Google acted illegally to maintain a monopoly in online search, a federal judge ruled on Monday, a landmark decision that strikes at the power of tech giants in the modern internet era and that may fundamentally alter the way they do business.
Judge Amit P. Mehta of U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia said in a 277-page ruling that Google had abused a monopoly over the search business.
Judge Amit Mehta ruled in favor of the Department of Justice, writing that Google has maintained a monopoly in the search and advertising markets.
A federal judge ruled that Google violated US antitrust law by maintaining a monopoly in the search and advertising markets.
“After having carefully considered and weighed the witness testimony and evidence, the court reaches the following conclusion: Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” according to the court’s ruling, which you can read in full at the bottom of this story. “It has violated Section 2 of the Sherman Act.”
He described “Google’s monopoly in general search” as “remarkably durable,” writing that it increased from about 80 percent in 2009 to 90 percent by 2020. Bing, by comparison, has less than 6 percent market share, Mehta added. “If there is genuine competition in the market for general search, it has not manifested in familiar ways, such as fluid market shares, lost business, or new entrants,” he wrote.
“The market reality is that Google is the only real choice as the default GSE,”
He cited a quote from Apple SVP Eddy Cue, who said during the trial that there’s “‘no price that Microsoft could ever offer [Apple] to’ preload Bing.”
Mehta underscored the idea that even the largest businesses in the US have no real alternative to Google.
On search text advertising, Mehta wrote that Google’s exclusive agreements enabled it to raise prices on that product “without any meaningful competitive constraint.” While Google argued that the price for its search text ads, when adjusted for quality, has decreased, Mehta wrote that evidence “is weak.” That’s because even Google has recognized how difficult it is to determine “the value of an ad to its buyer,” he wrote. “This evidence does not reflect a principled practice of quality-adjusted pricing, but rather shows Google creating higher-priced auctions with the primary purpose of driving long-term revenues.”
Beyond the monopoly questions, Mehta declined to impose sanctions on Google for failing to preserve chat messages relevant to the case — something the Justice Department characterized as destroying evidence. The requested sanctions “do not move the needle on the court’s assessment of Google’s liability.”
Amazon, Apple, and Meta all now face their own monopolization lawsuits from the US government, and Google will go to trial against the DOJ a second time this fall over a separate challenge of its advertising technology business. That makes Mehta’s decision in this case even more consequential for how other judges may consider how to apply century-old antitrust laws to modern digital markets.
Google argued throughout the trial that it has not acted anticompetitively and that its large market share is a result of creating a superior product that consumers enjoy.
One of the most significant revelations from the case was the size of Google’s payments to Apple to secure the default search engine spot on iPhone browsers. An expert witness for Google let slip that the company shares 36 percent of search ad revenue from Safari with Apple. In 2022, Google paid Apple $20 billion for the default position.
During closing arguments, Mehta homed in on those payments, wondering how other players in the market could possibly displace Google from that position. “If that’s what it takes for somebody to dislodge Google as the default search engine, wouldn’t the folks that wrote the Sherman Act be concerned about it?”
The next antitrust trial between the DOJ and Google is set to begin on September 9th in Virginia. That case will focus on whether Google has illegally monopolized digital advertising technology.
Google Monopolized Search Through Illegal Deals, Judge Rules
Google’s deals with Apple and others violate law, judge says
Google paid billions to make search engine default on phones
Google illegally monopolized the search market through exclusive deals, a judge ruled Monday, handing the government a win in its first major antitrust case against a tech giant in more than two decades.
Judge Amit Mehta in Washington said that the Alphabet Inc. unit’s $26 billion in payments to make its search engine the default option on smartphones and web browsers effectively blocked any other competitor from succeeding in the market.
“Google’s distribution agreements foreclose a substantial portion of the general search services market and impair rivals’ opportunities to compete,” Mehta said in a 286-page ruling.
By monopolizing distribution on phones and browsers, Google has been able to consistently raise the prices of online advertising without consequences, Mehta said.
Antitrust enforcers alleged that Google has illegally maintained a monopoly over online search and related advertising. The government said that Google has paid Apple, Samsung Electronics Co. and others billions over decades for prime placement on smartphones and web browsers. This default position has allowed Google to build up the most-used search engine in the world and fueled more than $300 billion in annual revenue largely generated by search ads.
Alphabet shares slid almost 4.5% to $159.25 at the close in New York. Apple Inc., which depending on the remedy could stand to lose billions in payments
“This victory against Google is a historic win for the American people,” said Attorney General Merrick Garland. “No company — no matter how large or influential — is above the law. The Justice Department will continue to vigorously enforce the antitrust laws.”
Google said it plans to appeal the decision.
Mehta found that Google doesn’t have a monopoly in the market for general search advertising, noting that competitors like Inc., Walmart Inc. and other retailers have begun to offer advertising related to searches on their own websites. But Google does have a monopoly over search text ads, which appear at the top of a search results page to draw users to websites, he said.
The Justice Department hasn’t yet said what changes it will seek, though it presented evidence that efforts by European regulators to require Google to offer users a choice of search engines led few to switch. The agency could demand the separation of Alphabet’s search business from other products, like Android or Chrome, which — if ordered by the judge — would mark the biggest forced breakup of a US company since AT&T was dismantled in 1984.
The judge could also stop short of ordering a full breakup and chose to unwind the exclusive search deals. Another option could be to require Google to license its search index, which is the data that it uses to build its search results.
Dan Morgan, a senior portfolio manager at Synovus Trust, said the decision adds to the “black cloud” of legal and regulatory uncertainty that has been hovering over the company.
Some of the Mehta’s analysis about advertising markets may raise difficulties for the government as it pursues its second case against Google, Kovacic said.
Mehta’s decision is “bold in a legally careful way that will do well on appeal,” said Rebecca Allensworth, an antitrust professor at Vanderbilt Law School. It will “lay the blueprint for other tech cases going forward.”
Gallium-nitridi on korvannut muutamassa vuodessa piipohjaiset tehopuolijohteet mobiililaitteiden latureissa. Tekniikan etuja hyödynnetään myös uusissa Hyperin matkalatureissa, jotka esiteltiin 100 ja 70 watin teholuokkiin.
Älykkäät laturit lataavat yhtäaikaisesti jopa neljä laitetta ja syöttävät kuhunkin laitteeseen juuri oikean latausvirran.
