Tech trends for 2024

Here is collection of technology trends news for year 2024. This is a collection of links to articles followed by a short quote.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Open source maintainers underpaid, swamped by security, going gray
    AI-coded contributions? Most would rather skip the bot’s work

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    OP siirtyy pilveen – ”lopulta myös keskuskoneet jäävät pois käytöstä”

    Finanssitalo OP on aloittanut rohkean siirtymisen pilven varaan. Teknologia- ja kehitysjohtaja Kasimir Hirn kertoo, millaiselta näyttää tulevaisuus ilman omia konesaleja.

    Finanssialalla on perinteisesti luotettu omissa näpeissä oleviin palvelimiin. Vaikka joitakin asiakkaille suunnattuja palveluja on saatettu jo pyörittää pilvessä, toiminnan ytimenä ovat olleet omat konesalit.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hands-on With New IPhone’s Electrically-Released Adhesive

    There’s a wild new feature making repair jobs easier (not to mention less messy) and iFixit covers it in their roundup of the iPhone 16’s repairability: electrically-released adhesive.

    Here’s how it works. The adhesive looks like a curved strip with what appears to be a thin film of aluminum embedded into it. It’s applied much like any other adhesive strip: peel away the film, and press it between whatever two things it needs to stick. But to release it, that’s where the magic happens. One applies a voltage (a 9 V battery will do the job) between the aluminum frame of the phone and a special tab on the battery. In about a minute the battery will come away with no force, and residue-free.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tällä hetkellä esimerkiksi älypuhelimilla voidaan määrittää käyttäjän sijainti parhaimmillaan muutaman metrin tarkkuudella, jos satelliittidataa yhdistetään mobiiliverkon dataan. Sveitsiläinen u-blox on nyt esitellyt uuden alustan, jolla kulutuselektroniikan laitteisiin saadaan sentintarkka paikannus.

    Uusi alusta on nimeltään X20. Siinä yhdistää neljällä kaistalla (L1/L2/L5/L6) toimiva vastaanotin, joka ymmärtää kaikkia saatavissa olevia olevat GNSS-satelliittisignaaleja. Se tukee perus-L1- ja L2-taajuuksia sekä myöhemmin lisättyä L5-kaistaa. L5-kaista toimii alhaisemmilla taajuuksilla kuin L1- ja L2-kaistat, ja se hyötyy parannetuista signaaliominaisuuksista, mikä tekee L5-signaaleista luonnostaan ​​kestävämpiä.

    U-blox X20 lisää myös tuen L6-kaistalle. Tätä kaistaa ei käytetä vain navigointipalveluissa, vaan myös korjauspalveluissa, jotka auttavat tarkentamaan paikannustietoja. Yhdessä tekniikoilla päästään senttimetriluokan paikannukseen.

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Vain yksi seitsemästä tietää, miten tekoälyä käytetään arjessa

    90 prosenttia ihmisistä väittää ymmärtävänsä tekoälyä jonkin verran, mutta vain 15 prosenttia tietää, miten sitä voi käyttää arjessa. Näin kertoo Samsungin tuore tutkimus, johon osallistui 11 000 eurooppalaista.

    Kymmenessä Euroopan maassa tehdyn kyselyn mukaan yli puolet vastaajista haluaa tekoälyn yksinkertaistavan elämää (53 %) sekä parantavan viihdettä ja elämänlaatua. Vain 15 prosenttia eurooppalaisista kuitenkin kertoo tietävänsä, miten saavuttaa nämä hyödyt arkielämässään. Vastaajista 38 prosenttia puolestaan sanoo, etteivät he tunne olevansa mukana tekoälystä käytävissä keskusteluissa.

    Kun vastaajia pyydettiin arvioimaan ymmärrystään AI-teknologiasta, parhaiten teknologiaa arvioivat ymmärtävänsä puolalaiset (23 %), kun taas vähiten omaan osaamiseensa luottavat brittiläiset vastaajat (11 %). Suomen tuhannesta vastaajasta vain 13 % luottaa ymmärtävänsä täysin tekoälyteknologiaa.

    Samsungin uudessa julkaisussa Intelligent Living: How AI is Enhancing Everyday Experiences esitetyt havainnot paljastavat myös, että tekoälyn halutaan laajalti parantavan ja tehostavan arkea, ja kuluttajilla on erityisiä prioriteetteja teknologialle.

    vain kolmannes (38 %) vastaajista kertoo kokevansa tekoälyn kasvavan roolin kiehtovana.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kulutuselektroniikasta on lähtenyt sata miljardia dollaria

    Kulutuselektroniikan myynti saavuttaa 977 miljardia dollaria vuonna 2025, mikä on 100 miljardia vähemmän kuin aiemmin ennustettiin. Pandemian aikana saavutetun ennätyksellisen myynnin jälkeen kulutuselektroniikan markkinoilla on ollut haastavat kolme vuotta.

    Inflaatio ja heikot talousnäkymät ovat vähentäneet kuluttajien käytössä olevaa rahaa ja muuttaneet heidän kulutustottumuksiaan. Heikko kysyntä on johtanut huomattavaan liikevaihdon laskuun, mikä on vienyt markkinat kauas pandemiaa edeltävistä tasoista. Vaikka vuosi 2025 tuo odotetun elpymisen, markkinaennuste on vähemmän optimistinen kuin aiemmin.

    Stocklytics.comin esittelemien tietojen mukaan maailmanlaajuisen kulutuselektroniikan myynnin odotetaan nousevan 977 miljardiin dollariin vuonna 2025, mikä on 100 miljardia

    Lyhyen elpymisen jälkeen vuonna 2023 maailmanlaajuinen älypuhelimien, tietokoneiden, pelilaitteiden ja muiden laitteiden myynti laskee ennusteiden mukaan 6 miljardia dollaria eli 0,6 % vuonna 2024. Vaikka vuoden 2025 odotetaan tuovan kaivatun elpymisen, tuorein Statistan markkinatutkimus osoittaa pessimistisemmän ennusteen kuin muutama kuukausi sitten.

    Maaliskuussa Statista ennusti kulutuselektroniikan myynnin nousevan tänä vuonna 1,04 biljoonaan dollariin, mutta nyt lukua on tarkistettu 8 prosentin verran alaspäin eli 949 miljardiin dollariin. Uusimpien tietojen mukaan kuluttajamyynti nousee 1,06 biljoonaan dollariin vuonna 2028, kun aiempi ennuste oli 1,17 biljoonaa dollaria.

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsung laajensi tekoälyn tabletteihinsa

    Samsung on uusimmassa Galaxy S24 -älypuhelinsarjassaan lisännyt tekoälyn. käyttöä merkittävästi. Nyt osa samoista toiminnallisuuksista tuodaan yhtiön tabletteihin. Galaxy Tab S10 Ultra ja Galaxy Tab S10+ on varustettu 14,6- ja 12,4-tuumaisilla Dynamic AMOLED 2X -näytöillä.

    Optimaalinen tekoälytoimintojen käyttö edellyttää oikeastaan S Pen -kynän käyttöä. Uutta on Book Cover Keyboard -näppäimistökuoren Galaxy AI -näppäimellä, joilla toiminnot aukeavat käyttöön. Kynä ja kuoret hankitaan lisävarusteina.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Nokia valmistaa myös kotien ja toimistojen lähiverkkojen Wi-Fi-reitittimiä. Nyt yhtiö on esitellyt uuden Beacon 19 -reitittimen, joka nostaa verkon maksimidatanopeuden jopa 19 gigabittiin sekunnissa.

    Tämä onnistuu sillä, että reititin tukee pian valmistuvaa uutta Wi-Fi 7 -standardia ja toimii kolmella kaistalla. Nokian mukaan nopeampi Wi-Fi tulee tarpeeseen XGS-PON-kuituyhteyksien laajan käyttöönoton ja 25G PON -palvelujen lisääntymisen myötä.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    5G IoT:lle ennustetaan räjähdysmäistä kasvua

    Tutkimuslaitos Omdia ennustaa, että 5G-verkossa toimivien IoT-yhteyksien määrä kasvaa lähes miljardiin vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Kehitys perustuu viime vuonna standardoituun RedCap-tekniikkaan (Reduced Capacity).

    3GPP määritteli osana Release 17 -määrityksiä uuden tavan siirtää pieniä määriä dataa erittäin energiatehokkaasti. Tekniikka on nimeltään RedCap. Jos mobiiliverkossa halutaan siirtää pieniä määriä dataa, RedCapilla on monia etuja aiempiin tekniikoihin verrattuna. Yksi niistä on alhainen energiankulutus. Tämä on erityisen tärkeää IoT-laitteissa, joissa on rajallinen virtalähde, kuten paristot.

    RedCap on suunniteltu erityisesti vähentämään laitteiden valmistus- ja käyttöönottokustannuksia. Se tarjoaa kevyemmän ja yksinkertaisemman protokollan, mikä tekee laitteista edullisempia valmistaa ja ylläpitää. Tämä avaa uusia mahdollisuuksia laajamittaiseen IoT-käyttöön myös pienemmillä budjeteilla.

    Omdia ennustaa nyt, että RedCap-laitteiden määrä kasvaa tulevat vuodet huimaa 66 prosentin vauhtia. Tämä tarkoittaa 963,5 miljoonaa yhteyttä vuoteen 2030 mennessä. Kyse on vasta lähiaikoina markkinoille tulevasta tekniikasta, sillä vasta elokuussa taiwanilainen MediaTek esitteli ensimmäisen RedCap-modeemipiirinsä. Se on nimeltään M60.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Hybridimuisti yhdistää EEPROMin ja flashin

    STMicroelectronics on kehittänyt uudenlaisen Page EEPROM -muistin, joka korvaa nämä kaksi muistia yhdellä hybridiratkaisulla.

    ST:n uusi piiri yhdistää EEPROMin tehokkuuden ja kestävyyden flash-muistin kapasiteettiin ja nopeuteen. Uudet muistit vastaavat kasvavaan tallennustarpeeseen sulautetuissa sovelluksissa, joita tarvitaan yhä kehittyneempien ominaisuuksien tukemiseen ja datavetoisten AI-algoritmien suorittamiseen.

    Puettavien laitteiden lisäksi Page EEPROM on ihanteellinen sovelluksiin, kuten terveydenhuollon laitteisiin, omaisuuden seurantaan, sähköpyöriin sekä muihin teollisuus- ja kuluttajatuotteisiin.

    ST:n Page EEPROM -perhe tarjoaa 8Mbit, 16Mbit ja 32Mbit tiheydet, mikä lisää huomattavasti tallennustilaa tavallisiin EEPROM-siruihin verrattuna. Sisäänrakennettu älykäs sivunhallinta mahdollistaa tavutason kirjoitustoiminnot prosesseille, kuten tiedonkeruulle, samalla kun se tukee sivun/sektorin/lohkon poistoa ja sivuohjelmaa jopa 512 tavuun asti.

    ST takaa, että uutuusmuisti säilyttää datan 100 vuoden ajan. Lisätietoja täällä.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    “Extreme” Broadcom-proposed price hike would up VMware costs 1,050%, AT&T says
    Broadcom “preventing some vendors from selling products to us,” AT&T alleges.

    Broadcom quoted AT&T a 1,050 percent price hike for VMware offerings, AT&T has claimed in legal documents.

