Friday Fun: SpacedOut – IRL Space Invaders with Drones This is a cool hardware hack. → This is a cool hardware hack. →
8-bit Video Wall Made From 160 Gaming Keyboards LinusTechTips did a video on it where they mentioned that each keyboard was hooked up to a network and they each had there own I.P. Here is the video: → → Report from Linux security summit. Many security practices on modern devices are stick 90′s practices. There are improvements Linux kernel planned… but how can we convince IoT gadget makers to do their part in security puzzle? Linux kernel is not the only part that needs rethinking. → Cyber crime trends according to European police forces. → If this prediction will hold true, there will be lot of work for converting embedded developers to IoT experts that understand security. Otherwise this prediction will fail big time with IoT bubble bursting. →
Our world is a pretty dirty place for most of us and it hurts health of many people. A new World Health Organization (WHO) air quality model confirms that 92% of the world’s population lives in places where air quality levels exceed WHO limits. 92% of the world’s population exposed to unsafe levels of air → This article tells about utopia that is being built by marketers around possibilities of smart cities IoT and 5G connectivity. Are is markerimg building up utopia with too many too high promises? → Interesting looking Arduino IoT kit on Kickstarter. → Some well designed high tech devices can withstand time so well that they could be in demand and being manufactured even decades… while most products might only be manufactured for few years. →