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Critical infrastructures under daily attack — EU cyber security team head ‘Critical infrastructures around the world, not just in Europe, are constantly being targeted by cyber attacks, as are many other systems used by society which are internet-connected. Every day, European vital services and infrastructures have to be able to resist many types of cyber attacks. ‘The risk of attacks against such infrastructures is expected

Exploring the open development method | Among the most “oversold as a cure” methodologies introduced to business development teams today is Scrum, which is one of several agile approaches to software development and introduced as a way to streamline the process.  Scrum has become something of an intractable method, complete with its own holy text, the Manifesto for Agile Software Development, and daily devotions

When your Employer Can See Your Banking Information: Decrypting SSL | AlienVault Enter Next Generation firewalls and SSL Decrypts. In the traditional catchup game played between good guys and bad guys, the end user usually ends up in the thick of the action. With SSL decryption, that padlock might not be protecting you at all. First let’s take a look at how SSL decryption is setup.