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DDR5 memory is coming

In the hardware world, we’ve gone through generations of GPUs and processors, but we’re still rocking the same DDR4 RAM that’s been mainstream in PCs for almost seven years. But now it seems that DDR5 is finally coming: DDR5 modules are just around the corner, as production is in full swing and manufacturers are teasing

Antenna isolator teardown

A ground loop in your AV system caused by antenna connection or TV cable is very common if you have your computer connected to the same system. This type of ground loop problem can be solved by using suitable isolator between your AV system and the antenna cable. Antenna isolator is very convient way to

VGA as remote camera cable

I have designed many years a VGA cable based video camera cable which could hande video in two directions (from camera to mixer and return video to cameraman), a two-way voice connection (ClearCom type) and 12V power to the camera. All the signals run along an equally long (tens of meters) VGA cable. These were

Windows 11 is coming?

Microsoft has been calling Windows 10 ‘the last version of Windows’ for many years. But now based on current published information on-line that there will be a new Windows version coming, maybe with name Windows 11 or similar. One fact is that Microsoft is having a Windows release event soon that starts at 11AM ET

Web mobile app simply

Here is a simple method to convert electronics component data search tool to “mobile app” for Android phone: 1. Go to on your mobile browser. 2. Select from your broser menu to create an icon to your smart phone start screen. 3. Now you have an icon that starts this web app as

Dirty video mixing

After the mid 90s boom in popularity glitch has become a critical part of contemporary popular esthetics. How to make Analog Video Glitches | Circuit Bending video discusses how to make unique analog “glitch” textures for your next video: Karl Klomp‘s Dirty Video Mixer is one of the best known and wide used simple circuits

US electrical power dangers

Any form of energy, when not properly controlled or harnessed, can result in serious danger to those who use it. Electricity at any voltage can be dangerous and should always be approached with caution. Direct Dangers of Electricity include a variety of hazards that include Electric Shock, Physical Burns, Neurological Damage and Ventricular fibrillation resulting

Measure mains voltage with oscilloscope

Sometimes there are needs to measure mains voltages with oscilloscope. You must be very careful when measuring voltages on the mains with any measurement instrument. The mains voltages are absolutely deadly. Measuring mains voltages with multimeter can be dangerous. Trying to do the measurement of mains voltage with oscilloscope is potentially more dangerous, because typically