Tech trends for 2024

Here is collection of technology trends news for year 2024. This is a collection of links to articles followed by a short quote.


  1. Tomi Engdahl says:

    It’s time for AMD, Intel, and Nvidia to call a truce on the performance arms race and focus on sustainability and efficiency
    By John Loeffler published April 22, 2024
    We don’t need this much power, and it’s coming at too high a cost

  2. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qualcomm lanseerasi viime viikolla kannettavien tietokoneiden Snapdragon X Plus-prosessorit. Yhtiön mukaan suorittimet tekevät Arm-pohjaisista kannettavista tietokoneista tehokkaampia kuin Applen uusimmat M3-prosessoriin pohjaavat koneet. Jos väitteet pitävät paikkansa, monella on syytä olla huolissaan.

    Eniten huolenaihetta on tietenkin Intelillä. Jos Windows alkaisi oikeasti toimia tehokkaasti ja energiapihisti Arm-prosessoreilla, mitä Intel tekisi? Se menetti jo Macbookit. Windowsin menetys olisi kuolinisku.

    Snapdragon X Plus -piirillä on 10 ydintä, jotka operoivat 3,4 gigahertsin kellotaajuudella, 42 megatavua välimuistia, sekä 45 biljoonan operaation (TOPS) NPU-neuroverkkoprosessori. Tämä tarkoittaa selvästi tähän asti nopeinta tekoälyprosessointia missään kannettavan tietokoneen prosessorissa. Snapdragon X Plus tukee myös LPDDR5x-muistia maksimisiirtonopeudella 8448 MT/s ja siinä on 3,8 teraflopsin integroitu Adreno-grafiikkaprosessori.

  3. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Teksasilainen AMbiq Micro tunnetaan jo laajasti erilaisten vähävirtaisten ohjainpiirien kehittäjänä. Uusimmalla piirisarjallaan yhtiö tulee AI-laskennan markkinoille. Uusi Apollo510-piiri on jopa 30 kertaa energiatehokkaampi mikro-ohjain tekoälymallien prosessoinnissa kuin nykyiset ohjainpiirit.

  4. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Huawei reportedly developing a ‘Kirin PC Chip’ with performance rivaling Apple’s M3, powered by Taishan V130 architecture.

    Huawei Rumored To Be Working On A ‘Kirin PC Chip’ Whose Multi-Core Performance Is Close To Apple’s M3 Thanks To Its Taishan V130 Architecture

    Huawei was previously rumored to be developing an Apple M1 competitor to take that ARM-based chipset market share away from the company. However, according to the latest information, the Chinese firm is using the Taishan V130 architecture to mass produce a silicon that can come close to the M3’s multi-core performance. It appears that Qualcomm’s Snapdragon X Elite is not the only one trying to carve out a piece of the pie.

    New Kirin PC Chip could be divided into more powerful variants, similar to Apple’s ‘Pro’ and ‘Max’ versions, claims tipster

  5. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Intel CEO: Foundry Business Won’t be Profitable Until 2030
    Pat Gelsinger has finally pulled the covers back a bit on its fledgling foundry business.

    This week, Intel announced a major financial restructuring for its business, which will see it spin off its foundry operation as a separate business entity. As part of the restructuring, Intel has divulged details about its foundry business for the first time since Pat Gelsinger took the helm in 2021. The new revelations show that its foundry business has been losing billions of dollars since its inception and that the CEO doesn’t expect it to turn a profit until 2030.

    Intel held a webinar with investors and analysts this week to review the changes to its business, giving Gelsinger a platform to discuss the company’s past, present, and future. The top-line announcement was that it was separating its Foundry and Products into two entities, which required divulging the foundry’s P&L for the first time in the company’s history.

  6. Tomi Engdahl says:

    NVIDIA is expected to dominate the AI market in 2024 as they are set to sell $40 billion worth of GPU, significantly outpacing AMD & Intel.

    Analyst Forecasts $40 Billion AI GPU Sales For NVIDIA, $3.5 Billion For AMD & Just $500 Million For Intel In 2024

  7. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ensi vuonna jo 430 NAND-solua päällekkäin

    Flash-siruissa transistorien ahtaminen pienempään ei ole toiminut samalla tavoin kuin vaikkapa DRAM-siruissa. Tämän takia valmistajat ovat kasvattaneet bittitheyttä rakentamalla soluja pystysuunnassa. Korealaistietojen mukaan Samsung olisi jo ensi vuonna tuomassa tarjolle NAND-piirejä, joissa on 430 metallointikerrosta.

