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How to set up an all open-source IT infrastructure from scratch Hypothetical: You need to set up the IT infrastructure (email, file sharing, etc.) for a new company. No restrictions. No legacy application support necessary. How would you do it? What would that ideal IT infrastructure look like? This presents writer’s ideal setup based on open source software.

Biocomputer and Memory Built Inside Living Bacteria – IEEE Spectrum Scientists have come up with two clever new ways to harness the programming power of DNA in living bacterial cells. In separate experiments published in Nature in July, researchers reported that they had successfully archived a movie and built a complex biological computer inside living E. coli cells.

SYZYGY – Next generation FPGA connectivity Open standard for high-performance peripheral connectivity SYZYGY is FPGA-agnostic and is intended to work with products from all major FPGA manufactures including Xilinx, Intel, Lattice, and Microsemi. PMOD and SYZYGY can happily coexist in the FPGA space and even on the same carrier implementations! FMC and SYZYGY can happily coexist in the FPGA space

25 Innovative IoT Companies and Products You Need to Know The Internet of Things (IoT) continues to evolve and expand in terms of the number of companies, products, and applications.  There are numerous IoT companies you may not yet be familiar with but that could enhance how you work and live. This article introduces 25 innovative IoT firms and products.

GNU/Linux for beginners: How Audio Works Audio in GNU/Linux has come a long way and nowadays functions fairly well when it comes to the simplicity that users migrating from Windows are accustomed to; but there are still some nuances and terms that new users may not be familiar with. ALSA is the framework that sound drivers communicate through. ALSA is nowadays