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Hot wheels speed sensor

I built a Hot Wheels toy car track speed sensor using Arduino and metal detector. The main processing unit is Arduino Uno + sensor shield on top of it.  The display is cheap LCD display that connects to I2C. The sensor is metal detector kit I tested and converted to Arduino sensor in Metal detector

Embedded Conference Finland 2018

Embedded Comference Finland 2018 was on Helsinki today.Security was still hot topic again this year because many companies have not fixed their Internet of Threats products.The outcome was that the trend is that third parties will almost always make your IoT products less secure than you made them to be. Siemens keynote More security AI

FIDO Alliance and W3C have a plan to kill the password | TechCrunch This looks interesting. By now it’s crystal clear to just about everyone that the password is a weak form of authentication but used a lot. Today, two standards bodies, FIDO and W3C announced a way that looks better, a new password free protocol for the web called WebAuthn. The major browser makers including Google,

PoE tester teardown

Here is teardown of one cheap power over Ethernet tester from eBay. It worked OK and did what it promised. It came with instructions that seem to be for a slightly different model witg more features. What is inside Circuit details. It has two sensing circuits: for end span and middle span power. I have

Technical Cheat Sheets for Developers – RHD Blog Here are the cheat sheets available today: Linux Commands Cheat Sheet, Advanced Linux Commands Cheat Sheet, Wildfly Swarm Cheat Sheet, Containers Cheat Sheet, MongoDB Cheat Sheet, Kubernetes Cheat Sheet and the Eclipse Vert.x Cheat Sheet.

Arduino black ABS case

There are many different cases for Arduino.  Black ABS Protective Case For Arduino UNO R3 is an interesting plastic case for Arduino. The interesting feature in it is that it is designed to be compatible with LEGO blocks. It means that the case can be easily used in LEGO building projects. This is a reasonably

Font Psychology: What The Marketing Posters For Netflix’s Top 50 Shows Can Teach Us – Venngage The promotional poster might have more to do with it than you realize. Specifically…the TV show’s title font. You may have heard about color psychology before. But have you heard of font psychology? So when it comes time to design an ad, or a product label, or a logo, put some thought into the

4 Vital Tips for Getting the Most Out of Traceroute Anyone – even users with zero networking experience – can run a traceroute. All you need is a command prompt and a destination device. Yet, despite how easy it is to use, its results are often misunderstood. To be able to make good use of traceroute for network troubleshooting, you need to understand two