    Korealaisen talouslehti Economic Dailyn mukaan Samsung on jo aloittanut yhdeksännen sukupolven V-NAND-piirien volyymituotannon. Näissä kerroksia on 290. Tämän hetken tiheimpien SSD-levyjen tuotannossa käytetään 8. sukupolven V-NAND-siruja, joissa kerroksia on 236.

  8. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Kahden vuoden päästä 1,6 nanometrin siruja

    Tällä hetkellä tihein prosessi, jossa mikropiirejä valmistetaan, on TSMC N3E. Siinä transistorit valotetaan siruille 3 nanometrin resoluutiolla. Ensi vuoden lopulla tuotantoon tulee kahden nanoetrin N2 ja vuonna 2026 jo 1,6 nanometrin N16-prosessi.

    TSMC kertoi uutiset Piilaakson Santa Clarassa järjestetyssä Pohjois-Amerikan symposiumissaan. Tapahtuma järjestettiin jo 30. kerran, joten sillä on pitkät perinteet.

    1,6 nanometrin prosessi perustuu GAA-tyyppisiin (gate-all-around) nanokalvotransistoreihin. GAA viittaa transistorirakenteeseen, jossa hila ympäröi kanavaa kokonaan. TSMC:n mukaan N16-prosessi tuottaa 10 prosenttia korkeamman kellotaajuuden samalla jännitteellä kuin N2. Virrankulutus pienenee 15-20 prosenttia ja transistoritiheys kasvaa 7-10 prosenttia.

  9. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microchip vie RISC-V:n avaruuteen

    Tämän vuoden loppuun mennessä maailmassa on jo 62,4 miljardia avoimeen RISC-V-arkkitehtuuriin perustuvaa prosessoria. Suurin osa näistä laitteista sisältää sovelluskohtaisia ​​ja mukautettuja RISC-V-ytimiä. Osa siruista tulee olemassa avaruudessa, näyttää Microchip.

    Avaruuteen ei voida lähettää mitä tahansa siruja, vaan piirien täytyy kestää avruuden säteilyjä. Microchip kertoo nyt ottaneensa säteilynkestävän eli RT-version PolarFire-sarjan FPGA-järjestelmäpiiristään. Tälle RT PolarFire FPGA:lle on kehitetty ensimmäinen Linux-yhteensopiva, RISC-V-pohjainen mikroprosessorialijärjestelmä.

  10. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Tekoäly nostaa datakeskuksien kapasiteettitarvetta

    Tekoälyn yleistyminen verkossa kasvattaa datakeskusten kapasiteettitarvetta Pohjoismaissa Telian mukaan noin 30 prosenttia vuosittain. Esimerkiksi tekoälyllä ryyditetty nettihaku vaatii eri 5–10 kertaa enemmän tehoja kuin perinteinen Google-haku. Telia kertoi tänään laajentavansa Helsingin Pitäjänmäen jättimäistä datakeskusta nopeasti yleistyvien tekoälysovellusten takia.

    Kasvavaan tarpeeseen Suomessa rakennetaan kokonaan uusia datakeskuksia esimerkiksi Espooseen ja Kirkkonummelle. Lisäksi Telia kertoi tänään laajentavansa vuonna 2018 toteuttamaaHelsingin Helsinki Data Centeriä. Neljän megawatin kapasiteetin pitäisi valmistua 2025 alkupuolella.

    Pitäjänmäen 34 000 neliön datakeskus suunniteltiin aikanaan muuntojoustavaksi ja mahdollisimman energiatehokkaaksi. ”Varmistimme modulaarisella rakenteella konesalin laajentamismahdollisuudet, sillä maailma ja asiakkaidemme tarpeet muuttuvat”, kertoo Telian Global Sector Lead Michael Holm.

  11. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Counterpoint Research:
    Global smartphone market grew 6% YoY to 296.9M units in Q1; Samsung recaptured the top spot with a 20% market share; Apple shipments fell 13% but ASP grew 2%

  12. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Qualcomm says lower-end Snapdragon X Plus chips can still outrun Apple’s M3
    Same NPU, same architecture as X Elite, but fewer cores and lower clock speeds.

