Author Archive

Stagefright: Millions of Android devices at risk from new exploit (Wired UK)

Security researchers have successfully exploited the Android-based Stagefright bug and remotely hacked a phone, which may leave millions devices vulnerable to attack. Israeli software research company NorthBit claimed it had “properly” exploited the Android bug that was originally described as the “worst ever discovered”. The exploitation, called Metaphor, is detailed in a research paper

Open Source is losing, SaaS is leading, APIs will win… — Point Nine Land — Medium

Famously, “Software is eating the world”, and I would add: at a fast pace! In my opinion, there are two key reasons for that: a) Software development reached an unprecedented speed. b) Online marketing enables fast and scalable distribution of software. The increase in development speed is driven by the innovation of re-using existing blocks.

Finland paves the way for robotic vehicles

Finland wants to become a world pioneering test and development environment for intelligent automation in transport. The perfect test environment for Amazon’s delivery drones and Google’s self-driving cars may soon be found in Finland. Especially when challenging Arctic conditions enter the picture. This is where Finland steps in by offering a strong digital infrastructure, plenty

Linux Performance Tools

Nice presentation from LinuxCon North America 2014 describing Linux Performance Tools Posted from WordPress for Android

Zeptojoule Nanomagnetic Switch Measures Fundamental Limit of Computing – IEEE Spectrum

No matter how efficient we make our transistors and memory cells, they will always consume a fixed but tiny amount of energy set by the second law of thermodynamics, a new study suggests. Now the question is how close our real-world devices can get to this fundamental value. “At the end of the day, it confirms that Landauer’s theory seems to