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SiFive Unveils the First RISC-V-Based Arduino  “Arduino Cinque” is based on SiFive’s Freedom E310 — the industry’s first commercially available RISC-V core — running at 320MHz. Aside from the SoC, an onboard ESP32 chip provides support for 2.4GHz Wi-Fi and Bluetooth.

Connected lighting may be the IoT killer app | EDN The business model for adding IoT connectivity to lighting promises positive return on investment. The push of government-mandated energy reductions is one factor. It is easier, he noted to meet regulatory standards if you can control the light bulb itself. Shutting down lights when rooms (or even sidewalks) are empty or remotely via phone

Enhancing drivers’ eyes, senses, and reflexes with creative electronics | EDN–senses-and-reflexes-with-creative-electronics?utm_content=buffer95f2f&utm_medium=social& Although we are not yet technically ready for autonomous vehicles (see this IEEE article: Hit the Brakes—We’re Not Ready for Autonomous Vehicles—I strongly agree), what we can have in the near-term is safety electronics in automobiles. Radar, LIDAR, and camera vision integration are becoming more affordable in modern automobiles.

Arrow IoT Summit to 18.5.2017 Arrow Electronics today organized a IoT Summit event focusing on the Internet in Helsinki. According to Andrew Bickley, who is responsible for marketing the company’s IoT solutions in Europe, IoT is moving from management speeches to implementation. And usually, customers need ready-made solutions. – companies that develop IoT-based services that do not understand the

Web Developer Security Checklist – Simple Security Developing secure, robust web applications in the cloud is hard, very hard. If you think it is easy, you are either a higher form of life or you have a painful awakening ahead of you. Think twice before you launch your “proto-product”. Acknowledge that you are skipping many of critical security issues. At the very minimum, be honest with

What to expect from Google I/O 2017 Google’s annual I/O developer conference starts on Wednesday. I ecpect it to be full of news and announcements. The next version of Google’s mobile OS – Android O will likely be revealed.  Android is going to work beyond smartphones and tablets. Android O could bring additional VR features.  Google pushes Wear and Wear-related tech and development

Google’s new IoT Core service helps businesses manage their IoT data and devices | TechCrunch Google Cloud launched a new Internet of Things management service today called Google Cloud IoT Core that provides a way for companies to manage IoT devices and process data being generated by those devices. It works with Google’s software services like Google Cloud Dataflow, Google BigQuery, andGoogle Cloud Machine Learning Engine. Customers can work with third-party partners like ARM, Intel and

A Circuit That Sees Radiation Strikes Could Keep Errors at Bay – IEEE Spectrum For a short time, it looked like the worlds electronics would be safe (well, safer) from radiation. With the switch from planar transistors to FinFETs, ICs suddenly became naturally resistant (literally) to having their bits flipped by a neutron splashing into them and blasting lose a small cloud of charge.  But two things are now

Managing passwords and security on your Linux server | Managing password and security related issues in Linux is important, but there are some simple steps you can take to make your system more secure.  We’ve seen that there can be a large number of attempts to log on to a publicly accessible system. So, what can we do? There are a few things