  13. Tomi Engdahl says:

    China gives local companies funding to buy homegrown GPUs — aiming for self-sufficiency by 2027
    By Mark Tyson published April 28, 2024
    Accelerating domestic LLM training is another goal.

  14. Tomi Engdahl says:

    The real reason so many laptops have moved to soldered RAM

    So, why do these companies keep moving in this direction? Is there any validity to their claims about better performance or allowing for a thinner chassis? I spoke with many of the major laptop manufacturers to seek out some answers.

    First, some background. The term “soldered RAM” refers to a type of computer memory that is permanently attached or soldered onto a laptop’s motherboard. Needless to say, that makes it impossible to upgrade, or even repair.

    Laptops generally either come with all of the RAM soldered onto the motherboard or with traditional RAM sticks that slot into the board and can be removed or replaced. The latter is referred to as small outline dual in-line memory modules (SO-DIMMs). However, some laptops these days may feature a mix of the two

    It’s not all bad. Whether we’re talking about thin and light productivity laptops, budget notebooks made for casual use, or high-end gaming beasts, they’re all trying to save space, prolong battery life, and optimize cooling. Using soldered RAM can be one of those space-saving techniques that enable manufacturers to create even thinner laptops, and all three of the companies I spoke to about this confirmed that.

    While laptop manufacturers generally seem to like soldered RAM, not all end-users are onboard. The reason why enthusiasts across various forums and Reddit communities aren’t happy with the rise in soldered RAM is that it directly affects the value of the laptop that you’re buying. It makes the laptop’s memory impossible to upgrade in the future, and the repairs get trickier.

    For some people, this isn’t a problem. Electronics, computers included, have never had shorter lifespans than they do now, and laptops are one of the things that get replaced every few years. Most users think of buying a new laptop before they ever think of wanting more RAM.

  15. Tomi Engdahl says:

    A look at the US and EU’s dueling approaches to rein in Big Tech, splitting tech companies’ attention by miring them in separate legal and enforcement battles

    With dueling approaches, the US and EU hit the tech giants hard
    The West’s key regulators are now fully on the offensive against Apple, Google and other giants they see as monopolies. The companies are crying foul, and may have time on their side.

  16. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Coco Feng / South China Morning Post:
    Tens of thousands of overworked employees have left their jobs at China’s largest tech companies in recent years, as the industry lost its growth momentum

    China Big Tech: why many overworked employees are quitting to become entrepreneurs amid internet slowdown

    As of the end of 2023, China’s BAT – Baidu, Alibaba and Tencent – had a combined total of 364,477 employees, a drop of nearly 25,000 from a year before
    A search using the term ‘Big Tech departure’ on Douyin returns dozens of results, offering advice on job hunting, e-commerce, career change and management

  17. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Anthony Ha / TechCrunch:
    The US announces $285M in CHIPS Act funding for research into semiconductor digital twin development, which may reduce chip development and manufacturing costs

    Biden administration plans $285M in CHIPS Act funding for digital twins

  18. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ryan Weeks / Bloomberg:
    Crypto startups embrace open-ended, rolling funding rounds that quickly lift valuations, as crypto funds seek to deploy unspent cash raised in 2021 and 2022

    Crypto Startups Turbocharge Valuations as Investment Picks Up

    Startups are embracing so-called open-ended funding rounds
    Venture funds are seeking to deploy previously static cash

  19. Tomi Engdahl says:

    North Yorkshire Council to phase out apostrophe use on street signs

    A local authority has announced it will ban apostrophes on street signs to avoid problems with computer systems.

    North Yorkshire Council is to ditch the problematic punctuation point as it says it can affect geographical databases.

    The council said all new street signs would be produced without one, regardless of previous use.

    Residents spoken to by the BBC urged the authority to retain apostrophes or risk “everything going downhill”.

    Postie Sam was just finishing her round when we caught up with her near a new St Mary’s Walk sign that had been erected in the town with no apostrophe.

    However, it had since been altered to include one by an unknown hand with a pen.

    She said, “I walk past the sign every day and it riles my blood to see inappropriate grammar or punctuation.”

