DRAM RGB LEDs may be harmful to GPU backplates
Over the weekend, several Reddit users (via Videocardz) have reported strange problems involving their graphics cards and RGB illuminated memory. Images showcasing the damage that the RGB lights on memory kits have caused to graphics cards are now online. This damage appears in the form of discolouration that matches the lighting patterns of RGB memory kits.
What caused this damage? It’s hypothesised that some RGB illuminated DRAM kits are emitting ultra-violet (UV) light. This UV light could damage the paintwork on some graphics cards. This suggests that this problem could be solved if memory manufacturers use LEDs that emit less UV light. Additionally, GPU manufacturers could also use less reactive paints on GPU backplates?
Late last year, an AI startup called Humane raised a whopping $100 million for an upcoming flashy gadget called the “Pin” last year.
And after months of testing, the review embargo has finally lifted — and as it turns out, the $700 gizmo, which also requires a $24 monthly subscription plan, is every bit as disappointing as we expected.
The Pin even refused to translate things properly, which was a major selling point used in Humane’s marketing.
“Rather than translate things, it would just say them back to her, in a horrible and occasionally almost mocking accent,” Pierce found.
Englannissa keskimääräinen kotitalouksien nettinopeus on 69,4 megabittiä sekunnissa. Aston yliopiston tutkijat onnistuivat rakentamaan valokuituyhteyden, jossa dataa siirtyi 4,5 miljoonaa kertaa nopeammin yhdessä kuidussa. Maailmanennätysnopeus kirjataan lukemin 301 terabittiä sekunnissa.
Astonin kokeessa kuituyhteydessä käytettiin aallonpituuksia, joita ei aiemmin ole käytetty. Professori Wladek Forysiak Aston Institute of Photonic Technologiesista ja tohtori Ian Phillips olivat osa tiimiä, joka onnistui ennätyskokeessa. He työskentelivät yhteistyössä Japanin National Institute of Information and Communications Technologyn (NICT) ja yhdysvaltalaisen Nokia Bell Labsin tutkijoiden kanssa.
CERNin hiukkaskiihdyttimellä tehtävä universumin salaisuuksien selvittäminen ei onnistu ilman huippunopeita datayhteyksiä. Nyt Nokia ja hollantilaisen koulutuksen ja tutkimuksen IT-yhteistyöorganisaatio SURF ovat onnistuneet kiihdyttämään tutkijoiden käytössä olevan dataverkon nopeuden 800 gigabittiin sekunnissa vanhassa kuituverkossa.
Onnistunut kokeilu suoritettiin yli 1648 kilometriä olemassa olevasta kuitulinkistä, joka yhdistää Nikhefin, CERNin ja SURFin tutkimuslaitokset.
Matthew Connatser / The Register:
Intel’s Gaudi 3 white paper details the made-for-China processors HL-328 and HL-388, likely designed to comply with US sanctions by reducing performance
Intel is set to launch two China-exclusive models of its Gaudi 3 AI accelerator, and they’ll be substantially crippled to fit in with US sanctions.
The existence of two models approved for sale in the Middle Kingdom is detailed in Intel’s Gaudi 3 whitepaper. Called the HL-328 and HL-388, the made-for-China processors are in the OAM and PCIe form factors respectively, with the former launching in June and the latter in September, alongside the other PCIe form-factor Gaudi 3.
Overall, the HL-328 and the HL-388 look more or less the same as the others, with the same 128GB of HBM2e VRAM with 3.7TB/s of bandwidth, 96MB of cache, PCIe 5.0 x16 interface, and decoding standards.
The only difference is in respect to thermal design power, which is 450 watts for both the OAM and PCIe card models. This is a substantial reduction from the other models. The non-China, PCIe HL-338 has a TDP of 600 watts, and the OAM form-factor HL-325L and HL-335 carry 900 watts. The relatively low TDP on the China Gaudi 3 models is presumably why there’s no liquid-cooled version.
Seuraavan sukupolven FPGA-piireille on integroitava tekoälytoimintoja, ajattelee Microchip Technology. Tämän tarpeen täyttääkseen se on ostanut Piilaakson Sunnuvalesta Neuronix AI Labsin. Neuronix on yksityinen yritys, eikä kauppahintaa kerrottu.
Neuronix AI Labs tarjoaa hermoverkkojen optimointiteknologiaa, joka mahdollistaa tehon, koon ja laskelmien pienentämisen tehtäviin kuten kuvien luokitteluun, objektien havaitsemiseen ja semanttiseen luokitteluun eli kielimallien prosessointiin.
