Bits, Please!: Extracting Qualcomm’s KeyMaster Keys – Breaking Android Full Disk Encryption You data is not safe anymore in encrypted file system! → You data is not safe anymore in encrypted file system! → What? → This article is an investigation to automation paradox. Automation is usually reliable, but when it fails due error or in unexpected situation, the results can disasterous. → This unfortunate accident can affect the development of self-driving cars. →
enewable energy is generally defined as energy that is collected from resources which are naturally replenished on a human timescale, such as sunlight, wind, rain, tides, waves, and geothermal heat. Based on REN21‘s 2016 report, renewables contributed 19.2% to humans’ global energy consumption and 23.7% to their generation of electricity in 2014 and 2015. Efficient →
19 Frustrations Every Programmer Can Relate To at has those funny pictures and more: When you change one line of code… → Apple thinks that sending IR signal that tells iPhone camera to disable recording from concert stage is a good idea. Would that be a good feature to add to the future smartphones? →
I have written several postings on Qi wireless power. To get a good idea how Qi really works, I bought cheap bare Qi charger board Qi Wireless Charger PCBA Circuit Board + Coil Charging (costs only slightly over two Euros / USD).Qi Wireless Charger PCBA Circuit Board + Coil Charging kit consists ofQi Wireless Charger → This is really tiny camera. When those will be available at reasonable price? And what other applications this optics technology might have… Really interesting. → Are we safe or in real danger with the latest technical innovations? →