    North Yorkshire Council said it “along with many others across the country” had opted to “eliminate” the apostrophe from street signs.

    A spokesperson added: “All punctuation will be considered but avoided where possible because street names and addresses, when stored in databases, must meet the standards set out in BS7666.

    “This restricts the use of punctuation marks and special characters (e.g. apostrophes, hyphens and ampersands) to avoid potential problems when searching the databases as these characters have specific meanings in computer systems.”

  20. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Elektroniikan komponenttien jakelumyynti romahti

    Elektroniikan komponenttien ja mekaniikan jakelukauppa laski Euroopassa tammi-maaliskuussa DMASS-jakelijajärjestön mukaan 23,3 prosenttia 4,58 miljardiin euroon. Puolijohteiden arvo laski 26,5 prosenttia 3 miljardiin euroon ja passiivi-, liitin- sekä mekaniikkakomponentit 16,3 prosenttia 1,57 miljardiin euroon. Pohjoismaissa laskua tuli vuoden takaiseen nähden yli 32 prosenttia noin 830 miljoonan euron myynnillä.

    Euroopan elektroniikkakomponenttien ja mekaniikan jakelijajärjestö DMASS:n mukaan vuosi alkoi konsolidointimoodissa, jonka alkamista on odotettu viime vuosien huippumyyntien jälkeen. Myynti laski ja varastoissa on komponentteja, joten markkinat supistuvat ja elpyminen siirtyy hieman eteenpäin.

    ’’Vaikka saatamme kohdata muutamia haasteita seuraavien vuosineljänneksien aikana, elpyminen alkaa ennemmin tai myöhemmin, ja olen varma, että vuosi 2025 palaa raiteilleen. Ei olisi järkevää ylireagoida nyt säästöharjoituksilla’’, vakuuttaa DMASS-järjestön puheenjohtaja Hermann Reiter, joka toimii myös komponentteja netissä myyvän Digikeyn johtajana.

  21. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Apple vie edelleen valtaosan kännykkämarkkinoiden tuotoista

    Counterpoint on saanut valmiiksi ensimmäisen neljänneksen kännykkätilastonsa. Tammi-maaliskuussa markkinoiden koko kasvoi 296,9 miljoonaan myytyyn laitteeseen. Koko alan liikevaihdosta Apple imuroi alkuvuonna 43 prosenttia.

    Apple on hyötynyt siitä, että erityisesti yli 800 dollarin arvoisten premium-laitteiden myynti on kasvanut. Tammi-maaliskuussa niiden osuus kaikista myydyistä älypuhelimista oli 18 prosenttia eli lähes viidennes. Kehitys nosti myydyn älypuhelimen keskihinnan 370 dollariin. Applen myymien iPhone-laitteiden keskihinta oli alkuvuonna 900 dollaria.

    Silti Samsung onnistui ensimmäisellä neljänneksellä kasvamaan volyymeissä mitattuna suurimmaksi älypuhelinvalmistajaksi. Se ohitti Apple kaappaamalla 20 prosenttia markkinoista. Applen osuus oli 17 prosenttia, Xiaomin 14 prosenttia, Oppon kahdeksan ja Vivon seitsemän prosenttia. Oppon lukemat pitävät sisällään tytäryhtiö OnePlussan myyntiluvut.

  22. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Julian Chokkattu / Wired:
    Google unveils Pixel 8a with the Tensor G3 chip, a 6.1″ 120Hz OLED with up to 2K nits brightness, and Gemini Nano access, shipping May 14 for $499+ — The company’s refined midrange Android phone packs its flagship Tensor G3 chipset. The handset was announced ahead of next week’s Google I/O conference.

    Google’s New $500 Pixel 8A Smartphone Will Get 7 Years of Software Updates
    The company’s refined midrange Android phone packs its flagship Tensor G3 chipset. The handset was announced ahead of next week’s Google I/O conference.

  23. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Jess Weatherbed / The Verge:
    Apple previews a new Final Cut Camera mobile app and announces new Logic Pro and Final Cut Pro features, including Live Multicam and external projects on iPad — Apple is updating two of its biggest pro apps to complement the new iPad Pro models announced today.

    Apple puts more ‘Pro’ in Final Cut and Logic Pro for the iPad
    / Apple rolled out a new, more professional camera app, too.

