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Hardware Weaknesses of 2021

First CWE Security Report Highlights the “Most Important Hardware Weaknesses” of 2021 has been released. “The goals for the 2021 Hardware List are to drive awareness of common hardware weaknesses through CWE, and to prevent hardware security issues at the source by educating designers and programmers on how to eliminate important mistakes early in the

Braktooth breaks Bluetooth

The United States Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) warned last week on proof-of-concept (PoC) code for the BrakTooth Bluetooth vulnerabilities now being publicly available. BrakTooth is the name researchers with the Singapore University of Technology and Design gave to a set of roughly two dozen vulnerabilities in commercial Bluetooth Classic (BT) stacks and which

Mains LED waveform

I saw a quite interesting looking waveform from a 10W LED floodlight powered from 230V AC. It looks like when AC voltage waveform instantaneous voltage lower than some voltage, it takes practucally no current and above it it looks like a constant current load. This is picture of the light. This looks like this uses

Email is 50 years old

At some point this year, email turned 50 years old! In 1971, Ray Tomlinson sent the first email using the SNDMSG program on ARPANET. 50 Years of Email But if the history of email tells us anything, it’s that email isn’t going away any time soon Email is 50 years old, and still where

Coiled mains cable heating and inductance

What is the problem of using a coiled extension cord? When the power cable passes a considerable load current, it will definitely heat up noticeably. As the load current increases, the temperature of the cable surface will be higher. A cable loaded near it’s rated current can feel that it is warm to the touch,

20 years of Windows XP

Obsoleted Windows XP has become old. It’s Windows XP’s 20th birthday and way too many still use it ​”Today is the 20th anniversary of Windows XP, and although the operating system reached the end of support in 2014, way too many people continue to use the insecure version of Windows.” “Windows XP was released

Data center videos

A data center (American English) or data centre (British English) is a building, a dedicated space within a building, or a group of buildings used to house computer systems and associated components, such as telecommunications and storage systems. A data center’s design is based on a network of computing and storage resources that enable the