Search Results for "Gartner"
51 results found. Smartphone boon era seems to be over. Smartphone market is maturing. Gartner’s latest figures record the first ever decline (a 5.6 per cent decline over Q4 2016 figure) since the analyst began tracking the market. (Though it’s not the first analyst to call a decline.) Global smartphone sales have not been firing on all →
Gartner has published a new magic quadrant for infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) – the results should not be surprising to anybody. Consider this posting as update to my previous cloud market posting few years back. Here is reporting on newest cloud market trends from two sources: Gartner puts AWS, Microsoft Azure top of its Magic Quadrant for IaaS → I can pretty much agree this list from Gartner. →
AI is developing all the time. Here are some picks from several articles what is expected to happen in AI and around it in 2025. Here are picks from various articles, the texts are picks from the article edited and in some cases translated for clarity. AI in 2025: Five Defining Themes Artificial intelligence →
The year 2023 saw heightened cybersecurity activity, with both security professionals and adversaries engaged in a constant cat-and-mouse game. Here are some cybersecurity predictions for 2024 to help security professionals. It is crucial to anticipate the key themes likely to dominate the cybersecurity space in 2024. Cybersecurity is an ever-evolving process that can never be →
Analysts and experts have looked into their crystal balls and made their cybersecurity predictions for 2023. Here is a collection of cyber security trends from many cyber security trends lists I have found published on-line. In my list I first show the information source and next a short overview what this source listed. Is your →
Nothing is more difficult than making predictions. Instead of trowing out wild ideas what might be coming, will be making educated guesses based on what has happened during the last 12 months and several years before that. The past year has seen a rapid increase in the adoption of up-and-coming technologies. Everyday items are getting →
Here are some ICT trends for year 2019 picked from various sources (linked to sources) and edited by me: General: From AI to Moore’s Law, the entire industry is deep in the throes of massive changes. The future will be characterized by smart devices delivering increasingly insightful digital services everywhere. While CPUs continue to evolve, →
IoT is already completely entrenched in our society across end-market segments, but there are still enormous challenges around the design, development, and deployment of devices and services for the IoT, with security at the top of the list in 2019. Here are some IoT trends for year 2019 to watch: More device: There are four →
What are the top cyber trends to watch out for in 2019? Here’s what I have been hearing and reading: First I present a new information security term: Virtual Security = Manufacturers claim that their products are secure. but in reality they are not. New APT groups, and more regulations around data privacy, 2019 is →