  24. Tomi Engdahl says:

    David Pierce / The Verge:
    iPad Pro hands-on: its thin design is the first thing you notice; the upgraded Magic Keyboard’s body and trackpad are much higher end than in the previous model

    Zac Hall / 9to5Mac:
    Apple lowers the price of its 10th-gen iPads by $100 to $349+ and discontinues its 9th-gen iPad, ending the era of iPads with a Home button and a headphone jack

  25. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Carsten Frauenheim / iFixit News:
    A look at LPCAMM2, a totally modular, repairable, and upgradeable memory standard for laptops that doesn’t require soldering LPDDR chips to the motherboard — If you’ve ever tried to “future-proof” a purchase by paying for everything you might eventually need up front, you know it can be a sucker’s game.

    LPCAMM2 Is Finally Here, and It’s a Big Deal

    If you’ve ever tried to “future-proof” a purchase by paying for everything you might eventually need up front, you know it can be a sucker’s game. The problem? We can’t actually see the future.

    But today we got our hands on LPCAMM2 for the first time, and this looks like the future to us. LPCAMM2 is a totally modular, repairable, upgradeable memory standard for laptops, using the latest LPDDR chips for maximum speed and efficiency. So instead of overpaying (or under-speccing) based on guesswork about your future memory needs, you’ll hopefully be able to buy your next laptop and then install more RAM as needed. Imagine that!

    What is LPDDR, and why do manufacturers solder it down?

    Repairable, upgradeable RAM isn’t exactly a new idea. As anyone who has ever built a PC knows, we’ve had swappable DDR RAM sticks (also known as DIMMs, or Dual In-Line Memory Modules) since basically forever. From old Gateway towers to today’s gaming powerhouses to zillion-dollar industrial servers, upgradeable and replaceable RAM is still very much a thing. And for many years, the same was true of laptops, which used a slightly more compact (“Small-Outline” DIMM, or SO-DIMM) version of those same RAM sticks.

    More recently though, we’ve seen increasing adoption of LPDDR—a low-power flavor of RAM (hence the “LP”) developed for mobile devices like phones and tablets. Whereas conventional DDR RAM excels at performance applications where power consumption isn’t a primary concern, like video editing or gaming, LPDDR wins the day when it comes to efficiency—a.k.a. battery life. And so for laptops in particular, the benefits of LPDDR are hard to beat.

    The drawback of LPDDR, though, is that it has to be soldered to the main board in close proximity to the processor—making repairs and upgrades completely impractical. But why?

    LPDDR operates at lower voltages compared to DDR, giving it the edge in power efficiency. But, the lower voltage makes signal integrity between the memory and processor challenging, requiring tighter tolerances and shorter trace distances—that is, the farther the signal has to travel, the more voltage you need for a reliable signal. This is why LPDDR is soldered down as close to the processor as possible.

    In short, laptop makers and consumers alike have faced an unfortunate dilemma: conventional SO-DIMM RAM for serviceability and upgradeability, or soldered LPDDR chips for longer battery life.

    Today, that changes.
    Enter LPCAMM2

    Standing for “Low-Power Compression-Attached Memory Module,” the new tech is as the name suggests: LPDDR chips on a compact board that screws in place very close to a laptop’s CPU. Combining the efficiency and speed of LPDDR with a thin, lightweight, upgradeable design and a trick interface that gets everything up close and personal with the CPU, LPCAMM2 seemingly does it all. And with dual-channel performance already baked in, a single LPCAMM2 module can do the job of a pair of the old socketed SO-DIMM sticks with a much smaller footprint and better thermals to boot. Finally: modular, performant, power-efficient laptop memory for the masses.

    Even though LPCAMM2 is arriving initially from Micron, in a Lenovo product, the technology owes its existence to an alliance of tech companies working together over the course of several years. The first iteration, known as CAMM, was an in-house project at Dell, with the first DDR5-equipped CAMM modules installed in Dell Precision 7000 series laptops. And thankfully, after doing the initial R&D to make the tech a reality, Dell didn’t gatekeep. Their engineers believed that the project had such a good chance at becoming the next widespread memory standard that instead of keeping it proprietary, they went the other way and opened it up for standardization.

