and easy way to bring it over to the desktop would be very valuable.

    Which is why [CanadaHonk] is building a framework called Gluon, which aims to turn your web pages into desktop apps with little to no effort.

    One of the coolest parts is that it’s able to use your system-installed browser, and not a bundled-in one like Electron. Firefox support is firmly on the roadmap, too, currently in experimental stage. Linux support is being worked on as well

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Here’s a bunch of die-hard programmers aimed for a “perfect” language—and created C in the process. (From 2020)

    “A damn stupid thing to do”—the origins of C
    Today, C may be a lingua franca among programmers. This is its (abridged) history.

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    What is Ada and SPARK?

    Ada is a state-of-the art programming language that development teams worldwide are using for critical software: from microkernels and small-footprint, real-time embedded systems to large-scale enterprise applications, and everything in between.

    SPARK is formally analyzable subset of Ada — and toolset that brings mathematics-based confidence to software verification.

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Järin suuri yllätys tuskin lienee Windowsin nouseminen suosituimmaksi, mutta etumatkaa muihin ei kuitenkaan ollut aivan valtavasti

    71 500:stä vastaajasta vajaa puolet, noin 49 prosenttia, ilmoitti käyttävänsä Windowsia työkäytössä. Kakkoseksi nousivat Linux-jakelut lähes 40 prosentin osuudella. Applen macOS:ää ilmoitti työkäytössä käyttävänsä 33 prosenttia vastaajista. Linux tosin onnistui kipuamaan listalle myös nelossijalle, sillä reilut 14 prosenttia ilmoitti käyttävänsä Windows Subsystem for Linuxia.

    Käytetyimmäksi kieleksi nousi javascript, jota kertoi käyttävänsä 65 prosenttia kaikista käyttäjistä.

    Tietokannoista ammattilaiset suosivat PostgreSQL:ää hieman MySQL:ää enemmän, kun taas aloitteleville jälkimmäinen oli ylivoimainen suosikki, MongoDB:n noustessa kakkoseksi.

    Pilvialustoista käytetyin oli AWS, joka oli erityisesti ammattilaisten käyttämä, aloittelevien suosiessa Herokua, Googlea ja Firebasea.

    Kyselyssä kysyttiin käytettyjen tekniikoiden ohella myös devaajien haluamia tekniikoita. Vaikka javascript oli käytetyin kieli, nousi rust halutuimmaksi.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    20 principles I learned from 10 years of developing software

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    In 2015, an anonymous GitHub user named Code Golf Addict published code for a 27-rule Turing machine that halts if — and only if — the Goldbach conjecture is false. This started a trend. (From 2020)

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The GitHub Silverware Drawer Dilemma, Or: Finding Active Repository Forks

    An fortunate reality of GitHub and similar sites is that projects that are abandoned by the maintainer are often continued by someone else who forked the project. Unfortunately, the ease of forking also means that GitHub projects tend to have a lot of forks, with the popular projects having hundreds of them. Since GitHub has elected to not provide a way to filter or sort these forks, finding the most active fork can be rather harrowing.

    In addition, a popular project’s dead repository tends to score higher in search results than replacement forks.

    Meanwhile, the Active Forks project by [Samar Dhwoj Acharya] provides a sortable list of project forks when provided with a GitHub repository name. This helps enormously when trying to find the freshest forks in a whole list. This is similar to the Useful Forks project that provides a web-based interface in addition to a Chrome extension.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    GitHub Introduces Automatic Vulnerability Scanning Feature

    Microsoft-owned code hosting platform GitHub is now providing developers with the option to have their code repositories automatically scanned for vulnerabilities.

    Available as a ‘default setup’ option, the new feature is meant to help code builders find and resolve vulnerabilities faster.

    Available for JavaScript, Python, and Ruby repositories, it allows open source developers and enterprises to enable code scanning without the use of a .yaml file and will immediately provide them with insights into their code’s issues.

    To enable the new option, GitHub users should head to the ‘Settings’ tab in their repositories and then navigate to ‘Code security and analysis’, under ‘Security’.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    How to use Jenkins pipelines for GitOps and CI/CD
    Take a GitOps approach to automated application deployment by using a Jenkinsfile to drive your CI/CD processes.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Creating ‘Offline-First’ Applications for Wi-Fi Dead Zones

    In the field, at sea, on the factory floor, connectivity can be unreliable. New innovations help gather and sync data gathered at the edge.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    4 Common Python Mistakes You Should Avoid as a Beginner
    And how to correct yourself before you unintentionally ruin a job interview.


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