Friday Fun: Light cooking

Light cooking ideas for this Friday:

Infrared cooking and using light instrument heat directly.
You can’t do this with one of those new LED pars.

PAR Cans are the most widely used light for concerts, clubs, and theatrical lighting. Some people have cooked with them.

Here are few examples from the discussion:

Alton Brown
did a pizza oven when out on tour a few years ago. Called it the ”MegaBake”

There are videos of that 54 PAR64 lamp “MegaBake” in Dailymotion, Facebook, Laughing Squid and YouTube.

Here are some more interesting related videos I found from YouTube:

PAR can popcorn.

Cooking an egg on a PAR Can light


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    I am a mere trafficker in memes and take no responsibility for the content of said memes.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    SaaS = Snack as a Service
    PaaS = Pancakes as a Service
    IaaS = Ice-cream as a Service
    Baas = Bacon as a Service
    CaaS = Cake as a Service


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