Zuckerberg’s social accounts pwned through LinkedIn breach
https://thestack.com/security/2016/06/06/zuckerberg-dadada-linkedin-ourmine-breach/ This shows the real danger of password reuse at the time of big data breaches happening all the time. →
https://thestack.com/security/2016/06/06/zuckerberg-dadada-linkedin-ourmine-breach/ This shows the real danger of password reuse at the time of big data breaches happening all the time. →
https://thestack.com/security/2016/06/06/vk-100-million-clear-text-passwords-stolen/ The breach was reported by LeakedSource, which has added the 100,544,934 records to its database of 1.8 billion purloined records, and has provided a searchable interface for the data. The question is what went wrong? It seems that the passwords were in clear text, system could be hacked and hack was not detected soon →
http://diply.com/viral-news/math-hacks/214065 Check out these math tips and hacks. →
93% of phishing emails are now ransomware http://www.csoonline.com/article/3077434/security/93-of-phishing-emails-are-now-ransomware.html As of the end of March, 93 percent of all phishing emails contained encryption ransomware, according to a new report from anti-phishing vendor. That was up from 56 percent in December, and less than 10 percent every other month of last year. The skyrocketing growth is due to →
Toa Mata Lego Band Actually Rocks article tells that [Opificio Sonico] has been at the Lego-based robot music making business for a while now. He has released videos on YouTube that shows a definite evolution of his style and the Lego ‘bots technical range. Awesome! Toa Mata Band is known as the World’s first LEGO →
https://www.technologyreview.com/s/601451/why-autocorrect-for-passwords-is-a-great-idea/ Autocorrect for passwords looks like a bad idea at first sight. But turns out that it is actually a good idea when done properly! →
Technology that powers smartphone cameras has steadily improved. You can shoot video with smart phone camera, but if you want to get authentic film look you need to think how you could have the visuals that the traditional film camera lenses gives. My eariler posting Video and movie shooting with a smartphone told about a →
http://spectrum.ieee.org/static/special-report-trusting-robots?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+IeeeSpectrum+%28IEEE+Spectrum%29&utm_content=FaceBook Robots are coming to many applications where errors can be dangerous. Can you trust life and death to robotics technology? Is technology ready and are you ready for this? →
http://www.geek.com/games/nvidia-virtual-reality-will-take-another-20-years-to-fix-1656827/ I remember when VR breaktrough was just around the corner but failed due many technical issues. VR is hot know, so question does history repeat itself now as Nvidia tells? →
http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2014/05/everything-old-is-new-again-and-vice-versa-the-predicament-of-journalism/371949/?utm_source=atlfb The old question is how the writers can make money to pay the bills is still valid today. →