Friday Fun: TiSP
While fiber over sevage systems exist, this old page looks more like April Fool’s joke than real practical instructions.. enjoy →
While fiber over sevage systems exist, this old page looks more like April Fool’s joke than real practical instructions.. enjoy →
What is a drip loop? The drip loop is a slack bit of cable that sits lower than the rest. The whole purpose is to let water pile up at the bottom and drip off. If your cables were tight, water from outside could travel down the wire and get straight into an outlet →
The European Parliament and the Council of Europe have announced the introduction of a universal charger for mobile devices is to be taken to use. The preliminary agreement on the reform of the Radio Equipment Directive means that certain electronic devices will in future be charged with the same charger. By autumn 2024, USB Type-C →
I saw in Facebook DIY audio group a question about suitable voltage divider resistance values to step down an amplifier’s output (approx 28vrms) to for example around 2.8v. The aim is to use the speaker outputs of an integrated amplifier or AV receiver to run an external power amplifier. Its obvious that a 10:1 ratio →
Transformers will only work with a changing current (AC). Transformer only works on AC and can’t be operated on DC i.e. it has been designed to be operated only and only on alternating current and voltage. The transformer works on the principle of mutual induction, for which current in one coil must change uniformly. The →
Artist Turns Famous Cartoon Characters Into Real Life Using AI →
This posting is here to collect cyber security news in June 2022. I post links to security vulnerability news to comments of this article. You are also free to post related links to comments. →
Ethernet has risen to complete dominance for local area networks over its forty years of existence. The first Ethernet experimentals versions started in 1972 (patented 1978). The commercialization of Ethernet started in 1980′s. Today, Ethernet is everywhere. It’s evolved from a 2.93-Mb/s and then 10-Mb/s coax-based technology to one that offers multiple standards using unshielded →
Newton’s Pendulum (Gangnam Style) So much possible arrangements you can make with this thing. Amazing “I never thought I’d find myself rocking my head to Gangnam style after 10+ years and here I am vibing with the laws of physics.” If you liked this vdeo, you might also like Pendulum Waves video. →
‘Mute’ button in conferencing apps may not actually mute your mic! The users of remote meeting software have typically a poor understanding of how the mute system works, falsely assuming that audio input is cut when they activate it. This is not always the case. You’re muted — or are you? Videoconferencing apps may listen →