The Internet – PeterGarritano What Internet looks like? Nice pictures from one Internet center Posted from WordPress for Android → What Internet looks like? Nice pictures from one Internet center Posted from WordPress for Android →
Do you have trouble concentrating at work? It’s probably because of all those amazing ideas you have running through your head. A new study claims that intelligent people are more easily distracted at work: Workers who have trouble concentrating on a daily basis may be intellectually superior to their colleagues, according to a new study. → Example of IoT home automation gone wrong in many ways! Posted from WordPress for Android →
International Open Data Day: Go Hack on Some Government Data for common good or just for fun of it. Hundreds of different data-hacking events were held around the globe this weekend to celebrate International Open Data Day. It’s the fifth installment of an annual event promoting government data-sharing with a series of loosely joined hackathons. → Maybe it is good time to do security update by installing newest version. Posted from WordPress for Android →
There’s a valley of death for hardware startups. Ironically, it occurs when companies start selling their product. Pre-revenue startups raise money on stories of limitless potential, of rocketship growth and products flying off the shelves. Post-revenue startups don’t have that luxury. They need to tell stories of revenue growth, high margins, and traction. They need →
Processing is a flexible free software sketchbook and a language for learning how to code within the context of the visual arts. I have thought that I should test Processing some day because it looks interesting and easy to learn. I finally did sort of testing. Let’s start from basics and history. Processing is an →
Linda Liukas believes that a movement in technology is already happening and that we need to engage everyone — especially the next generation — to take part. She wants to create a more diverse and colourful world of technology, starting with the poetry of code. The poetry of programming | Linda Liukas | TEDxCERN → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →