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Impractical energy products flood

Crowdfunding campaigns or wide product announcements that do not make sense pops up every now and then. It seems that energy related “inventions” seems to be getting easily into the spotlight without proven merits: Hackaday article Crowdfunding Follies: Proof That Ohm’s Law Is Arcane Knowledge tells about a special cell phone case Kickstarter (Nikola Phone

IoT Temperature Meter

This is a test project to build IoT temperature meter using ESP8266 WiFi module, DS18b20 temperature sensor and nodemcu. It sends temperature data to ThingSpeak. This test is based on ESP8266 + ds18b20 + thingspeak+ nodemcu article and it’s files on GitHub plus ds18b20.lua. ESP8266 + ds18b20 + thingspeak+ nodemcu article describes how to build