Nuclear Cybersecurity Woefully Inadequate – IEEE Spectrum Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
There was a corner in professional expo full of LEGO blocks .. Posted from WordPress for Android → is a new Finnish language electronics and technology professionals magazine with content in all formats, from web to social media, printed magazines to professional workshops. →
Teknologia 2015 fair in Helsinki Finland had lots of IoT products presentes. Here Texas Instruments presented new version of SensorTag and similar tag with WiFi connectivity. The demo had BeagleBone Black card with a shield that connect to Zigbee and Bluetooth radios. The logic from sensors to outputs was programmed with Node-RED. Another interesting topic →
Teknologia 2015 (Technology 2015) fair is now at Messukeskus Helsinki Finland. All about industrial electronics: IoT is a hot topic here. I was speak on it here also tomorrow… Here some pictures from this day. Posted from WordPress for Android → Nice IoT application example. Posted from WordPress for Android →
Hackaday has a interesting postingĀ Quantum Computing Kills Encryption. It talks how the arrival of practical quantum computers will affect the current state of encryption. One extreme end goes like this: Imagine a world where the most widely-used cryptographic methods turn out to be broken: quantum computers allow encrypted Internet data transactions to become readable → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →