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Thoughts on the circuits you should publish | EDN There are two fundamental categories that define what can and what should not be published: professional and consumer.  In general, virtually any circuit was safe to publish for a professional audience that usually understood any apparent hazards. And most circuits that had hazards had them pretty well spelled out.  In ignoring dangerous circuits, there

The Death of Flash and Rewriting Old Code Adobe recently confirmed the suspicion held by many in the games industry that Flash is a dying platform. The official announcement that Flash will be discontinued in 2020 is threatening the infrastructure for many games and mobile apps, putting developers in a position to either abandon or overhaul their proprietary code built meticulously over

Automatic Circuit Reclosers Probed as Potential Cause of California Fires – IEEE Spectrum Automatic reclosers are pole-mounted circuit breakers that can quickly restore power after outages. Reclosers make quick work of many line faults, the great majority of which result from temporary insults such as a tree branch striking a line or the electrocution of an unlucky squirrel. Reclosers usually try restarting a line 2-3 times before giving up

Audio jacks information

Audio jacks have been around for decades and have been used in a wide variety of applications. While simple in their basic functionality, they can be used in complex systems. Understanding Audio Jack Switches and Schematics document will help you understand some of their capabilities and will dig into the “guts” of these connectors.When looking

2017′s Worst Junk Science | RealClearScience In a perfectly logical world, where everyone has adopted science as a way of thinking, lists like this wouldn’t be necessary. Unfortunately, as 2017 demonstrated, we’re nowhere close to that world as junk science is alive and seems to be thriving.

Software Developer Shortage

News all over say that there seems to be a serious software developer shortage now. According to Business Insider, Finland currently lacks over 7000 software developers. And if the trend continues, the need will grow to 15,000 unfilled positions in 2020. The issue isn’t limited to just Finland. Other Nordic countries have the same problem. Software engineers have been at the

Engineers produce breakthrough sensor for photography, life sciences, security Engineers from Dartmouth’s Thayer School of Engineering have produced a new imaging technology that may revolutionize low light imaging. Called the Quanta Image Sensor, or QIS, this new light sensing technologyenables highly sensitive digital imaging in low light situations. QIS technology is able to reliably capture and count single photons, with resolution as high as one megapixel.  This