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How Do I Drop or Block Attackers IP Address With Null Routes On a Linux?

Someone might attack your Linux based system. You can drop attacker IP using IPtables. However, you can use the route or ip command to null route unwanted traffic. A null route (also called as blackhole route) is a network route or kernel routing table entry that goes nowhere. Posted from WordPress for Android

Why bullshit is no laughing matter — Aeon Opinions

According to the philosopher Harry Frankfurt, emeritus professor at Princeton University, bullshit is something that is constructed absent of any concern for the truth. This is quite different from lying, which implies a deep concern for the truth (namely, its subversion). Bullshit is particularly pernicious since the bullshitter adopts an epistemic stance that allows for

Internet of Exploits (IoE)

I recommend that we start using new term I heard at event: Internet of Exploits (IoE) is to be used to describe the current and future situation of network being filled exploitable Internet of Things (IoT) and other poorly secured networked devices. We were sold the idea of Internet of Everything (IoE) and what