Ericsson kertoi tänään ensimmäisen neljänneksen tuloslukunsa ja ne ovat koko verkkomarkkinoiden kannalta tylyä luettavaa. Yhtiön liikevaihto putosi ennätysmäiset 14 prosenttia vuodentakaisesta. Lisäksi yhtiö ei odota käännettä parempaan koko vuonna.
Ericsson kertoi tulosinfossaan, että tutkimusyhtiö Dell’Oron äskettäinen ennuste, jonka mukaan globaalit RAN-laitteiden markkinat laskevat 4 prosenttia vuonna 2024, voi osoittautua optimistiseksi. Tämä ei tiedä mitään hyvää myöskään torstaina omat ensimmäisen neljänneksen lukunsa kertovalle Nokialle.
Arjun Kharpal / CNBC:
ASML reports Q1 net sales down 21.6% YoY to €5.29B, vs. €5.39B est., net income down 37.4% YoY to €1.22B, vs. €1.07B est., and net bookings down 4% YoY to €3.6B
ASML on Wednesday said first quarter profit beat expectations while sales missed forecasts, with the compant sticking to its full-year outlook.
Peter Wennink, CEO of ASML, called 2024 a “transition year” for the company.
ASML has previously said it expects net sales for 2024 to be similar to 2023. It reiterated this call on Monday. ASML reported net sales of 27.6 billion euros in 2023.
Alibaba Cloud has detailed the telemetry tool it uses to look out for glitches in customers’ virtual networks, and revealed it’s reduced the number of personnel dedicated to troubleshooting by 86 percent since developing the system.
Detailed in a paper poetically entitled “Proactive Telemetry in Large-Scale Multi-Tenant Cloud Overlay Networks” published in the most recent issue of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, the tool is named Zoonet and is described as “a proactive virtual network telemetry system for multi-tenant clouds.”
The tool comprises the following elements:
A data plane that uses host agent and arp-ping to protect tenants’ privacy and defines an elegant generalization of ping and traceroute, which can work on heterogeneous middleboxes;
A control plane that conducts update batch processing and substantial probing path pruning to lessen the overhead;
An analysis plane that reduces noise and aggregates alerts based on temporal and spatial correlation and conducts the hop-by-hop telemetry mode to locate failures.
The tool works by sending “probe packets” to detect virtual networks and gather desired telemetry data.
Brian Heater / TechCrunch:
Boston Dynamics debuts an electric version of humanoid robot Atlas for commercial use, a day after retiring the hydraulic Atlas, with a pilot starting in 2025 — A day after retiring the hydraulic model, Boston Dynamics’ CEO discusses the company’s commercial humanoid ambitions
Sheila Chiang / CNBC:
TSMC reports Q1 revenue up 16.5% YoY to NT$592.64B ($18.87B) vs. NT$582.94B est., profit up 8.9% YoY to NT$225.49B vs. NT$213.59B est., on strong AI chip demand
AWS discontinues its Snowmobile service, an 18-wheeler truck introduced in 2016 to help customers transport large amounts of on-premises data to AWS facilities
Less than eight years after introducing the Snowmobile at its Reinvent conference in Las Vegas, Amazon has taken the 18-wheeler out of service.
Amazon Web Services designed the semi to help customers move large amounts of data to the cloud.
A page on the AWS website devoted to products for large-scale data migration no longer mentions the Snowmobile.
Foo Yun Chee / Reuters:
The European Data Protection Board says large online platforms like Meta should give users an option to use their services for free without behavioral ads — Meta Platforms (META.O) and other large online platforms should give users an option to use their services for free without targeted advertising …
Samuel Stolton / Bloomberg:
Sources: the EU has decided that Microsoft’s OpenAI deal doesn’t merit a formal probe because it falls short of a takeover and Microsoft doesn’t control OpenAI — – Regulators don’t see evidence of Microsoft controlling OpenAI — Formal probe could have risked EU order to unwind the tie-up
How GitHub Copilot became responsible for a significant percentage of coding, despite its limitations; Stack Overflow: 54.8% of developers used Copilot in 2023
The assistant is saving engineers hundreds of hours a month and is helping GitHub retain its edge over rivals including Amazon and Google.
When software developer Nikolai Avteniev got his hands on a preview version of Microsoft Corp.’s Copilot coding assistant in 2021, he quickly saw the potential.