    They were right. Only a few short years later, with the blessing of the JEDEC standards body, LPCAMM2 is here and ready to take the torch.

    Designing for a repairable future

    The advent of LPCAMM2 is especially gratifying for repair advocates, who for years have been told that repairability simply can’t coexist with cutting-edge tech in thin-and-light devices. We’re not ready to accept that, and we’ve long argued that OEMs who are willing to innovate with repairability in mind can do better. Maybe we can’t see the future, but we can envision one that’s more repairable than what we’ve been sold in recent years—and we’re grateful when companies like Micron and Lenovo take the leap to make that future a reality.

    LPCAMM2 exemplifies our ability to advance technologically while designing with sustainability in mind. It represents a significant step forward in the fight against planned obsolescence. By fighting for a modular, upgradeable memory solution for chips previously stuck in a soldered hellscape, manufacturers are demonstrating their commitment to creating devices that stand the test of time.

    There’s so much to gain here: from increasing device lifespan at schools and businesses, to reducing anxiety for consumers at the point of purchase, to enabling hassle-free repairs for devices that would otherwise be scrapped.

  26. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Takashi Mochizuki / Bloomberg:
    Nintendo President Shuntaro Furukawa says the company will announce Switch’s successor this fiscal year; Nintendo has sold 141M+ units since Switch’s 2017 debut — – Momentum petering on seven-year-old flagship console — Outlook falls shy of expectations even with weak yen boost

  27. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Aditya Soni / Reuters:
    GlobalFoundries reports Q1 revenue down 16% YoY to $1.55B, vs. $1.52B est., net income of $134M, and forecasts Q2 revenue above estimates; GFS closes up 7.1%

    GlobalFoundries forecasts Q2 revenue, profit above estimates on chip market recovery

  28. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Uusi M4-piiri ja OLED-näyttö ryydittävät

    Apple esitteli eilen odotetusti uuden tablettimallistonsa, joka tarjoaa näytön OLED-tekniikalla ja lisäksi uuden tehokkaamman M4-järjestelmäpiirin. Uutuudet tarjoavat myös kynäohjauksen vaikka sitä on yhtiössä alkuajoista lähtien ylenkatsottu.

    Applen iPad Pro on ulkoiselta olemukseltaan aiempaa ohuempi ja kevyt ja sitä on saatavana hopeisena ja avaruusmustana 14 ja pienempänä 11 tuuman kokoisena. Uutuudet ovat Applen ohuimmat iPadit tähän asti. 11-tuumainen malli on vain 5,3 mm ohut, ja 13-tuumainen malli on vielä ohuempi 5,1 mm. Padien runko on kierrätettyä alumiinia.

  29. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Ikoninen Nokia-puhelin julkaistiin uudelleen – tältä uusittu malli näyttää
    Uusi Nokia 3210 ei ole edeltäjänsä kanssa identtinen.

    Suomalainen Nokia-puhelimia lisenssillä valmistava HMD julkaisee uusioversion Nokia 3210 -puhelimesta. Peruspuhelimien kategoriaan solahtava luuri perustuu löyhästi vanhan mallin muotoiluun.

    Riisutun puhelimen idea on auttaa käyttäjäänsä pitämään taukoa digitaalisesta maailmasta. Vaikka laitteessa on 4g-yhteys, varsinaisia älypuhelintoimintoja siinä ei ole.

    HMD Globalina aloittanut, Espoossa pääkonttoriaan pitävä HMD käyttää nykyään itsestään nimeä Human Mobile Devices. Yhtiö sanoo näppäinpuhelimien kasvattavan suosiotaan ”ihmisten kaivatessa aidompia ja yksinkertaisempia aikoja”. HMD uskoo näppäinmallien markkinoiden kasvavan tänä vuonna.

  30. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Teknologiateollisuus julkisti tänään jäsentensä tuoreimman tilauskantakyselyn tulokset. Elektroniikka- ja sähköteollisuudessa uudet tilaukset vähenivät selvästi sekä vuodentakaisesta että edellisneljänneksestä. Tietotekniikassa uusia tilauksia saatiin aiempaa enemmän.

