iPhones ‘disabled’ if Apple detects third-party repairs – BBC News
http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-35502030 No more third party or diy repairs? Posted from WordPress for Android →
http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-35502030 No more third party or diy repairs? Posted from WordPress for Android →
“Zyptonite is the first real-time communications app that connects parties directly,” says Antti Uusiheimala, Co-Founder and CEO of Zyptonite. “People need a simple, reliable and free video call and messenger service that works on different devices and operating systems without problems.” The startup cut out the server and built its service on peer-to-peer (P2P) technology, →
Arduino had become probably the most used makers board for electronic and robotic projects and raspberry is one of the best choices when it comes to credit card sized computers. But what one use in his project? Well, it depends. http://www.engineersgarage.com/mygarage/arduino-or-raspberry-when-use-which-and-ultimate-combination Posted from WordPress for Android →
here’s no denying that the Raspberry Pi is a great little dev board. For $5 more, though, Hardkernel’s new ODROID board provides a lot more computational muscle. The ODROID-C2 is their newest offering. http://www.geek.com/news/new-odroid-dev-board-outmuscles-a-raspberry-pi-for-just-5-more-1646393/ Posted from WordPress for Android →
I found out that I need more chargers than my Ikea lamp with Qi charger. I planned to try how well less expensive Qi chargers work, so I bought AUDEW Q5 Universal Qi Wireless Charger Charging Pad Transmitter. Banggood sells that at cheap price less than 4 Euros. So it is really cheap, and hopefully →
Rube Slowberg is World’s Slowest Rube Goldberg. Have fun watching this video: →
If you are interested in wireless charging, take a loot at my older posting Wireless power for charging mobile devices and the comments in it that keep you updated on the developments in this field. →
Finland tops the Environmental Performance Index 2016 (EPI) that ranks the greenest countries in the world. Finland is followed by Iceland, Sweden, Denmark and Slovenia. http://www.cleantechfinland.com/-/finland-the-greenest-country-in-the-world?utm_campaign=5463592cd3c13a4c0f000cbc&utm_content=56b1bef773a6a3790b0056cb&utm_medium=smarpshare&utm_source=facebook Posted from WordPress for Android →
Google has now started blocking websites that use deceptive content or ads to make you do things that you wouldn’t normally do, such as fake download buttons that appear right next to the real download button, or pop-ups demanding you phone tech support to remove a million malware infections that were apparently found on your computer. →
Researchers have discovered a process that takes Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from the air and converts it into methanol (CH3OH) with the help of a homogeneous catalyst. By the way, the idea of converting CO2 into methane is not particularly new. methanol can be used as a replacement for gasoline, a source of energy. http://interestingengineering.com/scientists-find-a-way-to-converts-carbon-dioxide-from-air-into-fuel/ Posted from WordPress for →