Developed by Microsoft’s GitHub coding platform and based on a version of OpenAI’s generative artificial intelligence, the assistant wasn’t perfect and sometimes got things wrong. But Avteniev, who works for ticket seller StubHub, was surprised by how ably it finished lines of code with just a few prompts. All he had to do was
While firms around the world embrace a four-day week, Samsung is going in the opposite direction: The $374 billion tech giant is mandating a six-day workweek for all of its executives in a bid to “inject a sense of crisis” among workers and raise its bottom line.
Execs at the South Korean company will have the option of pulling overtime either on a Saturday or Sunday, starting as early as this week, Korea Economic Daily reports.
“Considering that performance of our major units, including Samsung Electronics Co., fell short of expectations in 2023, we are introducing the six-day work week for executives to inject a sense of crisis and make all-out efforts to overcome this crisis,” a Samsung Group executive told Korea Economic Daily.
Lower performance combined with other economic uncertainties like high borrowing costs, the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war and rising oil prices, have reportedly pushed the firm into “emergency mode.”
Last year, Samsung posted its weakest financial year in over a decade, with the Wall Street Journal reporting that net profit fell 73% in Q4.
Meanwhile, its semiconductor business—which accounts for about 80% of Samsung’s earnings—recorded a loss of nearly 15 trillion Korean won ($11 billion) last year.
HMD Global tunnetaan ennen kaikkea Nokia-älypuhelinten valmistajana. Nyt yhtiö on julkistanut ensimmäiset omalla HMD-brändillä valmistetut puhelimensa. Kyse on tärkeästä askeleesta suomalaisen valmistajan polulla.
HMD on antanut ensimmäisellä omalle puhelinperheelleen nimen Pulse. Sarja käsittää kolme mallia, jotka kaikki asettuvat halpapuhelimien luokkaan. Mallit ovat nimeltään Pulse, Pulse+ ja Pulse Pro. Kaikkien hinta jää alle 200 euron.
Tällä rahalla saa Unisoc T606 -järjestelmäpiirin, 6,56-tuumaisen 90 hertsin virkistystaajuudella varustetun näytön, 4-6 gigatavua RAM-muistia ja tallennustilaa joko 64-128 gigatavua (perus- ja +-mallit) tai jopa 256 gigatavua. MicroSD-kortilla tila on laajennettavissa. Korttitelakka on hybridimallia, joten siihen saa kaksi SIM-korttia tai yhden SIM-kortin ja yhden MicroSD-kortin. pro-mallissa on parempi kamera (50 MP pääkenno). iso 5000 milliampeeritunnin akku tuo toiminta-aikaa jopa 59 tuntia.
Mitä ei saa? No ei saa markkinoiden tehokkainta prosessoria eikä 5G-yhteyksiä. Eikä laturia. Kasvojen tunnistus toimii, samoin sormenjäljenlukija on laitteen kyljessä. Lisäksi luvassa on kahden vuoden päivitykset käyttöjärjestelmään (Android 14 myytäessä) ja kolmen vuoden tietoturvapäivitykset. Halpapuhelimelle tämä on kiitettävä päivityslupaus, ilman muuta.
Lisäksi Pulse-puhelimet ovat korjattavia. Näytön, takakannen, taipuneen latausliittimen ja akun voi vaihtaa iFixitin korjaussarjalla. Tämä on selvästi yleistyvä trendi maailmalla ja HMD arvioi itse, että jatkossa kolme neljästä HMD-puhelimista on itsekorjattavia.
Jillian Deutsch / Bloomberg:
Franco-Italian chip company STMicro reports Q1 revenue down 18% YoY to $3.47B, below $3.63B est., and expects Q2 sales down 26% YoY to $3.2B, below $3.79B est.
Kif Leswing / CNBC:
Intel reports Q1 revenue up 9% YoY to $12.72B, vs. $12.78B est., Data Center and AI up 5% to $3B, and Q2 revenue guidance below est.; INTC drops 7%+ after hours — Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger, holding an Intel chip, speaks during the 54th Annual Meeting of The Semafor 2024 World Economy Summit in Washington, DC, on April 17, 2024.
Intel reported first-quarter earnings on Thursday that beat Wall Street expectations for earnings per share, but came up light in sales.
Intel gave a weak forecast for the current quarter.
reported first-quarter earnings on Thursday that beat Wall Street expectations for earnings per share, but came up light in sales. Intel gave a weak forecast for the current quarter.
