Supercell’s CEO reveals the culture he built to produce a £2.5 billion company in 2 years (Wired UK) Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Agile and Scrum have been widely used buzzwords in software development for many years. One Hacker Way, a Rational Alternative to Agile Presented at Reaktor Dev Day 2014 is a brilliant talk on modern software development practices and need to change them. Erik Meijer was a software architect for Microsoft where he headed the Cloud →
I have already mentioned that there are several visual programming tools for programming Arduino at my Visual programming for Arduino posting. Now I just read about new ArduBLock tool. ArduBlock is a programming environment designed to make “physical computing with Arduino as easy as drag-and-drop.” Ardublock is marketed as a very convenient way to get people → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
I just read from Slashdot that PHP just turned 20 years old. PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web development. PHP powers many parts of this web site, including this blog you are just reading. The traditional development way for long time has been to use PHP at → Posted from WordPress for Android →
In the begining of 2014 I wrote posting Mobile trends for 2014 that includes my expectations for year 2014. As year 2014 ends quite soon, it is a good idea to look back how well those estimations went. I use italics for material from the original Mobile trends for 2014 posting. Mobile infrastructure must catch →
In the begining of this year I wrote posting Audio and video trends for 2014 that includes my expectations for this year. As year 2014 ends quite soon, it is a good idea to look back how well those estimations went. I use italics for material from the original Audio and video trends for 2014 posting. →