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Looking for Computing Reboot

IEEE has an interesting working group and web page called Rebooting Computing. “Rebooting Computing” was coined by IEEE Life Fellow Peter Denning as part of his National Science Foundation-sponsored initiative to revamp computing education. The group will work from a holistic viewpoint, taking into account evolutionary and revolutionary approaches. Why this is important? Computing Needs


I read There’s a Way to Control Phones With Sound, Not Electronics article I read yesterday interesting. It says that researcher Gierad Laput thinks the future of smartphone interaction could look a lot like playing the flute as he has developed together with Eric Brockmeyer, from the Disney Research Lab, a series of phone accessories

Arduino robot ideas

Here are some ideas for Arduiono based DIY robots building:   HC-SR04 Ultrasonic sensor – object avoiding Arduino robot. – ClusterBot     4WD Arduino Sonar and IR Robot Test Run   Arduino Robot Tank – Stage 1 – NAV System