Tech trends for 2024

Here is collection of technology trends news for year 2024. This is a collection of links to articles followed by a short quote.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nyt se on täällä: Ensimmäinen RedCap-modeemi

    3GPP määritteli osana Release 17 -määrityksiä uuden tavan siirtää pieniä määriä dataa erittäin energiatehokkaasti. Tekniikka on nimeltään RedCap ja nyt taiwanilainen MediaTek on esitellyt ensimmäisen tekniikkaa tukevan modeemipiirinsä. Se on nimeltään M50.

    Jos mobiiliverkossa halutaan siirtää pieniä määriä dataa, RedCapilla on monia etuja aiempiin tekniikoihin verrattuna. Yksi niistä on alhainen energiankulutus. Tämä on erityisen tärkeää IoT-laitteissa, joissa on rajallinen virtalähde, kuten paristot.

    RedCapin avulla IoT-laitteet voivat hyödyntää laajaa verkkojen kattavuutta, mukaan lukien 4G- ja 5G-verkot.

    MediaTekin M60 kuluttaa yhtiön mukaan 60 prosenttia vähemmän tehoa kuin markkinoilla olevat 4G-modeemit. 5G-modeemeihin verrattuna tehonkulutus pienenee vieläkin enemmän eli 70 prosenttia. Rel. 17 -määrityksissä on lisäksi uusia tehonsäästötekniikoita, joilla virrankulutus pienenee 10 prosenttia lisää.

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sama kenno sopii joka kameraan älypuhelimessa

    Omnivision on esitellyt uuden älypuhelimien kennon, jonka resoluutio on 50 megapikseliä. OM50M40-kennoa voidaan käyttää kaikissa puhelimen kameroissa: etukamerassa, pääkamerassa, ultralaajakamerassa ja telekamerassa.

    Älypuhelimien etu-, pää-, ultralaajakameroihin ja telekameraan lisätty OV50M40 on monipuolinen 0,61 mikronin (µm) pikselikoon CMOS-kuvakenno, jossa on 50 megapikselin lähtö ja monia edistyneitä ominaisuuksia, kuten yhden valotuksen analoginen kaksoisvahvistus.

    Tuotemarkkinoista vastaavan James Liun mukaan pienen koon 50 megapikselin kuvakennoille on kasvava kysyntä älypuhelinsovelluksissa. – Uusi OV50M40-kuvakennomme voi tarjota matkapuhelinten OEM-valmistajille yhden kameraratkaisun, jonka suorituskyky ja ominaisuudet riittävät useisiin sovelluksiin.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Flashing red lights for the AI industry.

    Nvidia Stock Falls as Earnings Show AI Isn’t Growing Revenue Like It Hoped
    byVictor Tangermann
    Aug 29, 4:52 PM EDT
    I-HWA CHENG/AFP via Getty Images
    “AI is still there, but I think people got a little too excited, a little too over-hyped in terms of what we can expect in the near term.”

    Present Imperfect
    AI chip maker Nvidia is struggling to meet some sky-high expectations.

    Its Wednesday earnings report showed that the company’s earnings and revenues are growing — by more than 100 percent — but not as much as investors had hoped, given the immense expectations around the role hardware is playing in the tech sector’s AI fever.

    As Bloomberg put it, the company’s report “needed to be perfect” given its nearly $2 trillion in market value, placing Nvidia squarely in the maelstrom of the ongoing AI hype wave.

    Investors weren’t happy, with shares plunging more than six percent on Thursday.

    So what gives? Simply put, the market was hoping for far more from the chipmaker, as is clear from its shares rallying more than 150 percent this year alone.

    Could this be a sign that investors are starting to become wary of the immense hype surrounding AI? Is the purported “AI bubble” set to burst?

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    AnandTech Shuts Down After 27-Year Run
    from the end-of-an-era dept.
    AnandTech, a pioneering technology news website, is shutting down after 27 years on August 30, 2024. Founded in 1997 by Anand Lal Shimpi, the site earned a reputation for its in-depth hardware reviews and technical analysis.

    In a final post on the site, AnandTech Editor-in-Chief Ryan Smith cited changing market dynamics for written tech journalism as the primary reason for closure. The site’s 21,500 articles will remain accessible indefinitely, hosted by publisher Future PLC. AnandTech’s forums will continue operating under Future’s management.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Vanha SIM-kortti katoaa pian kokonaan

    SIM-kortilla käyttäjä on tunnistautunut operaattorin verkkoon jo vuosikymmenien ajan. Kortin fyysinen koko on koko ajan kutistunut, mutta iso muuta on oikeastaan tulossa vasta nyt. Pian koko fyysinen SIM-kortti tai sen tilalle tullut fyysinen eSIM-piiri katoaa mobiililaitteista.