Chris Miller / Financial Times:
The CHIPS Act has been surprisingly successful so far, giving the US greater scope to meet critical infrastructure needs in the event of a crisis in East Asia — More than halfway through its incentives spending, the US will have far greater scope to manage shocks https://www.ft.com/content/26756186-99e5-448f-a451-f5e307b13723
Financial Times:
Sources: the US is urging Japan, South Korea, and the Netherlands to tighten export controls to China, including stopping engineers from servicing Chinese fabs — Washington urges Japan, South Korea and the Netherlands to tighten supply of tools and technology https://www.ft.com/content/4ecea0a7-a5cd-40b0-8a24-b72c1c1a8996
Vlad Savov / Bloomberg:
TechInsights teardown: Huawei’s Pura 70 uses a 7nm chip, similar to the Mate 60, and a Kirin 9010 processor, a newer version of the Mate 60 Pro’s Kirin 9000s
The Chinese domestic x86 chip, Zhaoxin KX-7000 CPU, has been benchmarked in a wide range of tests at stock & overclocked settings, showcasing a huge performance increase versus the previous generation while also offering the domestic marketplace a new option for their PC needs.
Zhaoxin KX-7000 x86 CPU Tested: First Die Shots, LGA 1700 Socket Motherboards From ASUS, Overclock Benchmarks & More
The latest product that was tested out is the Zhaoxin KX-7000 CPU, an x86 chip designed for the domestic Chinese market. The CPU was launched at the end of 2023 and we saw the first products roll out in the first quarter of 2024. Early performance tests showed that the chip can reach performance similar to the Intel 10th Gen “Comet Lake” lineup which utilizes a refined version of the Skylake architecture and should also be able to match the first-gen Zen core architecture.
Starting with the specifications, the Zhaoxin KX-7000/8 CPU is based on the x86 Century Avenue architecture and features a 7nm chiplet design. The CPU die is separate from the I/O die with the CPU die measuring 78.6mm2 and the I/O die measuring 151.8mm2. The CPU die features 8 CPU cores with 8 threads, 512 KB of L2 cache per core (4 MB total), 32 MB of shared L3 cache, and a core clock of up to 3.6 GHz (3.2 GHz base).
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Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Humane’s Ai Pin aspires to be the device of the future, and this week, the public will begin testing that ambition.
Get the inside story on the Pin’s origins and challenges here: https://tcrn.ch/4cTASEU
Tomi Engdahl says:
China Plans to Ditch Intel, AMD Chips in Telecom Networks
China makes another move toward phasing out all foreign chips, this time targeting its telecom infrastructure as China’s semiconductor rivalry with the US continues.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Gamers report damage to GPUs from RGB lighting on memory modules
DRAM RGB LEDs may be harmful to GPU backplates
Over the weekend, several Reddit users (via Videocardz) have reported strange problems involving their graphics cards and RGB illuminated memory. Images showcasing the damage that the RGB lights on memory kits have caused to graphics cards are now online. This damage appears in the form of discolouration that matches the lighting patterns of RGB memory kits.
What caused this damage? It’s hypothesised that some RGB illuminated DRAM kits are emitting ultra-violet (UV) light. This UV light could damage the paintwork on some graphics cards. This suggests that this problem could be solved if memory manufacturers use LEDs that emit less UV light. Additionally, GPU manufacturers could also use less reactive paints on GPU backplates?
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kun porkkana ei kelvannut, jakelee Microsoft seuraavaksi keppiä itsepäisille Windows 10 -käyttäjille
Windows 10:n tukiaika tulee päätökseen, ja Microsoftilla on paljon pohdittavaa.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Meta and Google announce new in-house AI chips, creating a ‘trillion-dollar question’ for Nvidia
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
It failed at almost everything. https://trib.al/j8anuWC
Humane’s AI “Pin” Is a $700 Flaming Dumpster Fire
It “solves nothing and makes me feel stupid.”
Late last year, an AI startup called Humane raised a whopping $100 million for an upcoming flashy gadget called the “Pin” last year.
And after months of testing, the review embargo has finally lifted — and as it turns out, the $700 gizmo, which also requires a $24 monthly subscription plan, is every bit as disappointing as we expected.
The Pin even refused to translate things properly, which was a major selling point used in Humane’s marketing.
“Rather than translate things, it would just say them back to her, in a horrible and occasionally almost mocking accent,” Pierce found.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Englannissa keskimääräinen kotitalouksien nettinopeus on 69,4 megabittiä sekunnissa. Aston yliopiston tutkijat onnistuivat rakentamaan valokuituyhteyden, jossa dataa siirtyi 4,5 miljoonaa kertaa nopeammin yhdessä kuidussa. Maailmanennätysnopeus kirjataan lukemin 301 terabittiä sekunnissa.