Jakelijoiden järjestö DMASS uutisoi juuri varsin heikosta toisesta neljänneksestä, mutta sulautetuissa korttitietokoneissa lama ei näy. Kontron kertoo tehneensä toisella neljänneksellä ennätysliikevaihdolla ennätyksellisen tuloksen.
It’s a religion with cultish rituals, which cost good money. It’s no different from many other religions, other than that its claims are scientifically falsifable.
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“the sound will be analog as much as it can be”
At least the guy is not lying.
To alter the sound it would need to 1) make some errors during digital data transfer (and cable should have knowledge which and how). 2) convert it to analog, change the sound and convert to digital again.
The guy charges about $3000 for one meter of cable. For the price, I’m pretty sure I can design a USB cable that will do all you describe and add some reverb on top for more soundstage.
Ya think if you cut it open it’s Amazon Basics USB cable wrapped in foam, nylon, and heat shrink?
That’s the thickest cable I have ever seen. It looks well made, but that price, and the claims are all BS.
Having a thick usb cable is a also extremely impractical, and it will put a lot of unneccessary strain on the device ports
If you’re wondering about your next step as an audiophile, try saying ‘no’.
I never thought I’d be writing this, but here I am, a 47-year-old man, confessing to an addiction that almost ruined my life.
No, it wasn’t drugs or gambling. It was headphones.
Yes, you read that right. I was addicted to buying audio gear in what’s known as Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS).
The First Taste
It all started simply enough. I grew up in a house where high-fidelity audio was valued. We weren’t rich, but we were comfortable, and my dad (who was also an audiophile) had invested in an impressive speaker system that filled our home with top-level music.
I fell into a cycle of buying, selling (although rarely), and inevitably losing money on gear as I kept chasing the next big thing.
As my collection grew, so did my isolation. While my friends were out partying and socializing, I was stuck in my room, comparing the small differences between headphones.
Lossless Scaling frame generation is about to reach new heights, judging from some new videos shared online in the past few days.
YouTube user Vyathaen shared a new video showcasing the 4x FPS mode that will be implemented into the frame generation option of the upscaler in the coming weeks.
Lossless Scaling has made impressive progress since its release. Version 2.1, which was released in June, introduced a 3x FPS mode that triples framerate, performance optimizations that made the 2x FPS mode faster than in the previous release, and some changes for when the final frame rate exceeds the monitor’s refresh rate.
Lossless Scaling is now available for purchase on Steam. It works with any GPU and every PC game, including emulated games.
Intel Cuts Over 18,000 Jobs Following Troubling Quarterly Earnings Report
Intel has announced the slashing of 18,000 jobs and other cost-cutting measures, including reduced capex and the suspension of dividends. Learn more about the development and the continuing trend of layoffs in the tech industry.
There are plenty of things in your home that don’t need to be “smart,” but planters are actually a pretty good use case for the technology. A lot of us struggle to keep plants alive, because we aren’t giving them the care that they require — it is easy to forget to water them one day, then overcompensate by watering them too much the next day. WALTY 2.0 can help and it takes things a step further than just providing notifications, as it has the ability to pull water out of thin air.
WALTY 2.0 just launched on Kickstarter and it is clearly a passion project. This isn’t just another big corporation using Kickstarter for marketing, but rather a genuine attempt to fund an innovative new product. That becomes apparent when you see the 3D-printed planter body and electronics enclosure, and some basic off-the-shelf electronics like the LCD screen. But there is a certain charm to that and the concept certainly has merit.
The goal here is to eliminate manual watering entirely, without resorting to plumbing an irrigation system. It is perfect for forgetful apartment-dwelling plant parents. It works using the same technology that causes the outside of your glass to get wet when you dine on a patio: condensation.
Inside WALTY 2.0 is a condenser, similar to what you’d find in an air conditioner or refrigerator. When humid air touches the cold surfaces of the cooling fins, condensation forms and starts to build up.
It is also worth considering efficiency and power consumption, as running a condenser just to supply some water seems a little wasteful.
However, this is still a very interesting product and if you want to back the WALTY 2.0 Kickstarter campaign, you have until August 26thto do so. Ultra early birds can get a WALTY 2.0 in white for $120 and it should ship in December.
The upcoming microcode patch, slated to arrive in mid-August, aims to stop Raptor Lake chips from frying themselves by lowering the amount of voltage the CPUs use. Excess voltage can and will cause processors to destroy themselves – and indeed plenty of Intel chip owners have complained about the issue since Raptor Lake debuted in late 2022 with the 13th Gen product.
In time, businesses may wake up to the true potential of artificial intelligence. But if worries grow, big tech’s spending plans will start to look as extravagant as its valuations
Move to San Francisco and it is hard not to be swept up by mania over artificial intelligence (AI). Advertisements tell you how the tech will revolutionise your workplace. In bars people speculate about when the world will “get AGI”, or when machines will become more advanced than humans. The five big tech firms—Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta and Microsoft, all of which have either headquarters or outposts nearby—are investing vast sums. This year they are budgeting an estimated $400bn for capital expenditures, mostly on AI-related hardware, and for research and development
Swisscom Broadcast on valinnut Nokian Drones-as-a-Service -palvelun valtakunnalliseen käyttöön Sveitsissä. Hätätilanteissa voidaan ottaa jopa 300 dronea käyttöön, joilla saadaan mobiiliverkko esimerkiksi pelastajien tai rajaviranomaisten käyttöön.
Nokian mukaan kyse on toisesta valtakunnallisesta Drone Networks -projektista Belgian Citymeshin käyttöönoton jälkeen
Shortly after Humane released its $699 AI Pin in April, the returns started flowing in.
Between May and August, more AI Pins were returned than purchased, according to internal sales data obtained by The Verge. By June, only around 8,000 units hadn’t been returned, a source with direct knowledge of sales and return data told me. As of today, the number of units still in customer hands had fallen closer to 7,000, a source with direct knowledge said.
At launch, the AI Pin was met with overwhelmingly negative reviews. Our own David Pierce said it “just doesn’t work,” and Marques Brownlee called it “the worst product” he’s ever reviewed. Now, Humane is attempting to stabilize its operations and maintain confidence among staff and potential acquirers. The New York Times reported in June that HP is considering purchasing the company, and The Information reported last week that Humane is negotiating with its current investors to raise debt, which could later be converted into equity.
