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A bug in cell phone tracking firm’s website leaked millions of Americans’ real-time locations | ZDNet Another week and another privacy disaster. Now a company that collects the real-time location data on millions of cell phone customers across North America had a bug in its website that may have exposed nearly every cell phone customer in the US and Canada, some 200 million customers. The LocationSmart page required explicit consent

Arduino Catches IoT Wave | EE Times There are a lot of people that are changing the world by building anything and everything. Arduino is enjoying success in the IoT wave because its easy to use, relatively inexpensive, and supported by a large ecosystem. Intel’s decision to stop supporting its Arduino products, including Joule, Galileo, Edison and Arduino 101, has left

Arduino Day 2018 Arduino Day is a worldwide birthday celebration of Arduino. It’s a 24-hour-long event organized by the community and Arduino’s founders, where people interested in Arduino come together.

Friday Fun: Working LEGO pinball machine built from 15,000 bricks This is a really cool LEGO project. The Brothers Brick contributor Bre Burns hits it out of the nostalgia ballpark with a fully functional LEGO pinball machine called “Benny’s Spaceship Adventure.” She spent several months perfecting the design with over 15,000 LEGO bricks, including LEGO Mindstorms NXT programmable bricks.

Gaming addiction classified as disorder by WHO

Here are some news related to addictive gaming: Gaming addiction classified as disorder by WHO Gaming can be too addictive to some people. Now gaming addiction is to be listed as a mental health condition for the first time. The World Health Organisation’s 11th International Classification of Diseases (ICD) will include the condition

New things at Google I/O 2018

Google I/O 2018 is starts soon. I/O tries to bring together developers from around the globe for talks, hands-on learning with Google experts, and a first look at Google’s latest developer products. The Verge article Eight things to expect at Google I/O 2018 tells that at this year’sI/O, which will be held again at the