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Halloween hack ideas

Halloween is coming, so here are some interesting links to decoration hardware hacks. Gravesend Inn is an attraction that mainly instead of scaring the audience, it’s meant to inspire high school students to go to college and study technology. CNN has made video report The haunted hotel that breeds engineers. Control Geek blog has lots

EasyEDA circuit board design

EasyEDA is an integrated tool for schematic capture, circuit simulation and PCB layout that you use with your web browser.EasyEDA homepage advertises: “EasyEDA is a free, zero-install, Web and Cloud-based EDA tool suite, integrating powerful schematic capture, mixed-mode circuit simulator and PCB layout in a seamless cross-platform browser environment, for electronic engineers, educators, students and

Which Path to IoT Security? Government Regulation, Third-Party Verification, or Market Forces – IEEE Spectrum The DDoS attack against DNS on friday started discussions on cyber security in IoT era. Maybe this discussion should have started few years earlier because now we have millions of vulnerable devices connected to Internet, and I expect that they will cause problems for years to come.