Humane’s AI Pin and accessories have brought in just over $9 million in lifetime sales, according to the internal data seen by The Verge. But around 1,000 purchases were canceled before shipping, and more than $1 million worth of product has been returned.
The low sales figures also pale in comparison to the over $200 million that Humane has raised from notable Silicon Valley executives like OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff. To date, around 10,000 Pins and accessories have shipped in total. Humane hoped to ship about 100,000 Pins within the first year
Once a Humane Pin is returned, the company has no way to refurbish it, sources with knowledge of the return process confirmed. The Pin becomes e-waste, and Humane doesn’t have the opportunity to reclaim the revenue by selling it again. The core issue is that there is a T-Mobile limitation that makes it impossible (for now) for Humane to reassign a Pin to a new user once it’s been assigned to someone. One source said they don’t believe Humane has disposed of the old Pins because “they’re still hopeful they can solve this problem eventually.” T-Mobile declined to comment and referred us to Humane.
Älypuhelimessa on keskeistä säästää virtaa aina, kun se on mahdollista. Yksi keino on muuttaa dynaamisesti näytön virkistystaajuutta sen mukaan, mikä kullekin sisällölle ja sovellukselle on riittävää. Tekniikan käyttö on yleistynyt niin nopeasti, että se näkyy jo näyttöjen markkinoilla.
Kyse on käytännössä kahden näyttötekniikan kisasta. Vanhempi LTPS-tekniikka (Low-Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon) keskittyi transistorien kutistamiseen ja näytön laadun parantamiseen sitä kautta. Vuonna 2022 sen osuus markkinoilla oli vielä hallitseva ja ruutujä myytiin yli 400 miljoonaa kappaletta.
Noihin aikoihin markkinoille tulivat ensimmäiset LPTO-tekniikkaan (Low-Temperature Polycrystalline Oxide) perustuvat kännykkänäytöt. TPO on näyttötekniikka, jota käytetään pääasiassa OLED-näytöissä. Se yhdistää LPTS- ja IGZO- (Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide) -teknologiat. LTPO:n etuja ovat erityisesti sen kyky vähentää virrankulutusta muuttamalla näytön virkistystaajuutta dynaamisesti, mikä on hyödyllistä esimerkiksi älypuhelinten ja älykellojen näytöissä, joissa virrankulutuksen optimointi on tärkeää. Tämä tarkoittaa, että näyttö voi siirtyä korkeasta virkistystaajuudesta (esim. 120 Hz) alhaiseen (esim. 1 Hz) tarpeen mukaan, mikä säästää akkua.
Nyt tutkimuslaitos Omdia ennustaa, että LPTO ohittaa LPTS:n myyntimäärät muutaman vuoden kulutta. Vuodesta 2028 lähtien tekniikka alkaa hallita pienten laitteiden näyttömarkkinoita ja vuoteen 2031 mennessä niitä myydään jo 520 miljoonaa kappaletta vuodessa. Tällä hetkellä LPTO-näyttö löytyy edelleen useammin high end -luokan malleista, kuten kuvan OnePlus Open -puhelimesta.
Työsuhde-etuja tarjoava Edenred tutkitutti huhtikuussa FCG:llä, kuinka moni suomalainen käyttää ns. virtuaalikortteja eli älypuhelimeen tallennettuja kortteja. Luku on jopa yllättänkin suuri, sillä jo 38 prosenttia suomalaisista käyttää virtuaalikorttisovelluksia.
Virtuaalikorttisovelluksia ovat muun muassa Google Wallet ja Apple Wallet. Virtuaalikorttisovellukset ovat tapa pitää kortit mukana ja käyttää niitä mobiilisti, jolloin fyysiset kortit voi jättää säilöön. Yleisin syy, miksi suomalainen ei käytä virtuaalikortteja, on se, että fyysisestä maksukortista ja käteisestä tykätään enemmän. 45 prosenttia ajattelee niin.
407 euroa. Niin paljon maksoi keskimäärin suomalaisen ostama puhelin huhti-kesäkuussa. Elektroniikka- ja kodinkonekaupan yhdistys ETKOn mukaan parin kympin pudotus puhelimen keskihinnassa vuoden aikana perustuu siihen, että edullisempien, alle 150 euroa maksavien puhelimien myynti on noussut.
#MadeByGoogle on YouTube:
A recording of the Made by Google 2024 keynote, with updates on Google AI and Pixel devices, including the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro Fold
AI-capable PCs made up 14%, or 8.8M, of all PCs shipped in Q2; around 60% of them were Apple computers, and Windows PC shipments priced over $800 grew 9% QoQ
14% of PCs shipped globally in Q2 2024 were AI-capable
According to the latest Canalys data, 8.8 million AI-capable PCs were shipped in Q2 2024. These devices are defined as desktops and notebooks that include a chipset or block for dedicated AI workloads, such as an NPU. Shipments of AI-capable PCs represented 14% of all PCs shipped in the quarter. With all major processor vendors’ AI-capable PC roadmaps now well underway, the stage is set for a significant ramp-up in device availability and end-user adoption in the second half of 2024 and beyond.
Intel has just sold ALL of its Arm shares, as the CPU behemoth continues to struggle
Intel dumps all of its Arm shares as the CPU giant struggles after laying off 15,000 employees, bleeding market share to AMD, and failing CPUs worldwide.
Tutkimuslaitos TrendForcen uusin raportti yritysten SSD-levyistä paljastaa, että tekoälyn kysynnän kasvu on saanut tekoälypalvelinasiakkaat lisäämään merkittävästi yritysten SSD-tilauksiaan kahden viime vuosineljänneksen aikana. Kysyntä on poikkeuksellisen kovaa.
Lisääntyneet yritysten SSD-tilaukset tekoälypalvelinasiakkailta ovat johtaneet levyjen sopimushintojen nousuun yli 80 prosentilla viime vuoden lopulta tähän päivään. SSD-levyillä on keskeinen rooli tekoälyn kehityksessä. Tekoälymallikoulutuksessa SSD-levyt tallentavat ensisijaisesti malliparametreja, mukaan lukien muuttuvat painot ja poikkeamat.
Despite tech conglomerate Cisco posting $10.3 billion in profits last year, it’s still laying off 5,500 workers as part of an effort to invest more in AI, SFGATE reports.
