MEAN Vs. LAMP: Finding the Right Fit For Your Next Project SlashDot posting notes that LAMP diehards should take note: The flexible simplicity of MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js is no joke and could very well be a worthwhile stack for your next programming project, writes InfoWorld’s Peter Wayner. “
InfoWorld’s article MEAN vs. LAMP for the future of programming tells that It was only a few years ago that MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS, and Node.js were raising eyebrows on their own. Now they’ve grown up and ganged up, and together they’re doing serious work, poaching no small number of developers from the vast LAMP camp. But how exactly does this newfangled MEAN thing stack up against LAMP?
The MEAN promises simplicity and common structure make your life easier: MongoDB offers a more flexible, accommodating layer for storing data. Node.js provides a better nexus for running your server, while Express.js helps standardize how you build your websites. On the client, AngularJS provides a clean way of adding interactive functions and AJAX-driven rich components. Put them all together and they make a clean, coherent mechanism for moving data from user to disk farm and back again.
The real explanation, however, is deeper. MEAN vs. LAMP for the future of programming offers nine reasons to give MEAN a shot with your next project. In existing projects it might not make sense to throw away the rock-solid reliability of battle-tested tools like Apache, MySQL, or PHP. But for green-field projects that could benefit from going MEAN: Node.js simplifies the server layer and is fast, MEAN makes code isomorphic (JavaScript on the server and client) and JSON is used everywhere.
MEAN is a framework for an easy starting point with MongoDB, Node.js, Express, and AngularJS based applications.
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