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Scientists Have Discovered The First 2D Magnet | IFLScience Researchers from the University of Washington and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have discovered a two-dimensional magnetized material for the first time. As reported in Nature, the material known as chromium triiodide (CrI3) is highly magnetic even when it’s in a 2D configuration (sheet with one atom thickness). In addition the construction of this monolayer

Want 5G? It’s going to take an IP anyhaul overhaul | EDN

Want 5G? It’s going to take an IP anyhaul overhaul | EDN–It-s-going-to-take-an-IP-anyhaul-overhaul?utm_content=bufferecb1e&utm_medium=social& Much of the ongoing discussion around 5G is focused on use cases: wireless broadband to the home, in-vehicle infotainment, immersive event experiences, truck platooning, remote health care, smart cities and smart factories to name a few. Mobile networks and cloud packet core

AI powered monster drawing tool

Artificial intelligence (AI) applied to drawing starts to create interesting image manipulation applications. I I have earlier written about an interesting AutoDraw tool in my Google’s New Program ‘AutoDraw’ Will Help Your Drawings Suck Less posting. Now there is some other well worth to check out experiments. Create your own hellish monsters with this sketch-based

​Why you must patch the new Linux sudo security hole | ZDNet Ironically, only the most secure Linux server setups are vulnerable to this newly discovered hole. If you want your Linux server to be really secure, you defend it with SELinux. Many sysadmins don’t bother because SELinux can be difficult to set up. This makes the newly discovered Linux security hole — with the sudo command that only hits

Triggertrap Open Sources Its Mobile Dongle Hardware As Triggertrap camera accessories. As the company continues winding down its business, their Triggertrap Mobile Dongles are becoming increasingly difficult to find. Those dongles allow to trigger camera with smart phone app. But there’s some good news now: the company has decided to open source the hardware, making it is possible to build your own dongle. I

Summer surprise in Finland: Snow in Lapland prompts ski resort to reopen It is a strange weather in Finland now: The skiing season ended in Northern Lapland in mid-May, but the weather there is still so cold and snowfall so frequent that the Saariselkä resort will temporarily reopen its slopes, which are currently up to a metre deep in snow.

Fear is a killer: Nuclear expert reveals radiation’s real danger – energy Experience in Nagasaki, Chernobyl and Fukushima has taught Shunichi Yamashita that anxiety and disruption can hurt people far worse than radiation itself. “Many people thought even a tiny amount of radiation was dangerous” Mass screening done anywhere is bound to show up cancers that wouldn’t otherwise have been diagnosed. They have nothing to do

Who catches the IMSI catchers? Researchers demonstrate Stingray detection kit What’s needed is an independent method of identifying IMSI catchers in the wild. That’s what University of Washington researchers Peter Ney and Ian Smith have attempted to create with SeaGlass. “Up until now the use of IMSI-catchers around the world has been shrouded in mystery, and this lack of concrete information is a barrier to