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The top 7 Linux IoT projects | Network World It’s a Linux world, and the rest of computing is just living in it. IoT is no exception. The Linux Foundation lists these seven projects as the key players in the march of connected open-source systems. This article is a quick rundown on them.

Apple co-founder Wozniak: Motivation is more important than knowledge The most important ingredient to becoming successful is having motivation, says Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak. “If somebody is motivated and wants to do something, wanting — it’s emotional. That’s the person that is probably going to go out and find a way to actually get it done.” The Internet has made it possible for anyone with the

IMS 2017: RF/microwave test equipment, part 1 | EDN–RF-microwave-test-equipment–part-1?utm_content=buffer9eaa6&utm_medium=social& The IEEE International Microwave Symposium is in Honolulu, Hawaii in 2017. Here is some of the new test equipment seen by EDN staff.

Now You Can Run Linux On Windows 10 Without Enabling Developer Mode With the release of Windows 10 Insider Build 16215, Microsoft has announced that now users don’t need to activate Developer Mode to run Linux on Windows 10. Now, Microsoft thinks that WSL is stable enough to remove this restriction. However, this change still keeps Linux an optional component and the users manually need to

If Humble People Make the Best Leaders, Why Do We Fall for Charismatic Narcissists? The research is clear: when we choose humble, unassuming people as our leaders, the world around us becomes a better place. Humble leaders improve the performance of a company in the long run because they create more collaborative environments.  When leaders behave humbly, followers emulate their modest attitude and behavior.  A clinical study illustrates that when charisma overlaps

A 10-step guide to creating an email client with Webix framework Free Webix framework is a JavaScript and HTML5 framework for developing cross-platform, data-rich web applications with responsive user interfaces. The library is fast, lightweight, and easy to learn. Integration with AngularJS, Vue.js, and jQuery may be pretty handy. Based on this article Webix looks interesting.

Tracking Hacking: The World’s Biggest Data Breaches Before 2009, the majority of data breaches were the fault of human errors like misplaced hard drives and stolen laptops, or the efforts of “inside men” looking to make a profit by selling data to the highest bidder. Since then, the volume of malicious hacking has exploded relative to other forms of data loss.

How to prevent unprivileged users from viewing dmesg command output on Linux – nixCraft One can use dmesg command see or control the kernel ring buffer.  The kernel syslog contains debugging information that is often useful during exploitation of other vulnerabilities, such as kernel heap addresses.  There is an option that prevents unprivileged users from reading the syslog. sudo sysctl -w kernel.dmesg_restrict=1

Radiators powered by excess computing energy are heating homes for free Is this stupid or ingenious? French company Qarnot has developed small devices known as Q.rads, tiny remote computers that when networked together have the capacity to provide a cloud computing service to companies. The heat generated by the Q.rads, which are situated in residential and public buildings, is then used to heat the buildings,

New level of automation with Ansible – RHD Blog Ansible is a simple agent-less automation tool that has changed the world for the better. It has many use cases and wide adoption. This article is going to demonstrate Ansible. The intention of this article is not to teach you the basics of Ansible, but to motivate you to learn it. Shell has been the comfort zone of