20 Super Simple Everyday Engineering Hacks – Interesting Engineering
This article shows a nice set of engineering hacks… enjoy. http://interestingengineering.com/20-super-simple-everyday-engineering-hacks/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
This article shows a nice set of engineering hacks… enjoy. http://interestingengineering.com/20-super-simple-everyday-engineering-hacks/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
5 Major Hospital Hacks: Horror Stories from the Cybersecurity Frontlines article tells that real-world war, combatants typically don’t attack hospitals. In the cyber realm, hackers have no such scruples. “We’re attacked about every 7 seconds, 24 hours a day” Many computers and medical devices in hospitals are running ancient operating systems that are full of security holes. →
Whether they’re for sensors in artificial skin that demands flexibility or for wearable electronics where the circuits must withstand our sweat, silicon-based chips aren’t always up to the task. Now, an international research team has developed a way to fabricate flexible, water-loving logic circuits and sensors without the need of semiconductors. Instead, what the researchers have done is coat gold →
AlteredQualia webgl demos has a cool set of demos what kind of 3D grahics can be done on modern web browser using WebGL technology. Other worth to check out WebGL demos can be found at Learning WebGL and Chrome WebGL Experiments page. →
It’s coming, it’s really coming, and it’s going to be huuuuugggge! That was the message of the tech company executives keynoting the annual Open Compute Project Summit, held this week in San Jose, Calif. They were talking about data. A tsunami of data. More data than anybody—even in an era in which 300 hours of video →
The good news is that some of today’s most advanced technologies are cheap and easy to find, both online and on the shelves of major chain stores. That’s also the bad news, according to DARPA. Darpa Invites Techies to Turn Off-the-Shelf Products Into Weapons in New ‘Improv’ Challenge article tells that defense agency is nervous →
Today March 14 (3.14) is time to celebrate Pi Day. For celebration ideas check out my Pi day postings from 2015 and 2013. And also Birthday Celebrations The Pi Way. →
What ISPs Can See: Clarifying the technical landscape of the broadband privacy debate https://www.teamupturn.com/reports/2016/what-isps-can-see Truly pervasive encryption on the Internet is still a long way off. The fraction of total Internet traffic that’s encrypted is a poor proxy for the privacy interests of a typical user. Even with HTTPS, ISPs can still see the domains →
The idea for this posting started when I read New approaches to dominate in embedded development article. Then I found some ther related articles and here is the result: long article. Embedded devices, or embedded systems, are specialized computer systems that constitute components of larger electromechanical systems with which they interface. The advent of low-cost →
Why Are We Fighting the Crypto Wars Again? The iPhone Crisis reignited a conflict that should have been settled in the 90s. The loser is our national security. https://backchannel.com/why-are-we-fighting-the-crypto-wars-again-b5310a423295#.m4ysbpcv1 Posted from WordPress for Android →