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Zero crossing detector circuits

Light Dimmers are devices used to lower the brightness of a light. Light dimmers are generally used to control light output from resistive incandescent, halogen, and sometimes also compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and light-emitting diodes (LEDs). Dimming LEDs have their own set of challenges and dilemmas. Modern dimmers are built from semiconductors that are often

Fuel Cells Poised to Replace India’s Diesel Generators – IEEE Spectrum Diesel generators are widely used for decentralized power generation. These generators, although inexpensive, are inefficient and pose great environmental and health risks. Scientists are investigating cleaner, cost-effective, and more dependable technology for powering telecom towers and eventually buildings. A promising answer to the cost and pollution conundrum can be found in proton exchange membrane fuel

Diving Deep into Wild & Wacky Open Source Licenses Copyleft terms seemed pretty strange to many seasoned attorneys familiar with commercial software licenses when they first encountered the GPL, but it is far from the weirdest license out there. There is a long, long tail of over 2700 licenses in the Black Duck KnowledgeBase — many of which are one-offs. Several unusual licenses flout the concept

Sugar Industry Buried Evidence Of Links To Cancer And Heart Disease For Half A Century | IFLScience The US government has only recently updated its health guidelines to advise people to cut out a lot of sugar from their diets, but as highlighted in two recent studies, the sugar industry has been aware of its dangers for at least half a century. It’s worth remembering that plenty of industry research is

Google Developers Blog: Announcing TensorFlow Lite Google has announced TensorFlow machine learning for Android and iOS devices: “we’re happy to announce the developer preview of TensorFlow Lite, TensorFlow’s lightweight solution for mobile and embedded devices! TensorFlow has always run on many platforms, from racks of servers to tiny IoT devices” TensorFlow already supports mobile and embedded deployment of models through

Simple circuits enable oscilloscope art I built the circuit from this EDN article. I could not find exactly right component values from my lab, so I used 180 pF capacitor and 41 mH inductor instead.  I “powered” the circuit with 1 kHz 7Vpp square wave from signal generator. Then I got this nice graphics on digital oscilloscope screen in XY

Permissionless data slurping: Why Google’s latest bombshell matters • The Register Somebody else than just your mobile operator gets to know where you are: According to an old Chinese proverb: “When a wise man points at the Moon, an idiot looks at his finger.” Google may have been hoping that you were examining a finger, not reading a Quartz story yesterday, which reveals how Android phones send