Nokia on pitkään kipuillut mobiilimarkkinoiden laskun kanssa. Ikävä kyllä uusimmat markkinaennusteet eivät lupaa paljon parannusta. Dell´Oron tuorein ennuste povaa 8-12 prosentin laskua markkinoille tämän vuoden aikana.
Radioverkkojen liikevaihto laski yli 10 prosentin vauhtia myös vuoden toisella neljänneksellä. Samanmoinen laskuvauhti on nyt ollut päällä neljän neljänneksen ajan. Tämä on yksi huonoimpia markkinatilanteita mobiiliverkkojen historiassa.
Ainoa pieni valopilkku on Dell´Oron mukaan se, että joillakin markkinoilla on näkyvissä pientä kasvua. Tämä ei muuta isoa kuvaa suuresti: seuraavan viiden vuoden aikana tutkimuslaitos ennustaa RAN-markkinoiden kutistuvan parin prosentin vuosivauhtia.
Dell´Oron mukaan Huawei oli toisella neljänneksellä suurin tukiasemavalmistaja. Sitä seurasivat Ericsso, Nokia, ZTE ja Samsung. Vuoden ensimmäisellä puoliskolla Huawei onnistui kasvattamaan liikevaihtoaan, ZTE pysyi ennallaan ja Nokian ja Ericssonin myynti on kutistunut 3-4 prosenttia.
Piilaaksolainen xMEMS Labs on julkistanut mikrojäähdytyssirun (µCooling), joka on ensimmäinen täysin piistä valmistettu aktiivinen mikrojäähdytystuuletin ultramobiililaitteisiin. Piiri on vain millin paksuinen.
XMEMS Labsin mukaan ensimmäistä kertaa valmistajat voivat integroida aktiivisen jäähdytyksen älypuhelimiin, tabletteihin ja muihin kehittyneisiin mobiililaitteisiin tällä äänettömällä, tärinättömällä, puolijohdesirulla. Yhtiö puhuu innovaatiosta myös ”tuulettimena sirulla”, fan-on-a-chip.
Puolijohdeala on koronan jälkeen kärvistellyt pitkälti Venäjän aiheuttamassa epävarmuudessa, mutta nyt alalla on merkkejä paremmasta. SEMI-järjestö raportoi mikropiirien myynnin merkittävästä kasvusta toisella neljänneksellä.
Kysynnän elpyminen tarkoittaa myös investointien käynnistymistä. Toisaalta kasvu ei ole tasaista. Esimerkiksi tekoälypiirien ja HMB- eli suuren kaistanleveyden muistien kysyntä on erittäin voimakasta ja se on edelleen pitkälti tärkein kasvun moottori.
Australialainen Morse Micro on aiemmin demonnut Wi-Fi HaLow -tekniikkaansa, jolla Wi-Fi-yhteys saadaan yltämään jopa kolmen kilometrin päähän. Nyt tekniikka on tulossa markkinoille valvontakamerana, ihmisten määrän laskemisessa ja HaLow-reitittimenä.
Kumppanina Morsella on Milesight, joka on erikoistunut IoT-ratkaisuihin. HaLow-tekniikan avulla Milesightin tuotteet pystyvät lähettämään dataa kauemmaksi ja pienemmällä virrankulutuksella kuin aiemmin.
HaLow eroaa monella tavalla kotien tutuista reitittimistä. Ensinnäkin tekniikka toimii alle 1 GHz:n taajuudella (erityisesti noin 900 MHz monissa eri maissa), kun perinteisesti Wi-Fi toimii 2,4 ja 5 GHz taajuuksilla. Uusi 6E-standardi laajentaa taajuusaluetta vielä ylöspäin 6 gigahertsiin. Matalataajuisilla radioaalloilla on paremmat etenemisominaisuudet, mikä tarkoittaa, että ne voivat kulkea pidempiä matkoja ja tunkeutua esteiden, kuten seinien ja lattioiden, läpi tehokkaammin.
HaLow käyttää myös kapeampaa kaistanleveyttä verrattuna perinteiseen Wi-Fi-verkkoon. Kanavanleveydet ovat 1, 2, 4, 8 tai 16 megahertsiä. Kapeammat kaistanleveydet keskittävät signaalienergian tehokkaammin, jolloin se voi kulkea pidemmälle ilman merkittäviä heikennyksiä.
Käytössä ovat OFDM-perheeseen kuuluvat BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM ja 256-QAM. Näistä viimeinen mahdollistaa suurimmat datanopeudet, vaikka se ei olekaan HaLow-linkkien tärkein tehtävä.
China’s Unitree Robotics is a relatively recent entry in the general-purpose humanoid robot space, but its $16,000 G1 model is already proving itself to be quite the performer. So much so that the company has now revealed a version that’s ready for mass production.
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Tomi Engdahl says:
Google acted illegally to maintain a monopoly in online search, a federal judge ruled on Monday, a landmark decision that strikes at the power of tech giants in the modern internet era and that may fundamentally alter the way they do business.
Judge Amit P. Mehta of U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia said in a 277-page ruling that Google had abused a monopoly over the search business.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Judge rules that Google ‘is a monopolist’ in US antitrust case
Judge Amit Mehta ruled in favor of the Department of Justice, writing that Google has maintained a monopoly in the search and advertising markets.
A federal judge ruled that Google violated US antitrust law by maintaining a monopoly in the search and advertising markets.
“After having carefully considered and weighed the witness testimony and evidence, the court reaches the following conclusion: Google is a monopolist, and it has acted as one to maintain its monopoly,” according to the court’s ruling, which you can read in full at the bottom of this story. “It has violated Section 2 of the Sherman Act.”
He described “Google’s monopoly in general search” as “remarkably durable,” writing that it increased from about 80 percent in 2009 to 90 percent by 2020. Bing, by comparison, has less than 6 percent market share, Mehta added. “If there is genuine competition in the market for general search, it has not manifested in familiar ways, such as fluid market shares, lost business, or new entrants,” he wrote.
“The market reality is that Google is the only real choice as the default GSE,”
He cited a quote from Apple SVP Eddy Cue, who said during the trial that there’s “‘no price that Microsoft could ever offer [Apple] to’ preload Bing.”
Mehta underscored the idea that even the largest businesses in the US have no real alternative to Google.
