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Crypt WebGL demo

Mozilla announced a new WebGL demo: Crypt Demo. This Crypt Demo is a great example for how far browsers have come and for the cross-platform experiences developers can now create without having to rely on plugins. The demo is written by ACTISKU‘s Anthony Liot. The demo should run in most modern browsers that support WebGL

Understanding grounding, shielding, and guarding

Inadequate shielding and bad grounding are often blamed when measurements are inaccurate, especially in high-impedance applications. Understanding grounding, shielding, and guarding in high-impedance applications article tells tells that in fact, shielding and grounding problems are frequently responsible for measurement errors, but many test system developers aren’t quite sure why. Many measurement errors can be traced

HDMI and ground loops

In my Audio and video signal susceptibility classes I wrote that digital video interfaces like DVI and HDMI can also have ground loop noise problems as they use a combination of balanced and unbalanced signals. Ground loop problem is one very possible source of intermittent problems over long distance in HDMI installations. This article is

HDMI HDCP hacking

HDMI uses copy protection system called HDCP. And I have know for some years that HDMI copy protection broken. But based on recent information that has popped out it seems that it is even more broken that I thought that it was. Hackaday tells that HDMI breakout lets you sniff HDCP crypto keys and points

Understanding Ajax vulnerabilities

Understanding Ajax vulnerabilities article is an introduction how to protect the web applications you create with Ajax. Because of its range of functions and ease of use, Ajax is one of the most widely used tools for building web applications today. All applications, including those built using Ajax technologies, are vulnerable to exploits that compromise

Electrical field and RF meter

I wrote last week about EMF measurements. Here is more information on the DT-1180 2.3″ LCD Screen Electromagnetic Radiation Detector I used for electrical field measurements. DT-1180 2.3″ LCD Screen Electromagnetic Radiation Detector is a meter designed for electric fields and RF field measurements. DT-1180 2.3″ LCD Screen Electromagnetic Radiation Detector measures low frequency electrical

Friday Fun: Regular expression crossword

Programmers often say that regular expressions are fun … I can say that they can be fun or annoying depending on case. Now you can try regular expression fun in a completely new way: Try your hand at a regular expression crossword. This is a very hard crossword puzzle you solve by interpreting regular expressions.

Underground power line feasibility

Should the power wires be overhead or underground? Underground power line feasibility article talks on the feasibility on using underground lines instead of overhead lines. Both underground and overhead lines have their good and bad properties. Burying power lines is not cheap, it is said the cost would be $1M per mile to convert existing