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Unity is the little game engine that could revolutionize animated movies – The Verge Use game engine for animation? It looks feasible soon. The new Cinemachine component that’s coming to Unity’s 2017.1 release  promises to allow that: directorial and cinematography powers. Unity’s Asset Store is full of free 3D models and environments — including the hugely impressive Adam character. Unity is adding a timeline view: Your entire game or animation can sit on multiple layered

The internet is actually controlled by 14 people who hold 7 secret keys | IFLScience This sounds like something out of a Dan Brown book, but it isn’t: The whole internet is controlled by seven actual, physical keys. ICANN maps the numbers (easier for computers to use) with words (easier for humans to use). If someone were to gain control of ICANN’s database, that person would control the internet.  The physical

The UN has ranked nations for innovation – how does yours do? | World Economic Forum Emerging markets are climbing up the ranks of the world’s most innovative nations, an annual U.N. survey showed on Thursday, although wealthy Western countries led by Switzerland still dominate the top spots. Finland is number 8 in this list.

Apple iPhone goes on sale, June 29, 2007 | EDN–June-29–2007?utm_content=buffer9cd6a&utm_medium=social& Ten years ago Apple iPhone went on sale in the United States. This disruptive device has been one of the electronics industry’s most successful lines to date. A new version of the iPhone has been released every year since the original.

Our Obsession With Smartphones Reduces Our Brain Power, Says Study | IFLScience The brain has a finite pool of attention resources – the “limited-capacity” cognitive resources. It seems that lots of smartphone use diminishes a person’s working memory capacity and “fluid intelligence” – the ability to solve novel problems independent of already stored information, which is called “crystallized intelligence”.

Happy 150th Canada: The Technologies | EDN–The-Technologies?utm_content=bufferf5ea8&utm_medium=social& Here’s a short list of technologies, not all electronic, that hail from the Great White North. Look also at some of Canada’s more famous engineers.