  31. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Microsoft plans to launch its mobile game store in July on the web, first with its own games including Candy Crush Saga, and later open it to other publishers

    Microsoft Plans Mobile-Game Store, Vying With Apple, Google

  32. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Anna Tong / Reuters:
    Sources: OpenAI plans to announce its AI-powered search product on May 13 — OpenAI plans to announce its artificial intelligence-powered search product on Monday, according to two sources familiar with the matter, raising the stakes in its competition with search king Google.

    OpenAI plans to announce Google search competitor on Monday, sources say

    May 9 (Reuters) – OpenAI plans to announce its artificial intelligence-powered search product on Monday, according to two sources familiar with the matter, raising the stakes in its competition with search king Google.
    The announcement date, though subject to change, has not been previously reported. Bloomberg and the Information have reported that Microsoft (MSFT.O)
    , opens new tab-backed OpenAI is working on a search product to potentially compete with Alphabet’s (GOOGL.O), opens new tab Google and with Perplexity, a well-funded AI search startup.

  33. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Pew Research Center:
    A survey of 1,423 US teens: 85% play video games, including 41% daily, 72% say gaming is a way to spend time with others, and 80% think harassment is an issue

    Teens and Video Games Today

    85% of U.S. teens say they play video games, and about four-in-ten do so daily. Teens see both positive and negative sides of video games – from problem-solving and making friends to harassment and sleep loss

  34. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Counterpoint Research:
    US smartphone shipments fell 8% YoY in Q1 2024, the sixth consecutive quarter of decline; Samsung’s market share grew to 31%; Apple’s share remained flat at 52%

  35. Tomi Engdahl says:

    SMIC reports Q1 revenue up 4.3% YoY to $1.75B, vs. $1.69B est., and a $71.8M net income, vs. $76.8M est., as consumer sentiment remains weak in China

    SMIC Warns of Growing Chip Pricing Competition in China

    The chipmaker sees its selling price fall in current quarter
    US and EU are concerned with China’s chip capacity buildout

  36. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Roblox reports Q1 revenue up 22% YoY to $801M, bookings up 19% to $923M, DAUs up 17% to 77.7M, and cuts its full-year bookings forecast; RBLX closed down 22.06%

  37. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Min Jeong Lee / Bloomberg:
    Filings: SoftBank’s Vision Fund has seen its US portfolio shrink by ~$29B since the end of 2021 as, sources say, Masayoshi Son plans forays into AI and chips

    SoftBank Sells Off Vision Fund Assets as Son Pivots to AI, Chips

    Masayoshi Son turns away from aggressive style of venture capital investing, leaving the fund’s reduced staff as mostly caretakers.

  38. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Brody Ford / Bloomberg:
    Employees say Oracle Health, formerly Cerner, has lost at least 12 of its major clients and product innovation has taken a backseat to upgrading legacy systems

    Oracle’s $28 Billion Cerner Health Tech Bet Sputters With Lost Customers and Slipping Sales

    Larry Ellison promised to modernize antiquated health-care technology. The reality has been more daunting.

  39. Tomi Engdahl says:

    Mark Gurman / Bloomberg:
    Sources: Apple’s first server chips for its upcoming AI features will be the M2 Ultra; simpler AI tasks will be processed directly on iPhones, iPads, and Macs — – Company puts Mac-grade chips in data centers for fall launch — Apple to offer features using on-device and cloud approaches

    Apple to Power AI Tools With In-House Server Chips This Year

    Company puts Mac-grade chips in data centers for fall launch
    Apple to offer features using on-device and cloud approaches

  40. Tomi Engdahl says:

    TSMC’s Entire CoWoS Supply Reportedly Reserved By NVIDIA & AMD Until 2025

    AMD and NVIDIA have reportedly reserved TSMC’s entire CoWoS production for the next two years as both firms aggressively compete in the AI race.

    TSMC Expects To Increase CoWoS Output Tremendously, Next-Gen SoIC Standard In Works As Well With Entire Supply Reserved By NVIDIA And AMD
    Well, it’s no secret that the AI industry is in dire need of computing power, and to facilitate the process, manufacturers such as NVIDIA and AMD have given their all to ensure that they capitalize on the markets to their fullest. In light of this, suppliers such as TSMC are ongoing a gold rush, not only because they are faced with huge demand but also because their existing facilities have massively upscaled, especially regarding the packaging process, including CoWoS and the newer SoIC standard.


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