Astonin kokeessa kuituyhteydessä käytettiin aallonpituuksia, joita ei aiemmin ole käytetty. Professori Wladek Forysiak Aston Institute of Photonic Technologiesista ja tohtori Ian Phillips olivat osa tiimiä, joka onnistui ennätyskokeessa. He työskentelivät yhteistyössä Japanin National Institute of Information and Communications Technologyn (NICT) ja yhdysvaltalaisen Nokia Bell Labsin tutkijoiden kanssa.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Nokia kiihdyttää CERNin kuituyhteyksiä
CERNin hiukkaskiihdyttimellä tehtävä universumin salaisuuksien selvittäminen ei onnistu ilman huippunopeita datayhteyksiä. Nyt Nokia ja hollantilaisen koulutuksen ja tutkimuksen IT-yhteistyöorganisaatio SURF ovat onnistuneet kiihdyttämään tutkijoiden käytössä olevan dataverkon nopeuden 800 gigabittiin sekunnissa vanhassa kuituverkossa.
Onnistunut kokeilu suoritettiin yli 1648 kilometriä olemassa olevasta kuitulinkistä, joka yhdistää Nikhefin, CERNin ja SURFin tutkimuslaitokset.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Matthew Connatser / The Register:
Intel’s Gaudi 3 white paper details the made-for-China processors HL-328 and HL-388, likely designed to comply with US sanctions by reducing performance
Intel preps export-friendly lower-power Gaudi 3 AI chips for China
Beijing will be thrilled by this nerfed silicon
Intel is set to launch two China-exclusive models of its Gaudi 3 AI accelerator, and they’ll be substantially crippled to fit in with US sanctions.
The existence of two models approved for sale in the Middle Kingdom is detailed in Intel’s Gaudi 3 whitepaper. Called the HL-328 and HL-388, the made-for-China processors are in the OAM and PCIe form factors respectively, with the former launching in June and the latter in September, alongside the other PCIe form-factor Gaudi 3.
Overall, the HL-328 and the HL-388 look more or less the same as the others, with the same 128GB of HBM2e VRAM with 3.7TB/s of bandwidth, 96MB of cache, PCIe 5.0 x16 interface, and decoding standards.
The only difference is in respect to thermal design power, which is 450 watts for both the OAM and PCIe card models. This is a substantial reduction from the other models. The non-China, PCIe HL-338 has a TDP of 600 watts, and the OAM form-factor HL-325L and HL-335 carry 900 watts. The relatively low TDP on the China Gaudi 3 models is presumably why there’s no liquid-cooled version.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Quectel’s BG95-S5 Is a Drop-In Satellite Communications Upgrade for Your IoT Projects
With LTE, eGPRS, GNSS, and satellite connectivity in one compact module, Quectel’s latest BG95 is a tempting upgrade for more rural work.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Seuraavan sukupolven FPGA-piireille on integroitava tekoälytoimintoja, ajattelee Microchip Technology. Tämän tarpeen täyttääkseen se on ostanut Piilaakson Sunnuvalesta Neuronix AI Labsin. Neuronix on yksityinen yritys, eikä kauppahintaa kerrottu.
Neuronix AI Labs tarjoaa hermoverkkojen optimointiteknologiaa, joka mahdollistaa tehon, koon ja laskelmien pienentämisen tehtäviin kuten kuvien luokitteluun, objektien havaitsemiseen ja semanttiseen luokitteluun eli kielimallien prosessointiin.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ericsson kertoi tänään ensimmäisen neljänneksen tuloslukunsa ja ne ovat koko verkkomarkkinoiden kannalta tylyä luettavaa. Yhtiön liikevaihto putosi ennätysmäiset 14 prosenttia vuodentakaisesta. Lisäksi yhtiö ei odota käännettä parempaan koko vuonna.
Ericsson kertoi tulosinfossaan, että tutkimusyhtiö Dell’Oron äskettäinen ennuste, jonka mukaan globaalit RAN-laitteiden markkinat laskevat 4 prosenttia vuonna 2024, voi osoittautua optimistiseksi. Tämä ei tiedä mitään hyvää myöskään torstaina omat ensimmäisen neljänneksen lukunsa kertovalle Nokialle.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Arjun Kharpal / CNBC:
ASML reports Q1 net sales down 21.6% YoY to €5.29B, vs. €5.39B est., net income down 37.4% YoY to €1.22B, vs. €1.07B est., and net bookings down 4% YoY to €3.6B
Shares of critical chip firm ASML drop 5% as sales miss expectations with 22% fall
ASML on Wednesday said first quarter profit beat expectations while sales missed forecasts, with the compant sticking to its full-year outlook.
