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The 11 funniest hacker attacks – Geek The results of some hacks can be rather funny at least to outsiders… Posted from WordPress for Android

Arduino AC measurements

Sometimes there is need to measure power going to different devices. Measuring DC power consumption is pretty easy, but when you try to do the same for AC circuit, things start to become complicated. How to Measure Electrical Power article will discuss best practices for making electrical power measurements, starting with power measurement basics and

Pi Day 3-14-15

It is time (2015-03-14) for Makers, DIY-ers and geeks of all stripes to celebrate Pi Day. Now Pi Day is celebrated on March 14th (3/14) around the world. Pi (Greek letter “π”) is the symbol used in mathematics (value approximately 3.14159.) Pi Day was originally conceived at San Francisco’s Exploratorium science museum back in the