On search text advertising, Mehta wrote that Google’s exclusive agreements enabled it to raise prices on that product “without any meaningful competitive constraint.” While Google argued that the price for its search text ads, when adjusted for quality, has decreased, Mehta wrote that evidence “is weak.” That’s because even Google has recognized how difficult it is to determine “the value of an ad to its buyer,” he wrote. “This evidence does not reflect a principled practice of quality-adjusted pricing, but rather shows Google creating higher-priced auctions with the primary purpose of driving long-term revenues.”
Beyond the monopoly questions, Mehta declined to impose sanctions on Google for failing to preserve chat messages relevant to the case — something the Justice Department characterized as destroying evidence. The requested sanctions “do not move the needle on the court’s assessment of Google’s liability.”
Amazon, Apple, and Meta all now face their own monopolization lawsuits from the US government, and Google will go to trial against the DOJ a second time this fall over a separate challenge of its advertising technology business. That makes Mehta’s decision in this case even more consequential for how other judges may consider how to apply century-old antitrust laws to modern digital markets.
Google argued throughout the trial that it has not acted anticompetitively and that its large market share is a result of creating a superior product that consumers enjoy.
One of the most significant revelations from the case was the size of Google’s payments to Apple to secure the default search engine spot on iPhone browsers. An expert witness for Google let slip that the company shares 36 percent of search ad revenue from Safari with Apple. In 2022, Google paid Apple $20 billion for the default position.
During closing arguments, Mehta homed in on those payments, wondering how other players in the market could possibly displace Google from that position. “If that’s what it takes for somebody to dislodge Google as the default search engine, wouldn’t the folks that wrote the Sherman Act be concerned about it?”
The next antitrust trial between the DOJ and Google is set to begin on September 9th in Virginia. That case will focus on whether Google has illegally monopolized digital advertising technology.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Google Monopolized Search Through Illegal Deals, Judge Rules
Google’s deals with Apple and others violate law, judge says
Google paid billions to make search engine default on phones
Google illegally monopolized the search market through exclusive deals, a judge ruled Monday, handing the government a win in its first major antitrust case against a tech giant in more than two decades.
Judge Amit Mehta in Washington said that the Alphabet Inc. unit’s $26 billion in payments to make its search engine the default option on smartphones and web browsers effectively blocked any other competitor from succeeding in the market.
“Google’s distribution agreements foreclose a substantial portion of the general search services market and impair rivals’ opportunities to compete,” Mehta said in a 286-page ruling.
By monopolizing distribution on phones and browsers, Google has been able to consistently raise the prices of online advertising without consequences, Mehta said.
Antitrust enforcers alleged that Google has illegally maintained a monopoly over online search and related advertising. The government said that Google has paid Apple, Samsung Electronics Co. and others billions over decades for prime placement on smartphones and web browsers. This default position has allowed Google to build up the most-used search engine in the world and fueled more than $300 billion in annual revenue largely generated by search ads.
Alphabet shares slid almost 4.5% to $159.25 at the close in New York. Apple Inc., which depending on the remedy could stand to lose billions in payments
“This victory against Google is a historic win for the American people,” said Attorney General Merrick Garland. “No company — no matter how large or influential — is above the law. The Justice Department will continue to vigorously enforce the antitrust laws.”
Google said it plans to appeal the decision.
Mehta found that Google doesn’t have a monopoly in the market for general search advertising, noting that competitors like Inc., Walmart Inc. and other retailers have begun to offer advertising related to searches on their own websites. But Google does have a monopoly over search text ads, which appear at the top of a search results page to draw users to websites, he said.
The Justice Department hasn’t yet said what changes it will seek, though it presented evidence that efforts by European regulators to require Google to offer users a choice of search engines led few to switch. The agency could demand the separation of Alphabet’s search business from other products, like Android or Chrome, which — if ordered by the judge — would mark the biggest forced breakup of a US company since AT&T was dismantled in 1984.
The judge could also stop short of ordering a full breakup and chose to unwind the exclusive search deals. Another option could be to require Google to license its search index, which is the data that it uses to build its search results.
Dan Morgan, a senior portfolio manager at Synovus Trust, said the decision adds to the “black cloud” of legal and regulatory uncertainty that has been hovering over the company.
Some of the Mehta’s analysis about advertising markets may raise difficulties for the government as it pursues its second case against Google, Kovacic said.
Mehta’s decision is “bold in a legally careful way that will do well on appeal,” said Rebecca Allensworth, an antitrust professor at Vanderbilt Law School. It will “lay the blueprint for other tech cases going forward.”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Gallium-nitridi on korvannut muutamassa vuodessa piipohjaiset tehopuolijohteet mobiililaitteiden latureissa. Tekniikan etuja hyödynnetään myös uusissa Hyperin matkalatureissa, jotka esiteltiin 100 ja 70 watin teholuokkiin.
Älykkäät laturit lataavat yhtäaikaisesti jopa neljä laitetta ja syöttävät kuhunkin laitteeseen juuri oikean latausvirran.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Puolijohteissa nihkeää, mutta sulautetut kortin käyvät kaupaksi
Jakelijoiden järjestö DMASS uutisoi juuri varsin heikosta toisesta neljänneksestä, mutta sulautetuissa korttitietokoneissa lama ei näy. Kontron kertoo tehneensä toisella neljänneksellä ennätysliikevaihdolla ennätyksellisen tuloksen.
Tomi Engdahl says:
It is not your imagination. Much of the audiophile gear, cables, and conditioners out there are borderline scams… Sometimes they literally are scams.
Tomi Engdahl says:
It’s a religion with cultish rituals, which cost good money. It’s no different from many other religions, other than that its claims are scientifically falsifable.
Tomi Engdahl says:
For those who listen to digital files but they wish the sound will be analog as much as it can be. I present you our references USB – Expression / RUBY MK2 .
We are sending for tests / for more info please contact us .
Or check with your local DL DEALER .
#usb #cable #highend #highendusb #highendgear #highendcompany #hifi #hifiaudio #hifisound #hifisystem #dlcables
“the sound will be analog as much as it can be”
At least the guy is not lying.
To alter the sound it would need to 1) make some errors during digital data transfer (and cable should have knowledge which and how). 2) convert it to analog, change the sound and convert to digital again.
The guy charges about $3000 for one meter of cable. For the price, I’m pretty sure I can design a USB cable that will do all you describe and add some reverb on top for more soundstage.
