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9 things about the Apple Watch – Geek Posted from WordPress for Android

HTTP/2 on Firefox

Firefox 36 arrives with full HTTP/2 support and a new design for Android tablets. Mozilla launched Firefox 36 for Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android. The biggest news for the browser is undoubtedly HTTP/2 support. HTTP/2, the second major version of Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) and the biggest update in years.  HTTP/2 (originally named HTTP/2.0) is

Either Everyone Is Cyber-secure Or No One Is

Schneier: Either Everyone Is Cyber-secure Or No One Is: We can’t choose a world where the U.S. gets to spy but China doesn’t, or even a world where governments get to spy and criminals don’t. We need to choose, as a matter of policy, communications systems that are secure for all users, or ones that

Renesas MCU Car Rally 2015

Here are some interesting robotics video for this Friday. Renesas MCU Car Rally 2015 video tells about 1st European Renesas MCU Car Rally held on 26th February at embedded world 2015 in Nuremberg. It is a competition between 17 teams comprising some 100 university students from all over Europe who come together to test their

Diode detector for RF

Here is a simple diode detector for RF signals. I can feed RF signal from left and get DC output from right. The DC output can be fed to Arduino analog in. The diode in the circuit is germanium diode for low voltage drop. The circuit works well for fractions of volts to several volts

FREAK attack on HTTPS

A new security hole to attach against HTTPS has been found! It called FREAK Attack. FREAK (Factoring RSA Export Keys) name called hole to force the equipment to spend a considerable outdated encryption – OpenSSL, iOS and OS X tricked into using weak 1990s-grade encryption keys. Well-planned man-between-the attack of the hacker could hijack a