    Tilalle tulee iSIM eli integroitu SIM. Se on ”vain” ohjelmistomoduuli, joka asennetaan laitteen järjestelmäpiirille. Counterpoint arvioi, että vuoteen 2030 mennessä lähes 70 prosenttia kaikista toimitetuista matkapuhelinlaitteista on eSIM/iSIM-yhteensopivia.

    Tällä hetkellä laitteissa aletaan laajasti tukea eSIM-autentikointia. Ensimmäiset iSIM-ratkaisut tulevat kuitenkin markkinoille tänä vuonna ja iSIM-laitteiden kasvu tulee olemaan nopeita. Vuosille 2024-2030 Counterpoint ennustaa 160 prosentin vuotuista iSIM-kasvua.

    SIM-kortin kehitys tuo myös lisää tilaa laitesuunnittelijoille. SIM-kelkka on vaatinut oman tilansa piirikortilla ja eSIM-piiri kutisti sen koon ensin 5-6 millimetriin ja nyttemmin pienemmäksi. iSIM on vain koodia, joten se vie prosessorilla tilaa vain murto-osan aiemmista ratkaisuista. Tätä tilaa laitevalmistaja voi käyttää haluamallaan tavalla, vaikkapa muistia lisäämällä tai laitteen piirikortin kokoa kutistamalla.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Intel could be removed from Dow Jones due to stark stock price drop: Report
    By Anton Shilov published 7 hours ago
    Nvidia or Texas Instruments could replace Intel in the DJIA index.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Managing technological debt: future-proofing your broadcast infrastructure
    By embracing IP-native, software-based solutions, service operators and providers can reduce their reliance on outdated hardware, streamline their operations, and position themselves for long-term success

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Intel CEO will reportedly present plans to cut assets at an emergency board meeting — chipmaker may put $32B Magdeburg plant on hold and sell off Altera
    By Dallin Grimm published 2 days ago
    Pat Gelsinger’s Intel woes continue.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Business leaders are losing faith in IT, according to this IBM study. Here’s why
    Generative AI seems to have changed business leaders’ expectations about what technology needs to deliver.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Once the semiconductor industry’s undisputed leader, Intel now lags TSMC in terms of chip density, cost and power efficiency. As rivals abandoned the vertically integrated design-and-manufacturing model, they benefitted from the Taiwanese firm’s advances, gobbling up market share. The result: Intel is burning cash, and its stock has fallen by half in five years.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nuclei: Open-source vulnerability scanner
    Nuclei is a fast and customizable open-source vulnerability scanner powered by YAML-based templates.

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The FTC should stop tech companies from bricking their products, consumer groups say / The FTC has been asked to crack down on ‘software tethering,’ a practice that renders perfectly good products totally useless.

    The FTC should stop tech companies from bricking their products, consumer groups say / The FTC has been asked to crack down on ‘software tethering,’ a practice that renders perfectly good products totally useless.

    A coalition of consumer protection and anti-waste groups wants the Federal Trade Commission to go after “software tethering,” or the practice of tying hardware’s functionality to external software — which often renders products unusable after software updates stop.

    The groups, including Consumer Reports, iFixIt, US PIRG, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, the Center for Economic Justice, and Californians Against Waste, have signed onto a letter asking the FTC to “create clear guidance” on software tethering. “While the FTC has taken some limited actions with regard to this issue, a lack of clarity and enforcement has led to an ecosystem where consumers cannot reliably count on the connected products they buy to last,” the letter reads.

    The letter calls out a number of products whose functionalities have been limited — or eliminated altogether — by this practice. In some cases, as was the case with the $1,695 Snoo bassinet, customers “discovered that some of the features that were originally advertised with the product” would soon be locked behind a monthly subscription service. In other instances, like the Juicero juicer, the products became unsupported and effectively unusable after the startups behind them shut down.

    “Manufacturers increasingly use software to lock us into only using our tech in ways that just-so-happen to generate the most profits for them,”

    The authors also note that even major, established companies like Google kill certain products — and their support — leaving customers with waste, and note that smart home products like major appliances are particularly vulnerable to this.


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