Ya think if you cut it open it’s Amazon Basics USB cable wrapped in foam, nylon, and heat shrink?
That’s the thickest cable I have ever seen. It looks well made, but that price, and the claims are all BS.
Having a thick usb cable is a also extremely impractical, and it will put a lot of unneccessary strain on the device ports
Tomi Engdahl says:
Confessions of a Recovering Audiophile: How Gear Acquisition Syndrome Almost Ruined My Life
If you’re wondering about your next step as an audiophile, try saying ‘no’.
I never thought I’d be writing this, but here I am, a 47-year-old man, confessing to an addiction that almost ruined my life.
No, it wasn’t drugs or gambling. It was headphones.
Yes, you read that right. I was addicted to buying audio gear in what’s known as Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS).
The First Taste
It all started simply enough. I grew up in a house where high-fidelity audio was valued. We weren’t rich, but we were comfortable, and my dad (who was also an audiophile) had invested in an impressive speaker system that filled our home with top-level music.
I fell into a cycle of buying, selling (although rarely), and inevitably losing money on gear as I kept chasing the next big thing.
As my collection grew, so did my isolation. While my friends were out partying and socializing, I was stuck in my room, comparing the small differences between headphones.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Lossless Scaling Frame Generation Will Soon Be Able to Quadruple Framerate in All PC Games
Lossless Scaling frame generation is about to reach new heights, judging from some new videos shared online in the past few days.
YouTube user Vyathaen shared a new video showcasing the 4x FPS mode that will be implemented into the frame generation option of the upscaler in the coming weeks.
Lossless Scaling has made impressive progress since its release. Version 2.1, which was released in June, introduced a 3x FPS mode that triples framerate, performance optimizations that made the 2x FPS mode faster than in the previous release, and some changes for when the final frame rate exceeds the monitor’s refresh rate.
Lossless Scaling is now available for purchase on Steam. It works with any GPU and every PC game, including emulated games.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Intel Cuts Over 18,000 Jobs Following Troubling Quarterly Earnings Report
Intel has announced the slashing of 18,000 jobs and other cost-cutting measures, including reduced capex and the suspension of dividends. Learn more about the development and the continuing trend of layoffs in the tech industry.
Tomi Engdahl says:
NVIDIA’s next-generation graphics processor family, codenamed Blackwell, has reportedly hit a last-minute delay as the company struggles with rumored production issues.
Tomi Engdahl says:
This Smart Planter Pulls Water Out of Thin Air
WALTY 2.0, now on Kickstarter, is the perfect smart planter for forgetful plant parents, because it pulls water out of thin air.
There are plenty of things in your home that don’t need to be “smart,” but planters are actually a pretty good use case for the technology. A lot of us struggle to keep plants alive, because we aren’t giving them the care that they require — it is easy to forget to water them one day, then overcompensate by watering them too much the next day. WALTY 2.0 can help and it takes things a step further than just providing notifications, as it has the ability to pull water out of thin air.
WALTY 2.0 just launched on Kickstarter and it is clearly a passion project. This isn’t just another big corporation using Kickstarter for marketing, but rather a genuine attempt to fund an innovative new product. That becomes apparent when you see the 3D-printed planter body and electronics enclosure, and some basic off-the-shelf electronics like the LCD screen. But there is a certain charm to that and the concept certainly has merit.
The goal here is to eliminate manual watering entirely, without resorting to plumbing an irrigation system. It is perfect for forgetful apartment-dwelling plant parents. It works using the same technology that causes the outside of your glass to get wet when you dine on a patio: condensation.
Inside WALTY 2.0 is a condenser, similar to what you’d find in an air conditioner or refrigerator. When humid air touches the cold surfaces of the cooling fins, condensation forms and starts to build up.
It is also worth considering efficiency and power consumption, as running a condenser just to supply some water seems a little wasteful.
However, this is still a very interesting product and if you want to back the WALTY 2.0 Kickstarter campaign, you have until August 26thto do so. Ultra early birds can get a WALTY 2.0 in white for $120 and it should ship in December.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The upcoming microcode patch, slated to arrive in mid-August, aims to stop Raptor Lake chips from frying themselves by lowering the amount of voltage the CPUs use. Excess voltage can and will cause processors to destroy themselves – and indeed plenty of Intel chip owners have complained about the issue since Raptor Lake debuted in late 2022 with the 13th Gen product.
Tomi Engdahl says:
In time, businesses may wake up to the true potential of artificial intelligence. But if worries grow, big tech’s spending plans will start to look as extravagant as its valuations
What happened to the artificial-intelligence revolution?
So far the technology has had almost no economic impact
Move to San Francisco and it is hard not to be swept up by mania over artificial intelligence (AI). Advertisements tell you how the tech will revolutionise your workplace. In bars people speculate about when the world will “get AGI”, or when machines will become more advanced than humans. The five big tech firms—Alphabet, Amazon, Apple, Meta and Microsoft, all of which have either headquarters or outposts nearby—are investing vast sums. This year they are budgeting an estimated $400bn for capital expenditures, mostly on AI-related hardware, and for research and development
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
300 Nokian dronea valmiina hätäverkoksi Sveitsissä
Swisscom Broadcast on valinnut Nokian Drones-as-a-Service -palvelun valtakunnalliseen käyttöön Sveitsissä. Hätätilanteissa voidaan ottaa jopa 300 dronea käyttöön, joilla saadaan mobiiliverkko esimerkiksi pelastajien tai rajaviranomaisten käyttöön.
Nokian mukaan kyse on toisesta valtakunnallisesta Drone Networks -projektista Belgian Citymeshin käyttöönoton jälkeen
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
A Peek at Intel’s Future Foundry Tech 3D chip tech, smaller logic cells, backside power, and more
Tomi Engdahl says:
Humane’s daily returns are outpacing sales
/ The company is scrambling to stabilize as it hits $1 million in total returns against $9 million in sales.
Shortly after Humane released its $699 AI Pin in April, the returns started flowing in.
Between May and August, more AI Pins were returned than purchased, according to internal sales data obtained by The Verge. By June, only around 8,000 units hadn’t been returned, a source with direct knowledge of sales and return data told me. As of today, the number of units still in customer hands had fallen closer to 7,000, a source with direct knowledge said.
