Pirates hack into shipping company’s servers to identify booty | Ars Technica
http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/03/pirates-hack-into-shipping-companys-servers-to-identify-booty/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://arstechnica.com/security/2016/03/pirates-hack-into-shipping-companys-servers-to-identify-booty/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
According to Space Directory of Finland Finland entered space activities in the mid 1980’s and joined the ESA in 1987. Finnish industry and science have played an important role in many European satellite missions and there are Finnish Companies in Space Technology Industry, but we have not had our own satellite. It seems that in →
Incredible Marble Music Machine is the best description for the band Wintergatan – REAL working mechanical genius. The music you hear is played by using 2000 marbles in Marble Machine built and composed by Martin Molin. Look at the video: The best part for all makers: Wintergatan documented the whole build process in an eight →
Finland is one of the EU’s most digital countries, according to the Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) published by the European Commission. Other top digital performers were Denmark, the Netherlands and Sweden. http://www.goodnewsfinland.com/finland-ranks-among-the-most-digital-countries-in-eu/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
After a hard slog, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography seems to be closing in on a long-sought quarry: a light source bright enough to pattern chips cheaply and keep Moore’s Law marching along. The technology, which uses 13.5-nanometer light instead of today’s 193-nanometer light, could—at least in the short term—allow chipmakers to create finer features without →
http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/science/science-video/8782271/Scientists-map-images-from-human-brain-for-first-time.html Cool science. Posted from WordPress for Android →
The discovery of a HTTPS encryption vulnerability, dubbed DROWN, again proves that supporting tired old protocols weakens modern crypto systems. DROWN (aka Decrypting RSA with Obsolete and Weakened eNcryption) is a serious design flaw that affects HTTPS websites and other network services that rely on SSL and TLS – which are core cryptographic protocols for →
Mastech MS8209 is real multimeter that can measure almost anything. I have written some comments on Mastech MS8209 years ago. Some technical data on the back of the multimeter. The things I liked: – practically all the necessary multimeter measurements including frequency and capacitance measurements – good mechanical consruction, convient size and durable – the →
https://drownattack.com/#check Posted from WordPress for Android →
I bought usb to ps2 keyboard plus mouse adapter “USB Male to PS2 Female Cable Adapter Converter Use For Keyboard Mouse” from Banggood to connect some older hardware (especially on old bar code reader with PS/2 keyboard interface) to new computer. This particular USB Male to PS2 Female Cable Adapter Converter Use For Keyboard Mouse was →