Peter Wennink, CEO of ASML, called 2024 a “transition year” for the company.
ASML has previously said it expects net sales for 2024 to be similar to 2023. It reiterated this call on Monday. ASML reported net sales of 27.6 billion euros in 2023.
Tomi Engdahl says:
The Large Hadron Collider’s data output will increase fivefold after the upgrade. https://hubs.la/Q02t6Y0w0
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Imogen West-Knights / Financial Times:
How video games with immersive storylines and powerful, emotive writing offer some of the most thrilling fiction out there, overtaking books for some readers
Tomi Engdahl says:
Alibaba Cloud reveals network telemetry tool that helped cut number of engineers needed by 86%
Zoonet employs ‘elegant generalization of ping and traceroute’ among other tricks
Alibaba Cloud has detailed the telemetry tool it uses to look out for glitches in customers’ virtual networks, and revealed it’s reduced the number of personnel dedicated to troubleshooting by 86 percent since developing the system.
Detailed in a paper poetically entitled “Proactive Telemetry in Large-Scale Multi-Tenant Cloud Overlay Networks” published in the most recent issue of IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, the tool is named Zoonet and is described as “a proactive virtual network telemetry system for multi-tenant clouds.”
The tool comprises the following elements:
A data plane that uses host agent and arp-ping to protect tenants’ privacy and defines an elegant generalization of ping and traceroute, which can work on heterogeneous middleboxes;
A control plane that conducts update batch processing and substantial probing path pruning to lessen the overhead;
An analysis plane that reduces noise and aggregates alerts based on temporal and spatial correlation and conducts the hop-by-hop telemetry mode to locate failures.
The tool works by sending “probe packets” to detect virtual networks and gather desired telemetry data.
Tomi Engdahl says:
SanDisk reveals world’s first 4TB SD card for 8K video and storage bragging rights
Tomi Engdahl says:
Brian Heater / TechCrunch:
Boston Dynamics debuts an electric version of humanoid robot Atlas for commercial use, a day after retiring the hydraulic Atlas, with a pilot starting in 2025 — A day after retiring the hydraulic model, Boston Dynamics’ CEO discusses the company’s commercial humanoid ambitions
Boston Dynamics’ Atlas humanoid robot goes electric
A day after retiring the hydraulic model, Boston Dynamics’ CEO discusses the company’s commercial humanoid ambitions
Tomi Engdahl says:
Sheila Chiang / CNBC:
TSMC reports Q1 revenue up 16.5% YoY to NT$592.64B ($18.87B) vs. NT$582.94B est., profit up 8.9% YoY to NT$225.49B vs. NT$213.59B est., on strong AI chip demand
TSMC beats first-quarter revenue and profit expectations on strong AI chip demand
Tomi Engdahl says:
AWS discontinues its Snowmobile service, an 18-wheeler truck introduced in 2016 to help customers transport large amounts of on-premises data to AWS facilities
Amazon cloud unit kills Snowmobile data transfer truck eight years after driving 18-wheeler onstage
Less than eight years after introducing the Snowmobile at its Reinvent conference in Las Vegas, Amazon has taken the 18-wheeler out of service.
Amazon Web Services designed the semi to help customers move large amounts of data to the cloud.
A page on the AWS website devoted to products for large-scale data migration no longer mentions the Snowmobile.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Foo Yun Chee / Reuters:
The European Data Protection Board says large online platforms like Meta should give users an option to use their services for free without behavioral ads — Meta Platforms (META.O) and other large online platforms should give users an option to use their services for free without targeted advertising …
Tomi Engdahl says:
Samuel Stolton / Bloomberg:
Sources: the EU has decided that Microsoft’s OpenAI deal doesn’t merit a formal probe because it falls short of a takeover and Microsoft doesn’t control OpenAI — – Regulators don’t see evidence of Microsoft controlling OpenAI — Formal probe could have risked EU order to unwind the tie-up
Tomi Engdahl says:
Ashley Belanger / Ars Technica:
The US NIST appoints as head of AI safety former OpenAI researcher Paul Christiano, who has been criticized for “AI doomer” views and ties to effective altruism — Former OpenAI researcher once predicted a 50 percent chance of AI killing all of us.
Tomi Engdahl says:
How GitHub Copilot became responsible for a significant percentage of coding, despite its limitations; Stack Overflow: 54.8% of developers used Copilot in 2023
Microsoft’s AI Copilot Is Starting to Automate the Coding Industry
The assistant is saving engineers hundreds of hours a month and is helping GitHub retain its edge over rivals including Amazon and Google.
When software developer Nikolai Avteniev got his hands on a preview version of Microsoft Corp.’s Copilot coding assistant in 2021, he quickly saw the potential.
Developed by Microsoft’s GitHub coding platform and based on a version of OpenAI’s generative artificial intelligence, the assistant wasn’t perfect and sometimes got things wrong. But Avteniev, who works for ticket seller StubHub, was surprised by how ably it finished lines of code with just a few prompts. All he had to do was
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kathrin Hille / Financial Times:
TSMC CEO CC Wei says the company plans to charge customers more for making chips outside of Taiwan, citing a “fragmented globalization environment”
Tomi Engdahl says:
Samsung tells its executives to work a 6-day week to ‘inject a sense of crisis’ after posting its worst financial year in over a decade
While firms around the world embrace a four-day week, Samsung is going in the opposite direction: The $374 billion tech giant is mandating a six-day workweek for all of its executives in a bid to “inject a sense of crisis” among workers and raise its bottom line.
Execs at the South Korean company will have the option of pulling overtime either on a Saturday or Sunday, starting as early as this week, Korea Economic Daily reports.
“Considering that performance of our major units, including Samsung Electronics Co., fell short of expectations in 2023, we are introducing the six-day work week for executives to inject a sense of crisis and make all-out efforts to overcome this crisis,” a Samsung Group executive told Korea Economic Daily.
Lower performance combined with other economic uncertainties like high borrowing costs, the ongoing Ukraine-Russia war and rising oil prices, have reportedly pushed the firm into “emergency mode.”
Last year, Samsung posted its weakest financial year in over a decade, with the Wall Street Journal reporting that net profit fell 73% in Q4.
Meanwhile, its semiconductor business—which accounts for about 80% of Samsung’s earnings—recorded a loss of nearly 15 trillion Korean won ($11 billion) last year.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Heineken are a bunch of phreaks.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
HMD:n oma mallisto on tärkeä monella tapaa
HMD Global tunnetaan ennen kaikkea Nokia-älypuhelinten valmistajana. Nyt yhtiö on julkistanut ensimmäiset omalla HMD-brändillä valmistetut puhelimensa. Kyse on tärkeästä askeleesta suomalaisen valmistajan polulla.
HMD on antanut ensimmäisellä omalle puhelinperheelleen nimen Pulse. Sarja käsittää kolme mallia, jotka kaikki asettuvat halpapuhelimien luokkaan. Mallit ovat nimeltään Pulse, Pulse+ ja Pulse Pro. Kaikkien hinta jää alle 200 euron.
Tällä rahalla saa Unisoc T606 -järjestelmäpiirin, 6,56-tuumaisen 90 hertsin virkistystaajuudella varustetun näytön, 4-6 gigatavua RAM-muistia ja tallennustilaa joko 64-128 gigatavua (perus- ja +-mallit) tai jopa 256 gigatavua. MicroSD-kortilla tila on laajennettavissa. Korttitelakka on hybridimallia, joten siihen saa kaksi SIM-korttia tai yhden SIM-kortin ja yhden MicroSD-kortin. pro-mallissa on parempi kamera (50 MP pääkenno). iso 5000 milliampeeritunnin akku tuo toiminta-aikaa jopa 59 tuntia.
Mitä ei saa? No ei saa markkinoiden tehokkainta prosessoria eikä 5G-yhteyksiä. Eikä laturia. Kasvojen tunnistus toimii, samoin sormenjäljenlukija on laitteen kyljessä. Lisäksi luvassa on kahden vuoden päivitykset käyttöjärjestelmään (Android 14 myytäessä) ja kolmen vuoden tietoturvapäivitykset. Halpapuhelimelle tämä on kiitettävä päivityslupaus, ilman muuta.
Lisäksi Pulse-puhelimet ovat korjattavia. Näytön, takakannen, taipuneen latausliittimen ja akun voi vaihtaa iFixitin korjaussarjalla. Tämä on selvästi yleistyvä trendi maailmalla ja HMD arvioi itse, että jatkossa kolme neljästä HMD-puhelimista on itsekorjattavia.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Apple will likely be the first customer for both nodes unless something unexpected happens in the next few years.