At launch, the AI Pin was met with overwhelmingly negative reviews. Our own David Pierce said it “just doesn’t work,” and Marques Brownlee called it “the worst product” he’s ever reviewed. Now, Humane is attempting to stabilize its operations and maintain confidence among staff and potential acquirers. The New York Times reported in June that HP is considering purchasing the company, and The Information reported last week that Humane is negotiating with its current investors to raise debt, which could later be converted into equity.
Humane’s AI Pin and accessories have brought in just over $9 million in lifetime sales, according to the internal data seen by The Verge. But around 1,000 purchases were canceled before shipping, and more than $1 million worth of product has been returned.
The low sales figures also pale in comparison to the over $200 million that Humane has raised from notable Silicon Valley executives like OpenAI CEO Sam Altman and Salesforce CEO Marc Benioff. To date, around 10,000 Pins and accessories have shipped in total. Humane hoped to ship about 100,000 Pins within the first year
Once a Humane Pin is returned, the company has no way to refurbish it, sources with knowledge of the return process confirmed. The Pin becomes e-waste, and Humane doesn’t have the opportunity to reclaim the revenue by selling it again. The core issue is that there is a T-Mobile limitation that makes it impossible (for now) for Humane to reassign a Pin to a new user once it’s been assigned to someone. One source said they don’t believe Humane has disposed of the old Pins because “they’re still hopeful they can solve this problem eventually.” T-Mobile declined to comment and referred us to Humane.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Japanese chipmaker aims to build fully automated 2-nm chip fab — Rapidus claims automation can slash delivery times by 66% versus TSMC and Samsung
By Jowi Morales published 3 days ago
Could a fully automated fab produce chips faster, cheaper, and better?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Intel Scales Up Outsourcing Efforts, 3nm Handed Over To TSMC & Adds In New Suppliers For Advanced Packaging
Tomi Engdahl says:
Logitechin pomo luopui ”ikuisen hiiren” ideastaan – vastustus oli liian voimakasta
Tomi Engdahl says:
Älypuhelimessa on keskeistä säästää virtaa aina, kun se on mahdollista. Yksi keino on muuttaa dynaamisesti näytön virkistystaajuutta sen mukaan, mikä kullekin sisällölle ja sovellukselle on riittävää. Tekniikan käyttö on yleistynyt niin nopeasti, että se näkyy jo näyttöjen markkinoilla.
Kyse on käytännössä kahden näyttötekniikan kisasta. Vanhempi LTPS-tekniikka (Low-Temperature Polycrystalline Silicon) keskittyi transistorien kutistamiseen ja näytön laadun parantamiseen sitä kautta. Vuonna 2022 sen osuus markkinoilla oli vielä hallitseva ja ruutujä myytiin yli 400 miljoonaa kappaletta.
Noihin aikoihin markkinoille tulivat ensimmäiset LPTO-tekniikkaan (Low-Temperature Polycrystalline Oxide) perustuvat kännykkänäytöt. TPO on näyttötekniikka, jota käytetään pääasiassa OLED-näytöissä. Se yhdistää LPTS- ja IGZO- (Indium Gallium Zinc Oxide) -teknologiat. LTPO:n etuja ovat erityisesti sen kyky vähentää virrankulutusta muuttamalla näytön virkistystaajuutta dynaamisesti, mikä on hyödyllistä esimerkiksi älypuhelinten ja älykellojen näytöissä, joissa virrankulutuksen optimointi on tärkeää. Tämä tarkoittaa, että näyttö voi siirtyä korkeasta virkistystaajuudesta (esim. 120 Hz) alhaiseen (esim. 1 Hz) tarpeen mukaan, mikä säästää akkua.
Nyt tutkimuslaitos Omdia ennustaa, että LPTO ohittaa LPTS:n myyntimäärät muutaman vuoden kulutta. Vuodesta 2028 lähtien tekniikka alkaa hallita pienten laitteiden näyttömarkkinoita ja vuoteen 2031 mennessä niitä myydään jo 520 miljoonaa kappaletta vuodessa. Tällä hetkellä LPTO-näyttö löytyy edelleen useammin high end -luokan malleista, kuten kuvan OnePlus Open -puhelimesta.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Työsuhde-etuja tarjoava Edenred tutkitutti huhtikuussa FCG:llä, kuinka moni suomalainen käyttää ns. virtuaalikortteja eli älypuhelimeen tallennettuja kortteja. Luku on jopa yllättänkin suuri, sillä jo 38 prosenttia suomalaisista käyttää virtuaalikorttisovelluksia.
Virtuaalikorttisovelluksia ovat muun muassa Google Wallet ja Apple Wallet. Virtuaalikorttisovellukset ovat tapa pitää kortit mukana ja käyttää niitä mobiilisti, jolloin fyysiset kortit voi jättää säilöön. Yleisin syy, miksi suomalainen ei käytä virtuaalikortteja, on se, että fyysisestä maksukortista ja käteisestä tykätään enemmän. 45 prosenttia ajattelee niin.
Tomi Engdahl says:
407 euroa. Niin paljon maksoi keskimäärin suomalaisen ostama puhelin huhti-kesäkuussa. Elektroniikka- ja kodinkonekaupan yhdistys ETKOn mukaan parin kympin pudotus puhelimen keskihinnassa vuoden aikana perustuu siihen, että edullisempien, alle 150 euroa maksavien puhelimien myynti on noussut.
Tomi Engdahl says:
#MadeByGoogle on YouTube:
A recording of the Made by Google 2024 keynote, with updates on Google AI and Pixel devices, including the Pixel 9 Pro and Pixel 9 Pro Fold
#MadeByGoogle ‘24: Keynote
Tomi Engdahl says:
AI-capable PCs made up 14%, or 8.8M, of all PCs shipped in Q2; around 60% of them were Apple computers, and Windows PC shipments priced over $800 grew 9% QoQ
14% of PCs shipped globally in Q2 2024 were AI-capable
According to the latest Canalys data, 8.8 million AI-capable PCs were shipped in Q2 2024. These devices are defined as desktops and notebooks that include a chipset or block for dedicated AI workloads, such as an NPU. Shipments of AI-capable PCs represented 14% of all PCs shipped in the quarter. With all major processor vendors’ AI-capable PC roadmaps now well underway, the stage is set for a significant ramp-up in device availability and end-user adoption in the second half of 2024 and beyond.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Intel has just sold ALL of its Arm shares, as the CPU behemoth continues to struggle
Intel dumps all of its Arm shares as the CPU giant struggles after laying off 15,000 employees, bleeding market share to AMD, and failing CPUs worldwide.
