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One Bitcoin Transaction Now Uses As Much Energy As Your House In a Week – Slashdot It look like Bitcoin is not very “clean” technology: Bitcoin’s incredible price run to break over $7,000 this year has sent its overall electricity consumption soaring, as people worldwide bring more energy-hungry computers online to mine the digital currency.  Bitcoin miners burn through over 24 terawatt-hours of electricity annually. This averages out to a shocking 215

Nanodevice Maps the Angle of Light to Color and Vice Versa – IEEE Spectrum  An international team of researchers has added a small twist to typical light filters. They’ve fabricated a nanoscale device that divides incident light into its different component colors based on the direction the light is coming from. They’ve switched from making filters with equally spaced grooves to an aperiodic architecture wherein the grooves are not equally spaced. The research

How Threat Modeling Helps Discover Security Vulnerabilities Application threat modeling can be used as an approach to secure software development, as it is a nice preventative measure for dealing with security issues, and mitigates the time and effort required to deal with vulnerabilities that may arise later throughout the application’s production life cycle. Unfortunately, it seems security has no place in

Evolution of Mobile Communication from 1(G) to 4G, 5G, 6G, 7G … The cellular wireless Generation (G) generally refers to a change in the nature of the system, speed, technology and frequency. Each generation have some standards, capacities, techniques and new features which differentiate it from the previous one. Now 5G is hot technology at the top of the hype cycle. But that’s not the end

The digital age of data art | TechCrunch Many artists use as material for art the raw data produced by our societies, seeking innovative means of display or transforming it into a work of art. By blurring boundaries between art and information, data artdispels the myth of the romantic artist while offering a fundamental artistic act in a critical commentary of the digital age

Saying Goodbye to Firebug ★ Mozilla Hacks – the Web developer blog Firebug has been a phenomenal success over its 12-year lifespan. So it’s sad that Firebug is now reaching end-of-life in the Firefox browser, with the release of Firefox Quantum (version 57) soon. The good news is that all the capabilities of Firebug are now present in current Firefox Developer Tools. So the work pioneered by the

The Amazing $1 Microcontroller – Jay Carlson In 2017, we saw several new MCUs hit the market, as well as general trends continuing in the industry: the migration to open-source, cross-platform development environments and toolchains; new code-generator tools that integrate seamlessly (or not so seamlessly…) into IDEs; and, most notably, the continued invasion of ARM Cortex-M0+ parts into the 8-bit space.

EMF meter GM3120

Have you ever wondered about how safe your place or position is regarding electromagnetic and magnetic fields? Then here is your chance to find out. Everyone is exposed to a complex mix of weak electric and magnetic fields, both at home and at work, from the generation and transmission of electricity, domestic appliances and industrial

MINIX — The most popular OS in the world, thanks to Intel | Network World I did not know this earlier (I knew about another OS inside but did not know which it was): You might not know it, but inside your Intel system, you have an operating system running in addition to your main OS, MINIX. And it’s raising eyebrows and concerns.