Forthcoming OpenSSL releases Some security fixes coming… one severe. Posted from WordPress for Android → Some security fixes coming… one severe. Posted from WordPress for Android → Fiber optics communications speed has had exponential growth for some decades, but it seems that the growth is starting to slow down. Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Finnish National Bureau of Investigation (Keskusrikospoliisi) has begun to explore its dissemination campaign on JSocket RAT malware that has plagued widely. National Bureau of Investigation investigates, according to it malware is sent to 15 000 Finnish people through e-mail. On the basis of information received by the Finnish cyber security center (Kyberturvallisuuskeskus) there has been →
A power supply is an electronic device that supplies electric energy to an electrical load. Most of the power supplies you use every day are the AC-DC power supplies that convert mains AC power (typically in 100-240V range) to low voltage DC (typically 5V to 24V). In those power supplies the output will be electrically →
How to use Amazon AWS IoT services for home auomation? Finnish blog posting Valoautomaatiota AWS IoT -alustalla (check English translation by Google) about building home lighting automation with Philips Hue, Z-Wave and AWS IoT. The idea is to build a solution where the lights go on automatically on arrival to home and they can be → Posted from WordPress for Android → Nice set of wiring pictures. Posted from WordPress for Android → Interesting story on TV broadcast hacking that happened in 1987. Posted from WordPress for Android →