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Here’s everything Google just announced Google held a press conference yesterday in San Francisco, where the company announced everything from new phones to crazy machine learning-powered wearable cameras. It was a flurry of news. Techcrunch condensed it all the highlights down well into one quick slideshow.

Android users rejoice! Linux kernel LTS releases are now good for 6 years | Ars Technica The free and open source Linux kernel powers most of the devices around us. It’s not only present in computers and servers, in Android devices, the Internet of things, and almost anything else you can call “smart.” A major change in the maintenance lifecycle of Linux kernels is coming for good. During a Linaro

They’re still selling incandescent flashlights? | EDN   The writer of this article assumed that all flashlights would now be LED units, not incandescent, because of many benefits of LED. But in shop roughly one-third of the lights were LED, one-third were halogen, and one-third were incandescent. Why do they still have non-LED flashlights? This article looks for answer to this and teaches about

Nobel Prize Awarded for Detection of Gravity Waves – IEEE Spectrum  The three men who won this year’s Nobel Prize in physics helped prove Einstein correct by detecting gravitational waves from a pair of colliding black holes.  Rainer Weiss, Barry C. Barish and Kip S. Thorne were awarded for conceiving and creating the Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory, or LIGO.  Just last week, a sister detector in Italy called Virgo

Capitalism without consequences | TechCrunch  Technology decouples economies. AirBNB owns no rooms, but provides accommodations; Uber owns (essentially) no vehicles, but provides transport; Stripe is not a bank, but provides bank accounts; a vast panoply of corporate services run on Amazon-owned servers. There are many excellent things about this decoupling; it improves efficiency, aids focus, and spurs innovation. But technology also has

Understanding Certifications for Electronic Hardware Products  Most electronic products require multiple certifications in order to be sold. The certifications required depends on the product specifics and the countries in which it will be marketed. This article will mainly discuss certifications necessary in the United States, Canada, and the EU. 

ESP8266 IoT Contest – Simplify the Connected World – The Internet of Things (IoT) is a hot topic in today’s tech conversations. Many times, IoT development and prototyping cycles are too long and too expensive due to the time and complexity it takes to build a simple IoT prototype. But the creation of IoT projects doesn’t have to be complex or expensive. myDevices,

JavaScript Is Eating The World JavaScript and NodeJS are single handedly eating the world of software. Once only thought of as “hipster” technology, NodeJS is quickly becoming one of the most commonly used environments for building web applications. This article has a list of 5 huge companies who have adopted NodeJS for use inside high traffic, high profile production projects.