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The NEW API Pattern – RHD Blog Distributed Architectures are a lot like neural networks; all services that talk to each other need to share the I/O in and in a way that they can synchronize that information on the fly.   Since the API Pattern designed in the 1970’s for centralized architectures and NOT distributed architectures, it was never intended to

Ultimate Arduino Handbook for Neurohackers article tipped that Ultimate Arduino Handbook creator, Mark Maffei has has published a 200 page book under a Creative Commons BY SA license via the Internet Archive. Download Ultimate Arduino Handbook Neurohackers Edition v1.0 to see yourself what interesting stuff it has in it. The book covers entire spectrum of Arduino awesomeness, with a

Reading the signs: 5G is coming | EDN–5G-is-coming?utm_content=buffer9759f&utm_medium=social& One in 10 communications companies claim to have deployed 5G technology already, according to a recent survey (see: With 5G technology, the time is now). Some parts of the 5G standard are close to being finalized, but nothing has been ratified yet.  Furthermore, many of the constituent technologies (e.g., mmWave RF, beamforming, MIMO, etc.) are

4 website maintenance mistakes to avoid |  Maintenance is a good idea for every website, but it’s a requirement for websites using open source code. The upside of open source is that everyone can participate. The downside is that means keeping up with everyone’s changes.  Maintenance is a simple process, but there are basic mistakes that many people make at least

An introduction to timekeeping in Linux VMs | Keeping time in Linux is not simple, and virtualization adds additional challenges and opportunities. This article reviews KVM, Xen, and Hyper-V related time-keeping techniques and the corresponding parts of the Linux kernel.

Do we really need swap on modern systems?  Swap is used to give processes room, even when the physical RAM of the system is already used up. In the past, some application vendors recommended swap of a size equal to the RAM, or even twice the RAM. Once the physical memory is used up, swap gets used. As the swap disk is much slower

LiShield Can Block Smartphone Cameras for Privacy’s Sake – IEEE Spectrum

P Rules that prohibit photos or videos can prove almost impossible to enforce when nearly everyone carries a smartphone. But a new indoor privacy system has shown how the power of smart LED lighting could prevent people from taking illegal videos of a live events. LiShield has a capability to corrupt digital camera images and videos without

Managing devices in Linux  There are many interesting features of the Linux directory structure. This article covers some fascinating aspects of the /dev directory.  Device files are also known as device special files. Device files are employed to provide the operating system and users an interface to the devices that they represent. All Linux device files are located in the

Millions of high-security crypto keys crippled by newly discovered flaw | Ars Technica  A crippling flaw in a widely used code library has fatally undermined the security of millions of encryption keys used in some of the highest-stakes settings, including national identity cards, software- and application-signing, and trusted platform modules protecting government and corporate computers. The weakness allows attackers to calculate the private portion of any vulnerable key