China is adding facial recognition to its ATMs – Geek Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
So, you want to measure the shape of an object, perform a 3D surface scan or conduct surface metrology tests. Google tells us there are many measurement methods to achieve these goals. Problem is, which one’s best for you? Non-Contact Distance Measurement Technologies article is a god overview to the non-contact measurement sensor technologies – → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Everything Google announced at Google I/O 2015 in one handy list That’s a wrap on all things Google. In case you missed the keynote, here’s a recap of all the highlights you may have missed. And if you want to view the whole keynote, here it it for you to view: → Posted from WordPress for Android →
The world is ours to make: The impact of the maker movement presented in several videos. Maker movement and open hardare are keys to many today’s hardware innovations. What Is Open Source Hardware? Open Source Hardware Explained – EEVblog #195 Meet the Makers: Limor Fried of Adafruit Industries WHY DO OPEN HARDWARE? – → Interesting… especially the image processing examples. Posted from WordPress for Android → Posted from WordPress for Android →
Every now and then there are situations where you need to draw timing diagram. I have drawn those sometimes with different tools, but none of them have been ideal (text description, hand drawings, ASCII art etc..). So what are the existing solutions worth to check out? There are font-based solutions that let you “type” the →