    AT&T sued Broadcom on August 29, accusing Broadcom of unlawfully denying it the second of three one-year renewals for support services that AT&T thinks it’s entitled to. AT&T cites a contract signed before Broadcom bought VMware. The telecommunications firm says it has 75,000 virtual machines (VMs) across approximately 8,600 servers running on VMware. Broadcom, which has stopped selling VMware perpetual licenses, has said that AT&T missed its opportunity to renew support and that the contract between VMware and AT&T has an “End of Availability” provision allowing VMware to retire products and services.

    A 1,050 percent price hike is the largest that Ars Technica has heard of being proposed by Broadcom. At this time, it’s unknown if AT&T’s claims are accurate

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Intel esitteli 1 hertsin näyttötekniikan – mukana myös BOE

    Tietotekniikkajätti Intel on tehnyt kehitysyhteistyötä näyttöpaneeleja valmistavan BOEn kanssa.

    Intelin ja BOEn yhteistyö on poikinut näyttötekniikan, joka voi tulevaisuudessa vähentää näyttöpaneelien virrankulutusta merkittävästi. Säästöt voivat olla jopa 65 prosenttia.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    CD sales on the rise: Absurd nostalgia or Gen-Z trend?
    The CD is making a comeback – what does this mean for the future of music?

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    John Foley / Financial Times:
    Among US companies founded in the past 20 years, only Meta and Uber have become “scale insurgent”, with $10B in annual revenue and $1B of operating cash flow

    Why tech unicorns struggle to avoid the glue factory
    More companies are reaching the $1bn valuation milestone, but growing from horned foal to winged steed is getting tougher

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Frederic Lardinois / TechCrunch:
    An interview with AWS CEO Matt Garman on generative AI, AWS’ AI chatbot Q, shutting down services, investing in open source, open sourcing projects, and more

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Justine Calma / The Verge:
    Amazon, Microsoft, and Google are increasingly eyeing nuclear reactors, which provide steady “baseload” power, as their carbon emissions climb due to AI tools — Major tech firms, in search of carbon pollution-free electricity for data centers, are helping to revive nuclear energy in the US.

    Big Tech has cozied up to nuclear energy
    Major tech firms, in search of carbon pollution-free electricity for data centers, are helping to revive nuclear ener
    gy in the US.

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Isabel Hilton / Yale E360:
    Taiwan, which is highly dependent on imported fossil fuels, is struggling to meet its chip industry’s energy demands; TSMC uses ~9% of Taiwan’s electricity — As the world’s largest producer of advanced computer chips, Taiwan is struggling to meet demand for electricity.

    Why Taiwan and Its Tech Industry Are Facing an Energy Crisis

    As the world’s largest producer of advanced computer chips, Taiwan is struggling to meet demand for electricity. Highly dependent on imported fossil fuels, soon to shutter its last nuclear plant, and slow to build out renewables, the island is heading toward an energy crunch.

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    WiFi Meets LoRa For Long Range

    What do you get when you cross WiFi and LoRa? Researchers in China have been doing this, and they call the result WiLo. They claim to get reliable connections over about half a kilometer. Typical WiFi runs 40 to 60 meters, barring any Pringle’s cans or other exotic tricks.

    According to [Michelle Hampson] writing in IEEE Spectrum, the researchers manipulated Wi-Fi’s OFDM multiplexing to emulate LoRa’s chirp-spreading signal. The advantage is that existing WiFi hardware can use the protocol to increase range.

    Wi-Fi Goes Long Range on New WiLo Standard
    The new approach could underpin agricultural sensor networks and smart cities

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ben Blanchard / Reuters:
    Foxconn reports Q3 revenue up 20.2% YoY to ~$57.3B, vs ~$55.4B est., on strong AI server demand; consumer electronics revenue, including iPhones, was flat YoY

    Foxconn beats estimates with record third-quarter revenue on AI demand

    Q3 revenue surges 20% yr/yr to $57.3 billion
    Revenue for consumer electronics division was flat yr/yr
    Says Q4 should be in line with current market expectations

    Taiwan’s Foxconn (2317.TW)
    , opens new tab, the world’s largest contract electronics maker, beat expectations to post its highest-ever revenue for the third quarter on strong demand for artificial intelligence (AI) servers.
    Revenue for Apple’s (AAPL.O)
    , opens new tab biggest iPhone assembler jumped 20.2% year on year to T$1.85 trillion ($57.3 billion).
    “The result exceeded the company’s original expectations of significant growth,” Foxconn said in a statement on Saturday.

    Strong AI server demand led to robust revenue growth for its cloud and networking products division, said Foxconn whose customers include AI chip firm Nvidia (NVDA.O)
    , opens new tab.
    For smart consumer electronics, which includes iPhones, there was a strong quarter-on-quarter growth thanks to new product launches, but its year-on-year performance was flat.

    The third-quarter is traditionally when Taiwan’s tech companies start racing to supply smartphones, tablets and other electronics to major vendors such as Apple for Western markets’ year-end holiday period.
    Total revenue in September alone reached T$733 billion, up 10.9% year on year and the second-highest ever level for the month.
    “Entering the peak season in the second half of the year, we anticipate our operation to gradually gain momentum,” Foxconn said of its outlook for the current quarter.

    “The fourth quarter is expected to be roughly in line with current market expectations,” it added, without elaborating.
    The company does not provide numerical forecasts.
    Foxconn’s shares have jumped 86% so far this year, outperforming by far a 24% rise for the broader Taiwan market

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sean Hollister / The Verge:
    Epic v. Google: a US judge orders Google to open the Play Store to rivals from November 1 for three years, distribute third-party stores within Play, and more — Google’s Android app store is an illegal monopoly — and now it will have to change. … Google will have to distribute rival …

    Google must crack open Android for third-party stores, rules Epic judge
    / Google must give rival third-party app stores access to the full catalog of Google Play apps — and distribute third-party stores.

    Google’s Android app store is an illegal monopoly — and now it will have to change.

    Today, Judge James Donato issued his final ruling in Epic v. Google, ordering Google to effectively open up the Google Play app store to competition for three whole years. Google will have to distribute rival third-party app stores within Google Play, and it must give rival third-party app stores access to the full catalog of Google Play apps, unless developers opt out individually.

    These were Epic’s biggest asks, and they might change the Android app marketplace forever — if they aren’t immediately paused or blocked on appeal.

    And they’re not all that Epic has won today.

    Starting November 1st, 2024, and ending November 1st, 2027, Google must also:

    Stop requiring Google Play Billing for apps distributed on the Google Play Store (the jury found that Google had illegally tied its payment system to its app store)
    Let Android developers tell users about other ways to pay from within the Play Store
    Let Android developers link to ways to download their apps outside of the Play Store
    Let Android developers set their own prices for apps irrespective of Play Billing

    Google also can’t:

    Share app revenue “with any person or entity that distributes Android apps” or plans to launch an app store or app platform
    Offer developers money or perks to launch their apps on the Play Store exclusively or first
    Offer developers money or perks not to launch their apps on rival stores
    Offer device makers or carriers money or perks to preinstall the Play Store
    Offer device makers or carriers money or perks not to preinstall rival stores

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Lee-Anne Mulholland / The Keyword:
    Google says it will appeal the Epic Games verdict, as “Apple and Android clearly compete” and the ruling will cause “unintended consequences” for US consumers — The Epic verdict missed the obvious: Apple and Android clearly compete.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Samsung estimates Q3 operating profit up 274% YoY to ~$6.78B, falling short of analysts’ estimates of ~$7.66B, as it lags rivals in the booming AI chip market — Samsung Electronics (005930.KS) estimated on Tuesday its third-quarter operating profit jumped 274%, but that was short …

    Samsung Electronics apologises for disappointing profit as it struggles in AI chips

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    He could buy Intel, theoretically, and still have over $10 billion left for some renovation work.