TSMC Reportedly Targeting 2025 and 2027 for Next-Generation 2nm and 1.4nm Processes
Apple will likely be the first customer for both nodes unless something unexpected happens in the next few years
Tomi Engdahl says:
Robot dog
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Tomi Engdahl says:
Jillian Deutsch / Bloomberg:
Franco-Italian chip company STMicro reports Q1 revenue down 18% YoY to $3.47B, below $3.63B est., and expects Q2 sales down 26% YoY to $3.2B, below $3.79B est.
STMicro Revenue Forecast Misses as Auto Sales Slump
Chipmaker says slower automotive demand hurt recent sales
Full-year forecast lowered to $14 billion to $15 billion
Tomi Engdahl says:
A16 Advances 1.6nm Chip Production by 2026: https://ie.social/VM9Xn
Tomi Engdahl says:
Kif Leswing / CNBC:
Intel reports Q1 revenue up 9% YoY to $12.72B, vs. $12.78B est., Data Center and AI up 5% to $3B, and Q2 revenue guidance below est.; INTC drops 7%+ after hours — Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger, holding an Intel chip, speaks during the 54th Annual Meeting of The Semafor 2024 World Economy Summit in Washington, DC, on April 17, 2024.
Intel shares fall after company provides weak forecast for the current quarter
Intel reported first-quarter earnings on Thursday that beat Wall Street expectations for earnings per share, but came up light in sales.
Intel gave a weak forecast for the current quarter.
reported first-quarter earnings on Thursday that beat Wall Street expectations for earnings per share, but came up light in sales. Intel gave a weak forecast for the current quarter.
The stock fell 8% in extended trading.
Tomi Engdahl says:
Chris Miller / Financial Times:
The CHIPS Act has been surprisingly successful so far, giving the US greater scope to meet critical infrastructure needs in the event of a crisis in East Asia — More than halfway through its incentives spending, the US will have far greater scope to manage shocks
Tomi Engdahl says:
Financial Times:
Sources: the US is urging Japan, South Korea, and the Netherlands to tighten export controls to China, including stopping engineers from servicing Chinese fabs — Washington urges Japan, South Korea and the Netherlands to tighten supply of tools and technology
Toby Sterling / Reuters:
As ASML shareholders approve Christophe Fouquet as CEO, he faces a tricky balancing act to guide ASML, Europe’s largest tech firm, through the US-China chip war
New ASML boss Fouquet must navigate US/China chip war
Tomi Engdahl says:
Vlad Savov / Bloomberg:
TechInsights teardown: Huawei’s Pura 70 uses a 7nm chip, similar to the Mate 60, and a Kirin 9010 processor, a newer version of the Mate 60 Pro’s Kirin 9000s
Huawei’s New Phone Runs Latest Version of Made-in-China Chip
The Pura 70 relies on a 7nm chip similar to the Mate 60’s
Washington has stepped up efforts to curb Chinese chipmaking
Tomi Engdahl says:
China’s Domestic Zhaoxin KX-7000 8-Core CPU Matches Skylake In Single-Core, Beats It In Multi-Core Tests In Stock & OC Benchmarks
The Chinese domestic x86 chip, Zhaoxin KX-7000 CPU, has been benchmarked in a wide range of tests at stock & overclocked settings, showcasing a huge performance increase versus the previous generation while also offering the domestic marketplace a new option for their PC needs.
Zhaoxin KX-7000 x86 CPU Tested: First Die Shots, LGA 1700 Socket Motherboards From ASUS, Overclock Benchmarks & More
The latest product that was tested out is the Zhaoxin KX-7000 CPU, an x86 chip designed for the domestic Chinese market. The CPU was launched at the end of 2023 and we saw the first products roll out in the first quarter of 2024. Early performance tests showed that the chip can reach performance similar to the Intel 10th Gen “Comet Lake” lineup which utilizes a refined version of the Skylake architecture and should also be able to match the first-gen Zen core architecture.
Starting with the specifications, the Zhaoxin KX-7000/8 CPU is based on the x86 Century Avenue architecture and features a 7nm chiplet design. The CPU die is separate from the I/O die with the CPU die measuring 78.6mm2 and the I/O die measuring 151.8mm2. The CPU die features 8 CPU cores with 8 threads, 512 KB of L2 cache per core (4 MB total), 32 MB of shared L3 cache, and a core clock of up to 3.6 GHz (3.2 GHz base).