Read more:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Intel Drops Its Arm Investment, Even as Arm Sails to New Heights
A near-doubling of value since its relisting on the stock market has Intel cashing out its Arm investment — amidst heavy layoffs.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tutkimuslaitos TrendForcen uusin raportti yritysten SSD-levyistä paljastaa, että tekoälyn kysynnän kasvu on saanut tekoälypalvelinasiakkaat lisäämään merkittävästi yritysten SSD-tilauksiaan kahden viime vuosineljänneksen aikana. Kysyntä on poikkeuksellisen kovaa.
Lisääntyneet yritysten SSD-tilaukset tekoälypalvelinasiakkailta ovat johtaneet levyjen sopimushintojen nousuun yli 80 prosentilla viime vuoden lopulta tähän päivään. SSD-levyillä on keskeinen rooli tekoälyn kehityksessä. Tekoälymallikoulutuksessa SSD-levyt tallentavat ensisijaisesti malliparametreja, mukaan lukien muuttuvat painot ja poikkeamat.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Despite tech conglomerate Cisco posting $10.3 billion in profits last year, it’s still laying off 5,500 workers as part of an effort to invest more in AI, SFGATE reports.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nokia on pitkään kipuillut mobiilimarkkinoiden laskun kanssa. Ikävä kyllä uusimmat markkinaennusteet eivät lupaa paljon parannusta. Dell´Oron tuorein ennuste povaa 8-12 prosentin laskua markkinoille tämän vuoden aikana.
Radioverkkojen liikevaihto laski yli 10 prosentin vauhtia myös vuoden toisella neljänneksellä. Samanmoinen laskuvauhti on nyt ollut päällä neljän neljänneksen ajan. Tämä on yksi huonoimpia markkinatilanteita mobiiliverkkojen historiassa.
Ainoa pieni valopilkku on Dell´Oron mukaan se, että joillakin markkinoilla on näkyvissä pientä kasvua. Tämä ei muuta isoa kuvaa suuresti: seuraavan viiden vuoden aikana tutkimuslaitos ennustaa RAN-markkinoiden kutistuvan parin prosentin vuosivauhtia.
Dell´Oron mukaan Huawei oli toisella neljänneksellä suurin tukiasemavalmistaja. Sitä seurasivat Ericsso, Nokia, ZTE ja Samsung. Vuoden ensimmäisellä puoliskolla Huawei onnistui kasvattamaan liikevaihtoaan, ZTE pysyi ennallaan ja Nokian ja Ericssonin myynti on kutistunut 3-4 prosenttia.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Piilaaksolainen xMEMS Labs on julkistanut mikrojäähdytyssirun (µCooling), joka on ensimmäinen täysin piistä valmistettu aktiivinen mikrojäähdytystuuletin ultramobiililaitteisiin. Piiri on vain millin paksuinen.
XMEMS Labsin mukaan ensimmäistä kertaa valmistajat voivat integroida aktiivisen jäähdytyksen älypuhelimiin, tabletteihin ja muihin kehittyneisiin mobiililaitteisiin tällä äänettömällä, tärinättömällä, puolijohdesirulla. Yhtiö puhuu innovaatiosta myös ”tuulettimena sirulla”, fan-on-a-chip.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Puolijohdeala on koronan jälkeen kärvistellyt pitkälti Venäjän aiheuttamassa epävarmuudessa, mutta nyt alalla on merkkejä paremmasta. SEMI-järjestö raportoi mikropiirien myynnin merkittävästä kasvusta toisella neljänneksellä.
Kysynnän elpyminen tarkoittaa myös investointien käynnistymistä. Toisaalta kasvu ei ole tasaista. Esimerkiksi tekoälypiirien ja HMB- eli suuren kaistanleveyden muistien kysyntä on erittäin voimakasta ja se on edelleen pitkälti tärkein kasvun moottori.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ihme-Wi-Fi siirtää valvontakameran kuvan kolmen kilometrin päähän
Australialainen Morse Micro on aiemmin demonnut Wi-Fi HaLow -tekniikkaansa, jolla Wi-Fi-yhteys saadaan yltämään jopa kolmen kilometrin päähän. Nyt tekniikka on tulossa markkinoille valvontakamerana, ihmisten määrän laskemisessa ja HaLow-reitittimenä.
Kumppanina Morsella on Milesight, joka on erikoistunut IoT-ratkaisuihin. HaLow-tekniikan avulla Milesightin tuotteet pystyvät lähettämään dataa kauemmaksi ja pienemmällä virrankulutuksella kuin aiemmin.
HaLow eroaa monella tavalla kotien tutuista reitittimistä. Ensinnäkin tekniikka toimii alle 1 GHz:n taajuudella (erityisesti noin 900 MHz monissa eri maissa), kun perinteisesti Wi-Fi toimii 2,4 ja 5 GHz taajuuksilla. Uusi 6E-standardi laajentaa taajuusaluetta vielä ylöspäin 6 gigahertsiin. Matalataajuisilla radioaalloilla on paremmat etenemisominaisuudet, mikä tarkoittaa, että ne voivat kulkea pidempiä matkoja ja tunkeutua esteiden, kuten seinien ja lattioiden, läpi tehokkaammin.
HaLow käyttää myös kapeampaa kaistanleveyttä verrattuna perinteiseen Wi-Fi-verkkoon. Kanavanleveydet ovat 1, 2, 4, 8 tai 16 megahertsiä. Kapeammat kaistanleveydet keskittävät signaalienergian tehokkaammin, jolloin se voi kulkea pidemmälle ilman merkittäviä heikennyksiä.
Käytössä ovat OFDM-perheeseen kuuluvat BPSK, QPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM ja 256-QAM. Näistä viimeinen mahdollistaa suurimmat datanopeudet, vaikka se ei olekaan HaLow-linkkien tärkein tehtävä.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Video: $16,000 humanoid robot ready to leap into mass production
China’s Unitree Robotics is a relatively recent entry in the general-purpose humanoid robot space, but its $16,000 G1 model is already proving itself to be quite the performer. So much so that the company has now revealed a version that’s ready for mass production.
Tomi Engdahl says: