State of @arduino #makerfaire #MFNY17 See the slides → See the slides → link to the Great 78 Project, “a community project for the preservation, research, and discovery of 78 rpm records.” Currently it’s working to digitize the 200,000 or so 78 rpm records it has collected. The 78s that still exist present music that was recorded long ago—in some cases more than a century. The songs on them are mostly unknown today, → There are now two new Arduino boards, the long-range radio (LoRa)-equipped MKR WAN 1300 and the cellular-capable MKR GSM 1400. The boards come in with the MKR form factor that Arduino has been utilizing of late, measuring 67.64 x 25mm. The company says they also offer low power consumption, making them useful for IoT applications such → has revealed its latest development board named PocketBeagle. It’s an ultra-tiny and open source USB-key-fob computer that’s crafted for DIYers, hobbyists, and educators.Talking about the dimensions, PocketBeagle measures 56x35x5mm. → If you are a hacker, pentester, or a security researcher, this news should interest you. The best Linux OS, Kali Linux 2017.2 was released yesterday. Kali Linux is available for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. The new Kali Linux distro version comes with more 20 new hacking tools. Get the latest Kali 2017.2 from Kali download page. → The world is changing, and with it so is the internet. Or perhaps it’s the other way around. The internet continues to create new business and social opportunities that massively scale and widely interconnect. The increasing depth and volume of personal and corporate data make it a more rewarding target for cyber crooks and →
Newsest issue 2/2017 of Uusiteknologia magazine has been just published. The magazine has three technical articles written by me (Ethernet, Bluetooth Mesh and smart phone OS). The magazine is in Finnish language, but the technical articles have also short summaries written in English. You can read the magazine on-line or download in PDF format. → → →
I have made many experiments with my DVB-T SDR stick. It can handle frequency range from around 30 MHz up to more than 1 GHz. There are cases, where there is need to receive lower frequencies. To make receiving those low frequencies with such cheap RTL-SDR receiving sticks, there are two approaches: using upconverter or →