How it feels to learn JavaScript in 2016 Learning modern JavaScript is complex, while many coders would rather like to keep it simple. → Learning modern JavaScript is complex, while many coders would rather like to keep it simple. → → Looks like an interesting idea for IoT development. Hopefully they can make what they promise. → Here are some ideas for improving 2.4GHz antennas on IoT modules. They are suitable for WiFi, Bluetooth, etc. → From article: As I’ve argued before: there is no IoT business model. Hardware starts at a 2% margin and falls from there. IoT companies get capital by promising to monopolize an “ecosystem” — controlling app stores, service, parts, and consumables, and by collecting as much data as possible in case they might get an exit by selling → → This is a long article on public safety challenges drones can cause and ideas how to defeat drone attacks. → For the next few years, Raspberry Pi will focus on its software not hardware. As it sells its 12 millionth board, Raspberry Pi reveals why it’s shifting away from hardware → This laptop is more open than most PCs. → Today is Raspberry Pi’s fifth birthday: it’s five years since we launched the original Raspberry Pi. It is here now: cheap Pi with WiFi and Bluetooth. Looks like suitable for Linux based IoT. →