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GitHub: Here are the biggest open source project trends we’ll see in 2018 – TechRepublic Cross-platform development, new skills, and deep learning communities are seeing the most growth on GitHub. Developers are also heading to the site to look at deep learning projects as artificial intelligence continues to grow.

The World’s Funniest Joke (According To Science) While comedy is all about making you laugh, the science behind it is serious business. Even for what data shows is the world’s funniest joke.

The Last Of The MPEG-2 Patents Have Expired Just the last of the MPEG-2 patents have now expired few days ago. From the MPEG LA: Please note that the last US patent expired February 13, 2018, and patents remain active in Philippines and Malaysia after that date. This does not mean that the usefulness of the MPEG-2 has ended for technology users.

What to expect from Mobile World Congress 2018 | TechCrunch The world’s largest phone show is set for Barcelona later this month. Few things are certain yet. It seems pretty clear that 5G will once again be taking center stage. Samsung announced its plans to launch its flagship at the event.

LED Energie LED bulb teardown

LED Energie brand LED bulb with following data stopped to work properly: 230V 50Hz 7W E27 450lm 3000K 60mA 20D 3684 Mod.5161 So lets make a tear-down Inside There seems to be 20 small LEDs in series inside bulb and one of them burned black. As such this LED string is expected to need around

Safe, happy and free: does Finland have all the answers? | The Guardian It seems that Finland is now topping nearly every global social ranking. Last year, on the centenary of its independence, Finland was ranked, by assorted international indices, the most stable, the safest and the best-governed country in the world. It was also the third wealthiest, the third least corrupt, the second most socially progressive

2018 Winter Olympics a Prime Target for Hackers – IEEE – The Institute Malware has already made its way into the 2018 Winter Olympics, but hopefully the organization is capable of keeping everything working well without serious problems. This article claims that hackers are deploying malware capable of disrupting this year’s Winter Olympic Games, in Pyeongchang, South Korea. The malware is claimed to have the potential to