    Nvidia’s CEO Is Now Worth More Than Intel’s Market Cap
    He could buy Intel, theoretically, and still have over $10 billion left for some renovation work.

    The financial situations of Nvidia and Intel are currently heading in opposite directions. Nvidia’s stock has been soaring like an eagle on Ritalin over the past year, while Intel’s stock has lost more than 60% of its value in the same period. This situation has exploded the Nvidia CEO’s net worth to over $100 billion, while Intel’s market cap has downsized to just $96 billion. This has allowed a remarkable situation whereby a competitor’s CEO is worth more than the entire company.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jiyoung Sohn / Wall Street Journal:
    TrendForce: TSMC’s global foundry revenue share will hit 64% in 2024, up from 51% in 2019, while Samsung’s share is set to drop to 10%, down from 16% in 2019

    Samsung Apologizes for Falling Behind in AI Chips Race
    South Korean tech giant’s rivals seize ground in memory and contract manufacturing

    SEOUL—For a major maker of semiconductors such as Samsung 005930 -1.15%decrease; red down pointing triangle

    Electronics, the artificial-intelligence boom should be a time of great promise.

    Instead, the South Korean technology giant is whiffing on opportunities and falling behind the early winners of the AI era such as Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing, known as TSMC, and local rival SK Hynix.

    Though it is the world’s top memory-chip maker, Samsung is trailing its competitors in high-bandwidth memory chips, a type integral to AI computing. Its business of manufacturing custom chips for outside customers is losing ground to TSMC’s. And its consumer-electronics business, known to people worldwide for its Galaxy smartphones and appliances, is laying off some workers.

    “We have caused concerns about our technical competitiveness, with some talking about the crisis facing Samsung,” Jun said. He said Samsung would improve its technology and revamp its organizational culture where needed.

    On Tuesday, Samsung estimated its operating profit for the July-September quarter was the equivalent of about $6.8 billion. That was nearly four times the figure a year ago but still only about half the recent peak in 2021 when the memory-chip market was enjoying a pandemic-era boom. Full quarterly results are coming at the end of the month.

    Samsung’s share price has dropped by around 24% since the beginning of this year, while shares of two rival makers of high-bandwidth memory—South Korea’s SK Hynix and Micron Technology of the U.S.—have gained more than 20%. TSMC’s shares have jumped about 70% this year.

    AI hardware

    The divergence reflects who is dominating AI-related hardware. Training and operating generative AI models such as the one behind the chatbot ChatGPT requires advanced processor chips, most often from Nvidia. Those chips in turn work with high-bandwidth memory chips to enable the type of algorithms powering generative AI systems.

    SK Hynix has emerged as the main supplier of high-bandwidth memory chips to Nvidia. While SK Hynix and Micron began supplying the newest generation of these chips to Nvidia this year, Samsung is still in the final stages of passing Nvidia’s quality standards, according to people familiar with the matter.

    Samsung on Tuesday acknowledged delays in bringing the latest version of high-bandwidth memory, HBM3E, to major customers.

    “AI is the way to go, but Samsung made a lot of mistakes” that “are taking time to rectify,” said Sanjeev Rana, a Seoul-based technology analyst at brokerage CLSA.

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kathrin Hille / Financial Times:
    Foxconn Chair Young Liu says the company plans to build a plant in Mexico’s Guadalajara to make Nvidia GB200 Blackwell AI servers, as tech decouples from China

    Nvidia supplier Foxconn to make Blackwell AI servers in Mexico
    Decision to base plant in Guadalajara shows ‘nearshoring’ of supply chains away from China

    Electronics manufacturing group Foxconn is building the world’s largest factory making Nvidia’s most advanced artificial intelligence servers in Mexico, in a stark illustration of how global technology supply chains are decoupling from China.

    The plant in the central Mexican city of Guadalajara will assemble GB200 Blackwell AI servers

    There was “crazy” demand for the Blackwell platform

    Western governments and companies have sought for several years to bring manufacturing of sensitive technology products and critical supplies closer to their own territory, to reduce their dependency on China in the light of growing geopolitical tensions and supply chain disruptions.

    Foxconn itself continues to operate several massive factory complexes in China, including the world’s largest iPhone plant.

    The Taiwanese group is the world’s largest contract electronics manufacturer, offering design, component manufacturing and assembly services spanning products from smartphones to industrial robots and electric vehicles.

    While Liu has said China’s weight in the group’s global manufacturing footprint will sink to just over 70 per cent, that transition has been slow as it long struggled to scale up low-end, labour-intensive assembly operations of smartphones in south-east Asia and elsewhere.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Allison Johnson / The Verge:
    MediaTek announces the 3nm Dimensity 9400 mobile chip, which features its own 8th-gen NPU, claiming “80 percent faster large language model prompt performance” — MediaTek has formally announced its new flagship mobile chipset, the Dimensity 9400.

    MediaTek’s new flagship chipset is ready for AI agents and tri-fold phones
    / The SoC is designed for high-end smartphones with a forward-looking feature set.

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Gavin Bonshor / The Register:
    Intel unveils its Arrow Lake desktop processors, with an NPU, better power efficiency at higher clock speeds, and 2x the graphics performance vs. its 14th Gen — New silicon, new architecture, and loads of new motherboards rise to support it, but will power be anchored down?

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tobias Mann / The Register:
    AMD debuts its 5th Gen Epyc data center chips, codenamed Turin, with up to 192 cores, clock speeds up to 5GHz, and double-digit gains in instructions per clock

    Kif Leswing / CNBC:
    AMD launches its Instinct MI325X GPU to compete with Nvidia’s upcoming Blackwell chips and says production will start in 2024, but doesn’t disclose its pricing — AMD launched a new artificial-intelligence chip on Thursday that is taking direct aim at Nvidia’s data center graphics processors, known as GPUs.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Issie Lapowsky / Wired:
    A profile of White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan, who has crafted a strategy to stop China from unseating the US as the world’s tech superpower

    The American Who Waged a Tech War on China
    China is racing to unseat the United States as the world’s technological superpower. Not if Jake Sullivan can help it.

    Jake Sullivan was standing in the middle of his office, which occupies an airy, sunlit corner of the West Wing, looking like he didn’t quite know what to do with his hands. He was taking me on a perfunctory three-minute tour of the space, even though the office tour is, perhaps, the most tired trope of the magazine profile—and, I’d been warned, Sullivan is not a fan of magazine profiles. At least, not the ones that are about him.

    The White House national security adviser is a most serious person and, by most accounts, always has been—a Minnesota kid who had memorized world capitals before the age of 14 and, by 35, had traveled to 112 of those countries as then secretary of state Hillary Clinton’s close adviser. A former Rhodes Scholar and world-class debater, he deftly swats away questions he dislikes by challenging their premise and speaks in polished paragraphs, not unlike his old boss, President Barack Obama. One White House official I spoke to described Sullivan as having a “relentless mind.”

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tom Warren / The Verge:
    Microsoft plans to let US users buy and play Xbox games from the Xbox app on Android from November, after a judge ordered Google to open up the Play Store — Microsoft is planning to update its Xbox mobile app on Android to allow US users to purchase and then play Xbox games on their mobile devices next month.

    Xbox will sell games directly in the Android app next month
    / Microsoft is taking advantage of a US court ruling that forces Google to crack open Android for third-party stores.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Sam Kim / Bloomberg:
    South Korean government data: tech exports slowed for a straight second month, indicating slowing global demand; DRAM had its slowest growth since December 2023 — South Korea’s exports of technology products slowed for a straight second month in an indication global demand may be peaking out …


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